/r/justneckbeardthings doesn't enjoy having their own beliefs lampooned, and discusses authentic neckbeardism (with bonus shitslinging about whether Jesus was a Jew or not).

18  2017-03-07 by Ultrashitpost


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


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>Not posting to any drama

Op is a faggot.

> Posts to /r/drama without linking to any drama in particular

> gets mad when called out.

It's cool, just get more mad in your reply so I can submit THIS thread to /r/drama :)

Hey, you started it by calling me a bundle of sticks

not mad enough :(

Hey, you're that guy who didn't get pinged yesterday by /r/drama's favorite autist. Well, let this thread inform you as to why: even that fucking weirdo knows you no good

wow rude!

Jesus was an Arab Jew, that's his ethnicity. Converting to a different religion doesn't change that. That being said, very few (if any) Arab Jews are affected by Trump's travel ban, since the countries included in the ban are so antisemitic that nearly all Jews there have left to go to either Israel or the US already.

And I'm tired of the "Jesus was an immigrant too" idea that's constantly pushed on Reddit. He wasn't an immigrant. His parents were in a different town to report for a census, and he was born there and returned home to the town his parents lived in. That doesn't make him an immigrant. If two Americans from New York are on vacation in California and the mother gives birth on vacation, that child isn't an immigrant.

Arab Jew He was a jew jew. The Arabs hadn't invaded there yet

The Arabs hadn't invaded there yet

All glory to Charles Martel.

The Semetic languages are a language family that includes Hebrew and Arabic. Hebrew and Arabic are related but not the same. This is true for the ethnicities associated with those languages. Stop calling Jews Arabs. It makes you look like an ignorant diphsit.

Non-Mobile link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arab_Jews

HelperBot v1.1 /r/HelperBot_ I am a bot. Please message /u/swim1929 with any feedback and/or hate. Counter: 40671

According to your link, they live in Arabic countries but are still ethnically Hebrew.

True, but nearly all Jews are ethnically mixed. European Jews are white/Semitic, Ethiopian Jews are black/Semitic, Moroccan Jews are Arab/Semitic, etc.

Undoubtedly, but that doesn't make your claim that Jesus was an Arab Jew any more right though.

He was a Mediterranean Jew

Really depends on your definition of Arab in this case.

HEH, you normies think tipping your fedora is enough for an appropriate salutation? Nice try- Typical wannabes lol. Real gentlemen/gamers (like me) offer a customary knighting as a sign of respect to other folk... not that I would expect redditors to understand that (only /b/ does).

Anyway, im going to complete Breath of the Wild (again, I've already finished it twice).

Oh god it's here too.