KubrickIsMyCopilot has another legendary public breakdown. This time a group of white supremacist robots are attacking him.

100  2017-03-05 by emmettquincy


Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


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This guy seems unhinged.

Hasn't he been on this sub before?



u/kubrickismycopilot is legitimately one of the craziest people on the internet.

And the Fan Club once again invokes my name. Find another obsession, you stalker weirdos.

I'm just pointing at you and laughing.

I didn't force you to have this latest breakdown.

But it's obvious you thrive on fighting on the internet.... You're commenting super fast right now... So many different fights with so many different people all going on at the same time right now. It's amazing.

It's like platespinning over the internet, but infinitely more sad.

When I see someone spinning plates in real life I'm just hoping that they fuck up and all the plates come crashing down.

In this case I just want to see more plates.

You're just making shit up and circle-jerking with the rest of your mentally defective Trump voter brood.

Aren't there enough crosses for you to burn, or immigrants to harass?

I'm making it up? You think all those arguments you're having right now are in my head?

You're making up your own grandiose context to justify your obsession.

Arguments happen when you have ideas and values. I don't take it personally, which is why I don't remember any of you troll jagoffs after you have your little ritual witch-hunts and try to tell yourselves someone gives a shit.

Your stupidity bothers me, because stupidity in general is destructive. But you yourself are completely irrelevant.

Oh shit. My bad.

Didn't expect that response, if you're being sincere.

If so, then I appreciate being surprised. Doesn't happen very often from the sort of Brain Trust that invokes me name in threads like this.



Someone pop your head with a needle, Hitler Youth?

Hitler Youth?

Dude what the hell is wrong with you?

I respond poorly to non sequiturs posed as questions?

Ah, so you mean it's so obvious what is wrong with you that the question itself is moot?


All this talk over reddit post quality and this what you come up with?


It's like yer typin' sounds 'n stuff! Ahyuck ahyuck.

Wew. Lad.

Literal autism right there folks. The r/drama Holy Grail.

I just nutted my cargo shorts.

You aren't always nutting in your cargo shorts?

The only reason women hate them is pocket jealousy

Aren't there enough crosses for you to burn


would you listen to a eurocuck center-left voter if he told you you're a huge sperg?

also your post history is pretty memes

Knowledge is not power, but the two are mutually fungible.

would you listen to a eurocuck center-left voter if he told you you're a huge sperg?

Would you mind translating that Nazi virgin gibberish into English?

also your post history is pretty memes

For the all of 1 page your 10-second attention span to handle looking into?

sorry it's not my first language

why are you so mean though

I'm not mean, I'm Alternative Nice.


This is the new left.

Do you ever get tired of being wrong all the time? Can't you see even a little bit how crazy and dumb everything you say is?

You must have been dropped as a child.


More like never picked up or held.

Never picked up or held?

More like locked in a closet for years with his parents only opening the door to throw meth-injected ham at his face.


More like state hospital staff.

Hospital staff?

More like feral wolves.

You are the most boring troll of all time.

Yet somehow when I said in satire that the electoral college was "LITERALLY RAPE OF PEOPLE OF COLOR" you completely agreed and somehow replied with a comment that made my comment seem not as crazy.

You'll never know just how much you're doing to push people away from your political positions than just by opening your mouth. Keep it up! No, really!

Yet somehow when I said in satire that the electoral college was "LITERALLY RAPE OF PEOPLE OF COLOR" you completely agreed

So now you're accusing me of not rising to your bait, and instead choosing to respond constructively, when before the claim was that I'm Tommy in Goodfellas and constantly looking for excuses to fight with people.

It's incredible how often halfwits engage in doublespeak.

You obviously did respond to the bait by upvoting my comment and saying,

"In fact, I would go further: Don't demand its abolition. Simply declare it inherently invalid, refuse to recognize the unelected tyrant chosen by it and all of his appointees, and do not obey them in any capacity where you interact them except where their actions follow the rules established under the prior elected government."

Feel free to check the thread for proof, though I know facts aren't your thing.

You obviously did respond to the bait by upvoting my comment and saying

So, once again, one moment you accuse of responding with blind rage and seeking conflict, the next you accuse me of doing the exact opposite and ignoring a potential point of disagreement in order to reach a larger consensus.

You know, the ability to hold mutually exclusive opinions is a hallmark symptom of schizophrenia, and you might want to get professional consultation before it gets out of hand.

I know you're in losing arguments with so many different people but I wasn't that person, dumbass.

Talk about schizophrenia!

"BAN WHITE MEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DOWN WITH THE WHITE SUPREMACY!!!!!!!!!!

You've now been driven to complete incoherency by calm, rational responses. Must be really painful to someone like you to be deprived of drama.

Find some place quiet and well-padded to rest, son.

deprived of drama.

Nigger you are a walking drama mine



you really don't understand what "not taking the bait" entails. here's a hint: it starts with not responding in earnest

You know what would have made Goodfellas a better movie? A wisecracking baby that only Tommy could hear. It kinda sucked like it was.

Legitimately shocked he didn't get supremely buttmad and argue about this with you for several hours.

And yet you're bothering to argue in a sub where all we do is antagonize fucktards like yourself for our own amusement....

You seem to think what goes on in your head is of interest to anyone other than you.

I just deal with what people actually say, and you can play whatever games you want inside your sad little fantasy world.

Can't claim to take no pleasure from the fact that being this rational tortures degenerate cowards like you, but it's not any kind of motivation one way or the other.

See? You're just going on retarded emotional rants. Nothing you've said in this thread has had any real point. You're knowingly feeding the trolls and attempting to look down on them when in fact you're just as low as them (if not lower). Everything in your comment right there was nothing not hot word vomit that you're regurgitating in an attempt to raise yourself up from the depths of your own pathetic autism. Hell, that first line alone is hypocritical as fuck. Your entire comment itself is the same generic bullshit I've seen whiney teenagers say in response to being called out on their own fuckery. Of course, the problem here is that usually fuckery is fun and humorous but yours is just sad and screams that you clearly are venting due to personal issues which explains your shit tier attempts at counter trolling. Nothing you're saying "tortures" anyone here and it certainly hasn't done anything other than show just how much of a fucktard you really are. If you really didn't give a flying fuck about this sub, let alone this thread, you'd have simply not said a damn thing but you just can't resist. You live for drama, you're actively seeking it out because it gives you attention and the platform you need to lash out at others to appease your feeble little broken emotional state. At this point I think you'd be better off wasting yourself since you can't tear yourself away from the screen long enough to look yourself in the mirror and realize that you're presenting yourself as a sad and angry child throwing a tantrum over nothing. Everyone here already knows how this is going to go for you and it's not in a direction you want or think it should be going.

You're just going on retarded emotional rants.

You're just spewing doublespeak that has no connection to anything I've said whatsoever.

I don't know if you know this, but you have to actually base statements on reality for them to be valuable.

You're knowingly feeding the trolls

Are they acting "fed"? They seem rather desperate, and increasingly so.

and attempting to look down on them when in fact you're just as low as them (if not lower).

Sorry, not the case. While they're wasting time bitching at me, they're not somewhere else harassing someone who might actually be hurt by their psychotic behavior.

Everything in your comment right there was nothing not hot word vomit that you're regurgitating in an attempt to raise yourself up from the depths of your own pathetic autism.

You're gibbering.

Of course, the problem here is that usually fuckery is fun and humorous but yours is just sad and screams that you clearly are venting due to personal issues

On and on the screed goes, shrieking ever more hysterically.

What exactly is your problem, guy? You have to just outright lie to have something to complain about?

You're continuing to prove my point, you do realize this right? You're still attempting to argue and essentially go "No you are!" and it's not helping you here at all. The more you go on with your vapid bullshit the more you're proving my point. I've been completely honest with everything I've said, you're just too busy getting high of the fumes in your own bowels that your head is lodged deep within. Everyone here is laughing at you and your attempts at saving face while you go apeshit in a thread in a sub that's literally meant to just fuck with idiots like you. You're just digging yourself a deeper grave here.

We're pretty comfortably fed, actually. You're confusing casually calling you names in between fapping to futa porn and being upset in some way.

Sounds like a mayo problem

Sorry, not the case. While they're wasting time bitching at me, they're not somewhere else harassing someone who might actually be hurt by their psychotic behavior.

A truly commendable act.

You seem to think what goes on in your head is of interest to anyone other than you.

You replied to his original thought

You are literally interested in what went on in his head

That means

  1. He is a citizen of one of the many countries on the European continent.

  2. He votes for candidates on the center-left from a European political perspective.

He is a citizen of one of the many countries on the European continent.

Gee, let me guess which countrysky that mightsky be.

He votes for candidates on the center-left from a European political perspective.

Far be it from to doubt the European left-wing credentials of someone who says "cuck".

I mean you could but you might be wrong. It can be pretty difficult to guess someone's nationality from a handful of fluent English posts on the internet.

Far be it from to doubt the European left-wing credentials of someone who says "cuck".

Cuck is used unironically by the alt-right but it's also used as irreverent internet slang in order to mock those people. He's using it sarcastically.

Everything they write is /r/iamverysmart. They must have a nice thesaurus lying around.

It. Not they. And it is fucking stupid.



How many of him are there?

How would I know? Could be twenty of em swapping around the account there.

Do you think there are multiple people posting as him?

/u/Kubrickismycopilot care to answer?

who the fuck actually talks like that

Dude, I hate to break it to you, but very few of us are actually alt-right or Trump voters. You shouldn't take what we say too seriously - we're like 4chan. We're just a bunch of trolls who like to comment dumb shit for the sake of commenting dumb shit. Must I remind you that you're on /r/Drama?

Hey, I'm not American, I'm not alt-right and I'm not an insect, you crazy human being.

This is a Jill Stein board, thank you very much.

Thank you for sticking up for the facts.

I voted for Hillary in spite of living in another country.

Nice strawman, bro.


Enough immigrants.

Oh, indeed.

In which he's losing all of them. You'd think he'd learn something from this.

You simply haven't been on Reddit long enough to appreciate /r/Drama. Come back and chat with me in a few years, kid.

Or I just don't give a shit about this sub, and prefer to deal with ideas and facts rather than idiots.

Such as how the electoral college is a totally fake thing that doesn't exist?

Such as how the electoral college is an obsolete institution that abdicated its legitimacy by imposing an enemy of the Bill of Rights on to the American people against our will.

You're welcome to oppose democracy and support oligarchy, as a matter of opinion. But something tells me people who support democracy are willing to sacrifice more for their own freedom than people like you are willing to sacrifice to take it away from others.

More drama! More fighting! You need it! You thrive on it!

I stated an argument and supported it with reasons. That's called having a discussion. The "drama" is all on your side of things.

Fight on the internet all day long!!!

I'm not fighting. I just tell the truth and wildly disturbed people go into hysterics for no apparent reason, which I chuckle at and continue as before.


Then link me this truth that the electoral college isn't real. Educate me if what you're saying is truth!

Didn't say it wasn't "real" - I said it was obsolete, immoral, and had lost legitimacy by endangering the rest of the Constitution. I also said it can no longer be reconciled with the 14th Amendment, and obviously the 14th Amendment takes precedence as it was later.

2+2=0 in base 4. No spazzing necessary.

No, the entire time you've been commenting in this thread you've been spewing out garbage that makes no sense and going on emotion tirades.

Since you're just randomly making shit up that flies in the face of reality, couldn't you be a little more creative? Or is lying part of your OCD condition, and you have to say the same Opposite Day things over and over?

Once again, you're just proving my point by saying random generic bullshit an attempt to save face. How does it feel to lack self awareness on so many levels?

How about you show me the amendment that abolished the electoral college and then I'll admit that it totally doesn't exist.

Until then, shut your stupid whiny baby ass up.

How about you show me the amendment that abolished the electoral college and then I'll admit that it totally doesn't exist.

Amendment XIV

Section 1.

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

Obviously there is no equal protection if one person's vote is worth a dozen times another person's.

Jesus Christ, why aren't you dead yet?

Maybe the voice in your head that you tried to call in an airstrike from isn't really an Air Force general?

No I mean you have so much hate in your heart. How have you not choked on your own bile yet? You piss more and more people off every day. Absolutely no one likes you. Over time that eats away at a person inside. I'm just surprised all that negative energy hasn't snuffed you out yet.

No I mean you have so much hate in your heart.

You must be looking into a mirror without realizing it, because you're not describing me at all.

How have you not choked on your own bile yet?

Because I'm overwhelmingly motivated by love (of truth, of humankind, of ideas, of a better future, etc.), which gives me the strength to deal with the sort of people who see love and its products as weakness.

People like you.

You piss more and more people off every day.

No, I don't. You live in a fantasy world and project your emotions on to everyone around you - a coward incapable of standing alone.

Sometimes I disagree with a lot of people, but they're no more traumatized by it than I am by their disapproval. And we move on, because we're sane people.

But you don't, because you're not.

Over time that eats away at a person inside.

I'll have to take your word for it. Standing up for what's right grows a person inside, strengthens them, makes life brighter. Maybe someday you'll know that, but I doubt it.

I'm just surprised all that negative energy hasn't snuffed you out yet.

You confuse what people like you throw at me for what I am. Your whole reality is dripping with toxic hatred, and the only explanation you can come up with for someone being immune to your bullshit is that they're even uglier than you.

That's not how it works. Telling the truth and defending decency are a source of energy, not a cost.

tl:dr. I hope you get better, sincerely.

Good luck with that. Of all the crazies that cross our doorstep, I'm still amazed worldofwomen (won't ping her, because seriously, good for her) was the one that actually stepped back from the edge of insanity.

You won't see that kind of luck happen a second time.

Well, Kubrick fan here is still young. Once his meme tier director fanboyism shifts it's focus to Jodorowsky he'll be a third of the way there.

Doubt it

Yeah, well you're a Mexican, so what do you know.

I know lots about stress induced heart attacks and peliculas luchadores, Incognegro.

You're just the best.

No u

Nice try but that doesn't say what you think it says. lol

Right, because "equal" means "unequal," like up means down, war means peace, and skinhead mental midget means towering intellect.

"Wahhhh, everybody I don't like is a skinhead!"

So I take it you've conceded our discussion about the 14th Amendment and are now retreating to your more familiar grounds of WATB whining.

lol, what you quoted says NOTHING about the electoral college not being real or being abolished.

You're just crazy! Sorry!

It goes way deeper than that. The Articles of Confederation were never abolished. The US is actually a corporation, and cops can't arrested you under without consent! THE FLAG HAS A GOLD FRINGE! ADMIRALITY LAW!!!!

Cop Block intensifies

Keyword: no state. Meaning, Mississippi and Connecticut and the like. The USA is a federation, after all. Moreover, the very next section of the amendment deals with the electoral college so the writers obviously didn't intend to abolish the thing.

Does that mean you're going to form your own sovereign state after college?

our express will.

Easy there, Goebbels.

I had the same attitude when I was your age. You'll outgrow it, look back, and cringe.

Being bored by drama must be a sign of immaturity on Planet Opposite.

Jesus you are just a kid.

Planet Opposite confirmed. The Kegel has landed.

Planet Opposite

Fuckin gottem

Sorry, I don't know the scientific term for psychotic shitbirds who compulsively spew doublespeak, and "Trump" is already taken.

Damn, dude. Keep spitting out those bazingas.

Planet Opposite.

fuck me i'm dying

I had to be on planet opposite too when I kept beating a 7 year old at a board game.

Hey the jerk store called, they said they were running out of you!

Which is, once again, why you're here responding to our mocking of you...

He doesn't care so much he's going to reply to everyone hurting his fee fees.

LOL, good point. Bye, losers.

Hint: If you want to defeat a rationalist, don't make a rational argument for them to ignore you.

Nothing you've said here has ever been rational, lol. Here's a hint for you: Kill yourself. I wasn't giving you an argument, I was pointing out to you your own foolishness using sarcasm and telling you that really never should've came here in the first place. In other words, I was poking fun at you while suggesting to you that you should simply leave. Good god, it's like talking to a fresh private who had to get an ASVAB waiver with this kid, lol.

How bad do you have to be to need an ASVAB waiver?

You become a Marine...

Shamming intensifies



LessWrong intensifies

LessWrong intensifies

LessWrong intensifies

haha. "rationalist"


LessWrong intensifies

Does LessWrong intensify?

It intensifies.

Baby, please. Come hang out here and show bussy.

I love you, Kubrick.

Will you be my wife?

Hi /u/KubrickIsMyCopilot! Long time fan, first time replier!

So, how many movies do you think you have seen in total? And which one if your favorite?

What's your favorite Kubrick film? Mine's Paths of Glory.

I think Spartacus is his best movie :^)

Well, some people like oysters and other people like snails.

And I'm here to report you for trolling. Have a nice day, troll.

Stop snitchin!

But jewdank deleted her account so we're stuck with you mid tier 'tism

You haven't met Amalek or SaneGoatISwear

Someone needs to get him to a shrink, not even joking here. He's at the point where he's drinking his own self righteous Kool-Aid and it's reached toxic levels. He's in full blown meltdown mode.

It's called silvertonguing.

Someone should just swap the kool-aid with drain cleaner and call it a day.

Either that or ship him in a wooden container to Venezuela.

I think Venezuela is having a hard enough time as is

Bleach! Bleach!

No, we need to keep winding him up until he really flies off the handle. Like, supreme gentleman kind of losing it

/u/KubrickIsMyCopilot should set up a new account u/AutismIsMyCopilot


I just checked your comment history and you've been posting at an average of every 9.7 minutes for the past 49 hours.

That's not an exaggeration. How can someone talk on the internet all day like this?

How can someone talk on the internet all day like this?

Red Bull, mom's spaghetti, chicken tendies and DESIRE TO INSTIGATE WORLD REVOLUTION.

lol, and a a few gatorade bottle to pee in. Must not waste any time saying dumb shit on the internet!

And this is only reddit, we must go deeper. Who knows where else he's posting?

Jesus even when I go on tear fueled by vodka and self loathing I don't ball that hard.

We're not downvoting the lolcow. Am I dreaming?

It's actually a decent lolcow this time

He's funnier and more interesting than half the people he's arguing with. I only downvote when they're angry and boring.

Having with no sense of irony should be classified as a mental deficiency IMO

Can you imagine screaming at people all fucking day long??

Sounds tiring.