When are we having our first /r/drama meetup?

10  2017-03-06 by [deleted]



We have them all the time. We just don't invite you.

[Prolly at your funeral, or at least near enough to it that your parents can wind up as collateral damage from our shit flinging.](fuck off retard)

Oh my what is this

See you homo's at bareback-Con 2018!

The first one was at some church in South Carolina a couple years back. I wasn't able to attend but I heard it didn't go so well.

The next meetup needs to ban peeps with bowl cuts tbh.


Nice try SRS.


/u/glmox and i meet up irl all the time in the basement of a college dormitory where he kicks me repeatedly while calling me a kike

Wouldn't be a science thread without a comment graveyard.

November 8th, 2016.

No place could handle that much autism in one location.