Professor in neck brace after attack by protesters at a Charles Murray lecture at a college in the People's Republic of Vermont

28  2017-03-03 by walkthisway34


Here's the thing. You said a "trilby is a fedora."


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Can we start a pool on how long until someone actually gets killed on a college campus because of a wrongthink speaker?

Yes. I'll allow it.

So we've gone from

punching Nazis is okay


punching professors that Nazis like to cite is okay


punching nice middle-aged women who are escorting professors that Nazis like to cite because that is their job is okay

in only ~6 weeks since the inauguration?

Damn, 2017 is shaping-up to be the best $CURRENT_YEAR yet! I can't wait to see where the causal-chain-of-punchworthiness goes next!

let's start with you


I would like to beat an SJW to death in legally-justifiable-self-defense. Only because it is honorable for a Warrior to die in battle.

man, i'd love to see a bunch of these protestors killed by firing squad

Time to shoot em.