Woke black fella discovers the cosmic melanin equation and drops some spiritual truth bombs in r/blackfellas.

53  2017-03-04 by takesteady12


Sometimes my brain no work good enough to process drama threads


This is offensive on multiple levels

But not a water level. Those suck ass.

We wuz computer science

/u/Captain_Levi6789 thank you for linking this article: A Comparative Study of Ifa Divination and Computer Science. More people definitely need to read it.

Excellent paper. The quality of the diagrams really shows how much effort went in.

Also "international journal of innovative technology and research" does not turn up in the Master journal list (despite using the Thomson Reuters logo on the IJITR site). Also it appears that they misstated the journal impact factor on their site - 4.236 vs. 0.825 in reality.

Obviously this is a conspiracy by the neoliberal elites in academia to suppress the wokeness of what is being published by the IJITR. Definitely not a shitty paper being published by a shitty scam open-access journal with a shitty excuse of a peer-review process.

What are you talking about? You don't trust academia.edu?

Not sure if serious or ironic shitposting

Like I said: this is an excellent paper and its wokeness is being suppressed by the (((neoliberal elites))) in academia.


Is it something to do with the relatively recent development in Africa that they make such shitty diagrams? I have two nigerian and ghanian(?) colleagues that, while fairly smart in SPECIFICALLY their own fields, are absolutely retarded in anything else. Like below grade 8 level. The ghanian is a good scholar, but jesus why can't he fucking centre the text in his bubbles?

Maybe it's just my (((white supremacy))) showing


i'm gonna stop coming here



Yo but it do be like that tho

This is incredibly insensitive


noooo he's done it


*smacks numbers

No don't I love you

I love how not believing in ancient religions means you're acting like a European apparently. Like its (current year) and people still believe in numerology and whatever bullshit he linked.

Only Yakub's tricknology has "disproved" numerology, so therefore it is right.

> tricknology

>mfw you aren't joking

we need masters in biology, zoology

to overtake killuminati trickknowledgy

transform, recriprocate your mental state

now make a date

to overtake your objective.

Show that, through life,

that everything is connected,

but not in categories;

cuz that's the devils' story.

the irony of course is that some white people dont think you belong to the cultural legacy of europe if you dont believe in a middle eastern religion


not worshipping the time cube


So that's where timecube went.



no u

I don't believe in shit like Anansi the Spider

/u/RedditAllPro well why are Anansi's legs so thin huh??

Anansi believes in you, though. Watch yo ass, boy. Spider Dick is barbed.

lol its not numerology bra... Its computer science.

Spoiler Alert:

Ifa Oracle divination based on the square of 16=16x16=26 = 28 corresponding to the vertices of an 8-dimensional hypercube and to the binary 2-choice Clifford algebra C1(8) and so to related ones such as C1(8)xC1(8) = C1(16) [7]. Since the number of subhypercubes in an 8-dimensional hypercube is 6,561 = 81x81=38, the Ifa Oracle has N=8 ternary 3-structure as well as binary 2-structure [2]

It's numerology.

For me there are just many numbers in a paragraph. No idea what it means

it means your days are numbered, whitey

:( :( :'(

The guy's pretty out there, but there are some African religions that do have a cosmology incorporating a pretty developed understanding of astronomy and factors unrelated to science. The Serer religion in particular has an advanced cosmology and a ton of parallels with Hinduism.

No one fucking cares you stupid fucking cunt




normally i would say "this but semi-ironically" but how dare you

deeply unkind

There was a pretty good Ted talk about fractals in African village design. That was kinda cool. Wait, I mean kys

Broccoli has fractals toooo!

This has been an interesting read.

TIL I learned a new slur: hotep! Thanks, blackfellas!

Black men who are only concerned about matters of social justice when it comes to black men and have little or no regard for the health and well-being of other members of the black race unless those people can serve to uphold their misogynistic societal ideas.

Huh. And I thought it was an Egyptian word for peace.

Huh, that's a weird definition that doesn't actually make much sense. I suspect that that's some urbandictionary trolling.

In the linked thread it seems to be used along the lines of other definitions: as a non-racist version of KANGZ basically.

"Insufficiently progressive black person"

Would this be classed as hotepism, because I thought ahtt was all about Egypt and stuff. If there isn't already a name I'd like to call them spidermen/women/etc.