Man loses 70 lbs and the ability to dress like someone his own age, posts before & after pics in r/streetwear. Fashion police from r/all try to set him straight

105  2017-03-04 by [deleted]




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There are a few funny comments if you look at the ones not in the linked thread. My personal favorite was "Do you work in a vape store?"

I love /r/streetwear. I get to see people drop more money than I make in a week on something out of the Mercy Gospel Homeless Shelter's dumpster, and they're mean as shit to each other in the comments.

I really need to pay more attention to it. Should have more before and after pics though.

i liked "is being a fuckin nerd a bannable offense?" followed by a mod saying yes

Stick an apple in his mouth cause piggy got roasted.

"anyone who shit-talks streetwear is a gross neckbeard who wears cargo shorts"

TBH I'd rather wear cargo shorts than any of the outfits on that sub especially since always praise the most retarded ones

"damn bruh your shirt's so long it's a dress and youre wearing a snapback as a necklace STRAIGHT FIRE BRUH"

Let's not start talking about cargo shorts, it's become a way for fuck tards to virtue signal their retardedness

Dae remember the reddit circlejerk a little while back through multiple reposts over Jeff Goldblum looking like an idiot hipster in his tiny jacket?

Dude is an old man now and dressing like an internet hipster teen all of a sudden. And there were multiple default sub threads just jerking over how stylish his stupid outfit is, and thousands of redditors were experts on "high fashion" all of a sudden.

At first I thought it was a joke and everyone was taking a piss but it was a self-congratulatory jerk about how everyone understands fashion, with intricate discussions on the length of his sleeves.

Here he is in his hipster shit:

He should be relaxing with a cup of tea or something, not trying to dress like a teenager.

That's a female jacket. Straight up. My exgirlfriend has it, and she's a tiny Chinese.

You're ex-girlfriend doesn't happen to be a 64-year old white man, does she? Because that's the only way his outfit would make sense.

She left you after she got her green card, huh? I'm sorry for ya buddy, plenty of fish in the mail order catalog though :)

He should be relaxing with a cup of tea or something, not trying to dress like a teenager.

What anyone should be doing is none of your business. He's richer than you'll ever be in your life, you think he gives a fuck about some shmuck on the internet telling him what he should be doing? lol

probably doesnt give a fuck but still weird that one day he woke up and decided the pedo look would suit him

Dunno where you get that. Dude looks like a greaser who needs a bigger jacket, sure, not a fucking pedophile. Do people who rape kids even dress similar enough to warrant there being a "pedophile" style?

And even so, why do people get so mad about it? And why are those people always the worst dressed people you'll ever meet?

did he touch you or something

And even so, why do people get so mad about it?

Why do people get angry about kid fucking? Do I have to spell it out for you?

Is your reading comprehension so bad you seriously think that's what I mean you absolute fucking neanderthal lmao

Oh. Why do people get mad about "pedophile style"?

Jesus Christ. You have to be a troll.

Look, dressing like you want to fuck kids is not okay

he dates 20 year olds. They probably convince him to wear this stuff because they're embarrassed to bring gramps around their 20 year old friends.

Honestly, if he took off that jacket, I would provide the hallway to his hotdog.

Dude is an old man now and [his young wife is] dressing [him] like an internet hipster teen all of a sudden.

Poor sap

That's probably a ToJ jacket... 🔥

The jacket is a bit ill fitting but besides that it's an extremely common outfit.

He could still get it tbh

nah he looks dope go fuck yourself.

Leave it to /r/all to argue in favor of pleated pants.

I think American streetwear is pretty bad, in terms of fashion. Not everyone wants to dress up as a dumpster.

You have to remember, on fashion subreddits, it's still Reddit discussing fashion.

Anyone dressed like that is laughed at

As an American we think the same.

Not sure about streetwear outside of the US, but yes, this "fashion" is cringeworthy. This guy's after-pic makes me think he's someone who lives in a shitty fly-over town and uses the word "nigga" a lot.

Or lives in Williamsburg

He already said shitty flyover town full of people from Kansas.

Why do people insist on sharing things like this on Reddit? I mean, I love it, but isn't it clear by now that the place is essentially a toxic shithole full of dickheads?

There is one picture of me up here, which is a little worrying but I'm pretty decently dressed in it so on that level it's fine.

I'd delete it. This site is full of crazies

Tracking it down is kind of a bitch though, and it's on someone else's account.

Never doubt the power of autism.

I'm gonna need to see that to judge for myself. link, friend?

my gf wants to fuck you

I could never post something like this on reddit and I also could never let myself get as fat as he did. I'd like to think I have a decent sense of empathy but nothing about this guy makes any sense to me.

He's gone from cartoonishly fat to a slightly-less fat man-child trying to impress a bunch of teenagers by dressing up like them? Why do either of those things?

You can feel empathy and still think someone is a pathetic cunt.

Man, you're a cunt. The guy found something he enjoys, and it allowed him to make a change for the better in his life. This is far better than most of the shit on reddit.

The guy found something he enjoys

LARPing as an army tent?

Stealing from homeless whales


OK then.


Fits a bit too much but he's just starting out. All of those clothes are fine if they're matched with something less ridiculous.

Why do people insist on sharing things like this on Reddit?

It's like social media. It's just self validation and/or attention seeking like all the rest of the 'WHAT ABOUT ME" posting.

Bubbling toxic shithole to complete the imagery

to be fair in a few years when he's gone through this dressing shitty phase he'll probably look ok

This comment is best.

Poor guy lost half his legs

Diabetes is a bitch

I cant tell if streetwear is serious or not. Do they actually think those clothes look good?

They do as long as the clothing either;

1) Was found in a thrift store

2) Was made by Supreme or has the Supreme logo on it

3) Will attract men while sending the message "I'm a bottom"

It's a way to signal to those around you that you listen to Odd Future without ironically talking about rape and necrophilia in public.

like... why would someone wear a camo shirt? and a gold chain on top of it?


i pity the fool!

I mean the one on the left is clearly better dressed. The one on the right looks better, but only because he lost 70lbs. If he was dressed respectably he'd look betterer.

Almost nobody dresses like the before pic unless they're at work. Do these people really think thirty year olds don't wear t-shirts and jeans on their days off, or when not at work?

Reddit is full of really dumb kids pretending to be grown up.

too bad I'm banned on that sub.

apparently being "a fuckin nerd" there is bannable. what'd u do?

Honestly expressed my opinion about the fashion choices of one particular OP. :)

Excuse me but what the fuck? Guy says he prefers the old style, another guy asks to explain this opinion. This is fucking drama now? Fuck off OP.

Looks like he's about to go blow up a building.