What triggers /r/dankmemes the most in the past month? Is it pence electrocution memes? Anti-commie memes? Or perhaps the rarest of them all, anti 27 genders meme? Nope. It's a furry genocide meme.

36  2017-03-05 by [deleted]


Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


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Hating furries is literally hate speech

/u/LeNooNinja I can see why you identify with being a dog, because you also seem to have a fucking IQ of twelve.

Yup I was arguing with this guy for an hour and he's a normie

I don't identify with dogs...

Foxes, wolves, tigers, whatever, doesn't matter

Uhh, nope.

You tell me then


How did you manage to have a grammar error in a one-word response


Cmon man step it up


Read the sidebar


im assuming you don't identify as a human being though...

Memes have become dumber and dumber. They were a mistake.

Yiff in hell.

I'm really surprised that furries are still a thing tbh. i thought it should have died by now like twilight or bronies

I've been involved in the "sci-fi community" for longer than a lot of people here have been alive, and furries have been around for decades. The internet has just made it easier for them to congregate.

How the fuck did the SFF community produce furries anyways?

AFAIK, the flashpoint was the comic book Albedo. In the 80's, sci-fi conventions were also home to anime and furry fandoms, since their communities were still pretty small. Over time, they splintered off, though there's still some crossover.

I'm guessing it's because of the concepts that can be explored in the genre like "what if there's like another planet full of futa vixen spacebabes that are inexplicably attracted to the male human protagonist who is not at all a self-insert of the author."

this shit made me chuckle way more than it should have.

I have been a peripherally involved outsider in the fandom for quite a while (I go to cons occasionally, mainly as an amusing drunken anthropological expedition), and from what I can tell the furry fandom is constantly growing. There are lulls and surges, but there's pretty much never a year when there are fewer furries than before.

God forbid someone upsets the furry community


furry genocide


Moderator of /r/dankmemes here AMA

can i have a flair in /r/damnkmemes?

why are you so white?

🅱ℹī¸đŸ…ąđŸ…ąđŸ…° 🕒♏ī¸đŸ…°đŸ…ž

your sub is going to to either go full right or full left, be prepared senpai. it's almost certainly going to go full left though because the left is a lot more autistic than the right.

basically what im saying is your sub will either believe in pizzagate or call anybody who uses the word faggot homophobic in the next 6 or months. enjoy it while it lasts

the sub is shit now. all that hits the front page is le epic edgy meem xD.

kys retarded lefty

i bet you downvoted this post

kys you huge fucking faggot

the left is lot more autistic than the right

Hell no. The left takes this shit ore seriously but the current right is propelled entirely by various mental illnesses.

and to make it worse half of the mods are liberal/SJW and the other half are Trump supporters

But.. We get along pretty well, don't we? Also, none of the mods seem to be pushing their political agenda onto others. So their political beliefs are.. irrelevant?

I sent you a message on discord check it

/u/Ferenix2 look at this shit, just as you predicted!


You guys having secret conversations on off-site cabal hubs. /r/drama taken over by SJWs. It has been foretold. Ferry foretold it, and now it unfolds before our eyes as it's too late, too late to change anything, it was foretold but we didn't listen, the center cannot hold, it's too late, too late, /u/Ferenix2 and Hitler were right about everything.

The conversation wasn't meant to be secret, we used discord because it's faster and has voice chat. And it's easier to send photos.

The conversation wasn't meant to be secret


And it's easier to send photos.


And it's easier to send photos.

of cheese pizza, eh?

Nah dank memes

What method do you use to ensure that the least funny content gets to the top, I'm really impressed. Also, when are you merging with /r/ImGoingToHellForThis

Voting system and we merged a while ago lmfao

This meme singly handedly convinced me to subscribe to that sub. That's some quality memeage.

I really expected the mayocide one to be the biggest ruckus causer