French vs. English in /r/montreal

8  2017-03-03 by OniTan


You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


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En francais sil vous plait.

Good to know the fake French are making every effort to be just as unpleasant as the real ones.

HA! its worse on the east coast their French is awful and if you speak real French to them they have no fucking clue.

"Real french"

You mean that faggy english filled language they speack in France?

The parisian French that they make us english people learn.

is there irony in that they arae all communicating in english or did i miss the meaning of 'anglophone'? the idea of 'french speaking canadian supremacy' is more ridiculous than black supremacy

Also the French is weirdass ~1700s French.

And if they ever actually secede, businesses race to flee the place (the Bank of Montreal is actually headquartered in Toronto because of this threat) while the First Nations stay with Canada, taking all the hydro power and natural resources.

Nothing funnier than north american white english speakers feeling oppressed.

God I hate french people

Bloody Québécois. We should invade their cities, kill their leaders and convert them to Anglianity.

Hey /u/corgisandcuteguys, I'm going to cherry pick the fuck outta you.

What the hell does the red river rebellion have to do with persecuting frenchies? Way to go about appropriating native issues. Louis Riel was a raving madman who happened to somehow accomplish something meaningful before he was finally executed.

I grew up with a french mother (belgian) and have 3 majority french towns quite near me. They aren't persecuted and don't feel that way. Maybe PQ needs to quit whining and realize their own faults.

I only wish that the rest of canada could have a referendum on quebec sovereignty. Finally, one that would succeed.

Like I said, the last referendum, you tried your very best to keep us in by hijacking it lol

Ah, a cherry pick for a cherry pick. That's reasonable.

I'm 100% serious. What did, I assume, non-quebecois people do to hijack the referendum? Do you mean anglophones inside quebec or something people outside the province did?

The federal government sent buses of people from Ontario to vote no. They even admitted this and are proud of the fact that they cheated their way to victory.

Ah yes, I found that comment of yours. I mostly just read the linked chain.

I mean the scared anglophones might have been pants on head retarded. However, in a place where canadian francophones who do not have the same accent as the quebecois (if I'm using the term correctly) are criticized (read: made fun of), why would anglophones not feel out of place?

Another question. What exactly would quebec do if they left Canada? Billions of equalization payments are sent there. I'm out west, which you probably guessed from my tone. We have had our ups and downs which my upbringing can surely attest to. We can survive, not exactly prosper, on farming and mining not even counting oil.

What would quebec do?

I'm originally from the West too, Alberta originally. Québec has natural resources but is prevented by the federal government from developing it because Alberta's market needs it more. The ongoing myth that Québec is changing now, Québec produced more jobs and has a budget surplus, Alberta is the exact opposite now. No one hears about it except us (people in Québec) because everyone is used to negativity coming from Québec. Pharmaceuticals and chemical industry, the aerospace industry, its people, tourism, hell we could even impose a tariff since most likely Canada would prevent an independent Québec from joining trade organizations that Canada is a part of.

Things are changing now, whether the rest of Canada hears it or not. There have been vocal Anglophones for independence and one organization has started making its move. Newcomers from Canadians from other provinces to first-generation immigrants from Haiti and everywhere are making themselves recognized as pro-independence parties. All parties are mobilizing to be more inclusive, whether or not this is an election tactic. Québec is slowly turning into a have province in a few years thanks to economic planning and diversifying our economy. The new wave of self-determination movements, as seen in Nicola Sturgeon's push for another referendum, the victory of pro-republican parties in Northern Ireland, Kurdish victories in Syria and Iraq, the planned Catalan referendum, will just further help us, and the more bashing Québec and French Canadians receive, the more of us turns into yes voters. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

And the type of accent doesn't matter, someone from Normandy, Corsica, Paris, and Savoy all speak "français de France" regardless if they're vastly different. The type of French I speak is a mix of French from France, Acadian, and Québécois (more the last because I'm surrounded by other Québécois) and Franco-Albertans, French people from France, and Québécois people can understand me quite well.

Québec has natural resources but is prevented by the federal government from developing it because Alberta's market needs it more. The ongoing myth that Québec is changing now, Québec produced more jobs and has a budget surplus

I don't know anything about quebec's mineral deposits apart from a few mines, plus logging. Will that surplus survive apart from this one year?

Alberta is the exact opposite now. No one hears about it except us (people in Québec)

I know alberta is the opposite. SK used to be a have-not province, now it is a have province. Even still, we could have supported ourselves. Not prosperously, but we have enough industry and farming to keep us going.

Pharmaceuticals and chemical industry, the aerospace industry, its people, tourism, hell we could even impose a tariff since most likely Canada would prevent an independent Québec from joining trade organizations that Canada is a part of.

Doubt I'd see a tariff, because like I said, for better or for worse, much of Canada would like to see quebec leave. A tariff however would be pretty out there, but I'm not a political expert. Aerospace? Bombardier? Fuck them. I like Bombardier as a canadian company, I believe they make a good product. But they can't seem to sell anything for shit. They can go bankrupt and I'll buy a polaris sled I guess. The other industries I can see moving headquarters to Toronto or Ottawa to have better access to supplies and equipment.

I'll leave the whole "certain parties are being elected so its gonna go our way" thing, because even considering our current climate I don't believe in it.

On the accent point, most of the french speakers here both hate paris and montreal. They can understand and are understood quite well in both places. They were also, unfortunately, insulted for speaking wrong during 1 week+ long visits. Maybe they are all outliers, but it sure left a shitty taste in my mouth. Northern ontarians seem great, met lots of them with french as a first language.

Met maritimers with their chaq(?) whatever sort of french and english mix as it was described to me, they were cool. The quebecers I've met were weird as fuck. But that's all anecdotes I guess.

Lmao sorry I'm in Montréal en lumière/Nuit Blanche right now bb, I'll reply tomorrow

Ha, it's not big deal, just stirring shit up.

Metis are frenchies.

Well sure. It's been a long time since Canadian history in high school. I don't exactly remember the specifics but I feel like it was more akin to "Fuck the west" than "Fuck the french".