A video thief is afoot in the ceiling fan community!

72  2017-03-05 by snallygaster


I know now I'll never have any flair again and I've come to terms with that.


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Lol. Are fans an actual hobby? Looks like they got the fan video stealer benned.

Are fans an actual hobby?

There's more than one forum for discussing them, so I guess so.

Sounds like they're pretty big fans :)

delete this

this but unironically

My absolute favorite kind of drama is the kind that involves weird-ass hobbyists going at it. Thanks for sharing, OP.

ceiling fan community

How is this a thing

How is this a thing

you know why

This has to be more than just normal autism.

This is advanced autism.

This is what happens when you vaccinate a baby under a chemtrail

/thread, pack it up guys.

I love how I knew it was a snallypost just reading the title.

My god...this kind of crap plagues the warning siren community all the time. With the demise of [EDITED OUT] trolling, i thought this wouldn't happen to us again!

Apparently there is also a warming siren community too...

honestly, i feel like warning sirens are a subversion of natural selection

Given how many people manage to darwin themselves regardless, I think it's works out all right. Can't set too high a bar you know.

tornadoes are gods punishment for the white folk, tho.

Sure, my point was that we are still eliminating those too dumb to react to warning sirens appropriately. Mankind’s suffering is not an accident. It is actually one of the most marvelous tools within God's Plan.

ahh, so it serves as a filter against those too ignorant of their own demise.

how poetic.

First they came for the warning siren community.

Then they came for me-and there was no warning siren to warn me.

my god...this kind of crap plagues the warning siren community all the time.

What's so interesting about ceiling fans that people would start forums about it? I don't understand, please explain /u/snallygaster

Ugh. The ceiling fan, looming over my bed in the dark--it's wings spread wide, ready to pounce--the stuff of my nitemares.

/u/snallygaster is not actually bad news.

↑↑↑↑ Upvote for awareness↑↑↑↑

Ceiling Fan drama is best drama.

How did you even find two years old drama from a ceiling fan enthusiast's forum?

Yeah I seriously want to know what he was googling, and what made him click

snally, while i do not disapprove, i'm beginning to wonder how the fuck you find this shit

this kind of crap plagues the warning siren community all the time

ok snally, now go find drama in the warning siren community.

my god...this kind of crap plagues the warning siren community all the time. With the demise of [EDITED OUT] trolling, i thought this wouldn't happen to us again!

The warning siren community?

I propose we just make snallygaster the only person who can post on /r/Drama, because s/he is the only person who gives a shit about quality.

watches video
