USAF tells trans person to get a haircut. This certainly doesn't cause multiple drama filled threads.

103  2017-03-07 by theherps

So we have r/AirForce



And of course /k/ gets in on the fun, leading to op to show up there. It goes as well as you would expect

Bon appetite (don't worry about need salt, there's plenty as it is)


Damn /u/encryptedcharms , some of your comrades have to deal with getting their legs blown up from IED's or having their skulls penetrated by sniper bullets, but none of that compares to the horror you have to go through.

Very few people in the Chair Force are getting their legs blown off by IEDs. Maybe the PJs, but those guys are fucking badass.

Hey man, one time the air conditioning broke for an entire day, leaving hundreds of airmen sweaty and uncomfortable.

Not just PJs; Security Forces takes their share of hits. Since AF commanders have a fucking hardon for keeping airbase defense under their authority, and airbase defense often involves going outside the wire... SecFor gets to eat those casualties.


stop calling them that. They're not that

I can't help it! I can't help but pity those poor bastards - do you know how shit gate duty is at Minot in the dead of winter?!?

We have mp's in the army we have no problem treating them like the subhumans they are

I just shit on the AF because my cousin is in it. The fact is that most people are camping out on base repairing stuff or flying. I may have joined the Air Force to fly if I didn't have shit eyes.

Dude, I'm in the AF and I shit on it. No reason required :P

She's Air Force. The closest she's come to anything resembling combat is the rioting when their chow hall ran out of ice cream


The correct pronoun for anyone of the United States Air Force.


'It' is my favourite gender-neutral pronoun.

That's definitely a he fam


This shit is truly the most what the fuck moment reddit has ever given me. The cumbox guy, two dick guy and the dog fucking story pale in comparison to this for me. The sheer fucking entitlement just boggles my god damn mind. There are thousands of people that can't transition because they can't afford it. And here's this fucking retard getting it all taken care of at almost no cost. What does this fucking hayseed do? Cries because it's taking too long. Dear lord please let this be a troll.

The Air Force still doesn't officially recognize me as female, and not only that: refuses to let me move to female dress and appearance standards.

Bring back flogging.

Bring back the firing squad

Firing squad still exists in some states, doesn't it?

Unfortunately no. We still had the chair up until the 80s but everywhere that does it now does lethal injection

The UCMJ technically still has the firing squad. I have no idea if it's been used in the last few decades, though.

Oh damn. TIL. It probably will have it for a long time as well, as it's pretty hard to lethally inject someone in a war zone

I don't know, I think it could be easier since your victim might be distracted from being shot at.

It still exists as a failsafe though, doesn't it? In case they are not able to do the primary method for whatever reason. I though that was the case but could be wrong.

The chair or a squad?

I'm pretty sure the US state standard is lethal injection and only that. They still get a few constitutional challenges from time to time based off "oh the shot was miscalculated and I didn't actually die"

I believe a lot of the problem they have now is actually getting hold of the drugs. Basically none of the pharmaceutical companies want to provide drugs to execute people. So they get a lot of legal challenges on the basis that the drugs haven't been acquired through the proper channels.

Wasn't there not too long ago a situation where they didn't have the lethal injection drugs and they had to use some off-the-shelf stuff (which wasn't even intended as a lethal injection drug, and it took the person like 6 hours to die)?

Military firing squads are not dependent on the state. Military bases are federal property. The UCMJ still technically has firing squads.

Also sodomy is illegal.

U/encryptedcharms what's it like bringing down the fighting ability of the united states military simply to passify the PC police infecting our once great institutions.

Thanks for doing what you do. Wasnt sure if the post was a troll or not, but i had to lay into them. Shit is unacceptable when we have troops still coming home either in a box or to a life/home in question or ruin.

Yeah, I feel the same I'm not sure how you can get denied entry for service for some mental health issues but its totally cool to get your dick cut off. Absolute insanity and taxpayers are paying for it

The only benefit I can think of to doing sex changes and such is to get doctors more experience with working with that region for plastic surgery or reconstructive surgery. If a doctor has done a few penis tucks, and he then get a guy in from the army who unfortunately got his dick mutilated, he has enough knowledge of working on a dick in order to have a better chance of saving as much as he can. I know people had an uproar when they found out women could get cost reduced breast enlargements through the military, but it's the same reason, practice for the surgeons.

They did get a bit more lenient recently. If you have ADD/ADHD you apparently can enlist not without issue, when before it's be a red flag and a no go. Though, we have people who are AD, they get diagnosed with ADHD or ADD and then just get medication and it's fine. The real issue I had with this one individual is... while other branches love to bust the Air Force's chops, we had a lot of sensitive stuff going on, intel wise, equipment, maintenance, etc. If someone was whacked out of their mind, they could cause some serious damage or death easily in some situations. We really cannot afford to have any mistakes or people whacked out of their mind touching anything.


So he takes hormones without the military's knowledge or consent, then demands special treatment because he doesn't want to have the same haircut as every other man in the military?

The hilarious part about all of this is that by taking hormones without the consent of a doctor, he could actually be prosecuted for fucking with US govt property (which your body is, after you sign your enlistment papers)

Ya UCMJ aint no joke

Does the same apply to things like drinking or smoking, or eating junk food? Or is it part of the recruitment contract that they say "here's a few ways of messing with your body that the government is okay with"?

Well, you have to do a physical assessment like every 6 months an that's basically their way of making sure you're up to snuff

Only if drinking/smoking/eating habits negatively impact your operational readiness. You can drink, you can smoke, you can be a lazy asshole, but until there's an objective impact on your operational effectiveness (being drunk/hungover at work, failing fitness tests, etc), the military isn't too concerned what you do in your free time.

Generally, an Article 108 ("Damage of Government Property") doesn't get pulled - while it is technically a valid charge in a legalistic sense, actually trying to apply it to "Airman Snuffy got drunk and gave his government-property self a concussion" will make one a laughing stock. More often than not, bad lifestyle choices will lead to one of the following:

  • Article 92 ("Disobeying a general order") - Failing fitness tests, failing to adhere to commander orders ("Stop drinking, go to substance abuse counseling"), etc.
  • Article 112 ("Controlled Substances") - Misuse of drugs or prescription meds
  • Article 134 ("General Article") - The catch all, this bans "all disorders and neglects to the prejudice of good order and discipline in the armed forces."

Strictly speaking, Airman Tranny here, if she proceeds to keep headbutting her chain of command over this, would likely be smacked with an Article 92 for refusal to obey a lawful order to cut her fucking hair, followed by an Article 134; the self-administered hormonal treatment is very much to the detriment of the readiness and order of the armed forces.

Thinking the rules don't apply to you, then having a healthy does of "Yes they do."

As far as I can tell the AF was going to help him out and pay for the treatment. But like everything in the AF, it was going to take a long time. If he'd just waited and done things properly this would have all been relatively stress free. I accept that being transgender in the military is going to be a complete shit show. But there's a few ways to make it much worse. This guy managed to find one of them.

Regardless they should kick him out. Not for being transgender. But for being a fucking bitch about the whole thing. He's a total liability.

I know this might be controversial, but I don't think you should be allowed to transition while you're active military. I also don't think the military should be paying for people's transitions.

That being said, he should absolutely be kicked out. He's taking hormones without their knowledge or consent, and he's not willing to wait for his request to be processed. Also, I don't want to think that the people defending my country are the same people who spend a day on the floor crying because they're told to get a fucking haircut.

I was a medic in the army. We absolutely would boot your ass out the door for taking unauthorized medicine like that.

It's even more hilarious that they're inevitably going to get discharged because the military would have paid nearly all of the costs associated with transitioning. now it's coming out of their pocket.

A month ago when my command ordered me to cut my hair, I cried on my floor for nearly a full day. I've never faced anything so painful before.

Real women aren't even this dramatic

They're not. I have long-ish hair and I'm growing it out, and I'd be upset if I were told I had to cut it, but I wouldn't spend a day crying on the floor.

Upset yes, full day crying is Vivian James aka angryDM's girlfriend.

I would cry too if I wasn't allowed to wear my favor socks and also if I didn't exist.

tfw you're not real.

Well you're pretty accustomed to emotional abuse. You married a nazi.

He's not actually a Nazi.

defending NAZIS in /r/drama

Sigh. This used to be a wholesome place.

This used to be a wholesome place.

I highly doubt that.

Before the stormfront and JIDF came and took over the place

Is that me and PM666?



Keep yourself safe

>implying that there's something wrong with being a Nazi

i mean, at least you have a husband who knows how to use an oven.

Why would I believe a Jew?

You shouldn't use an account that's linked to real photos of you and your husband, it's inevitably going to lead to some retard doxing you. Just delete and make a new account.

Whatever you need to tell yourself to feel good about marrying a Nazi.

If he was a Nazi I wouldn't have married him or even dated him.

What about surprise Nazis that hide their stuff and it shows up after the ceremony.

Luckily he didn't do that :)



Are trannies drafted into the IDF?

Transgender people are eligible for military service in Israel, as long as they're still able to do their job.

They don't let you take hormones illegally though.

As long as they keep up their quota of killing and displacing Palestinians, eh.

especially if youd deliberately joined a group that you knew required you to have a certain type of hair

It may have something to do with them self administering hormones... Just a guess.

All that stands between you and death is this brave troop protecting your freedoms.

I will meet you in the bunker....


Tranniez make up .6% of the population and 90% of he drama.

Holy shit, this is the OP who did the "gamer girl" post a couple days ago.

It's a small internet.

Everything is making sense now.

Everyone was making fun of OP's "lego hair" last time so I guess this is the result.

Little does he know, his sarge is doing him a favor.

Damn from that last /r/gaming post I thought OP was somewhat well adjusted but this is ridiculous.

Thats a dude.

That's just Big Mac in a dress.

Man that's a young Charlie Sheen

that face looks like a mask

I am transitioning into a proud patriotic woman, who supported President Trump all the way to the Oval Office


I support her choices but not her attitude. IMO this is a stupid battle to fight and a worse hill to die on

I support all her choices except voting for trump

I mean, that's just fucking retarded ass

I think it's a pretty good idea


This can't not be a trole

Good grief zero chance it isn't.

Tranny, troll, what's the difference?

One lets you use the bridge

If it is a troll they are taking it very far.

Why is is so many male to female trannies like /u/encryptedcharms are so aggressive? I rarely hear anything about female to male trannies.

its a lot easier for a ftm to get by wearing masc clothes and having masc hairstyles before and during transition so theres less outrage pointed at them. when was the last time you heard a straight womans nightmare/fantasy where a dude picks them up and they find out just before sex that he doesnt have a dick?

its a lot easier to contain your anger when people wait until they know about you specifically to start lashing out rather than constantly talking about how everyone like you is just trying to rape children in bathrooms

It also helps that there are few to no ftm trannies who look like swamp thing.

or at least looking like swamp thing is acceptable when youre a dude

Can confirm, am a medieval vision of hell.

Swamp thing! You make my heart sing!

why are so many psychotic, delusional men so aggressive?

kinda obvious tbh

You'd think the horse piss would mellow feminize them so they only make snarky comments behind people's backs. I guess you can't change your chromosomes!

>why are men violent and aggressive

do... you need a lesson?

This dude got haircut shamed by reddit into disobeying orders the very next day.

This is truly next level shit.

Can I say I fucking love /user/icemanabk? This right here is why when they say our military are the best of the best, it is an understatement.

This statement alone:

Your insubordination is showing from the beginning that you seem to think you can pretty much do as you please in the military, and if anyone raises question, you'll run to the ACLU or another group and put out a sob story about how you were wronged.

I'd gold him if I could.


Nothing left to do but man up, I guess.

/u/Stankycakes knows what's up.

I'm sure there were people back in Rosa Parks day who wanted her to not rile up trouble too: "Just sit in the damn back of the bus! Why would you cause so much trouble for everyone! Who cares? Don't give them an excuse!"

You heard it hear folks, having to cut your hair in the military has literally made this person into RosaParks2.0

Most people know about Parks and the Montgomery, Ala., bus boycott that began in 1955, but few know that there were a number of women who refused to give up their seats on the same bus system. Most of the women were quietly fined, and no one heard much more.

Most people know about Parks and the Montgomery, Ala., bus boycott that began in 1955, but few know that there were a number of women who refused to give up their seats on the same bus system. Most of the women were quietly fined, and no one heard much more.

When asked why she is little known and why everyone thinks only of Rosa Parks, Colvin says the NAACP and all the other black organizations felt Parks would be a good icon because "she was an adult. They didn't think teenagers would be reliable."

----------------------->She also says Parks had the right hair and the right look.<------------------------------

Colvin sounds smart. He knew that you don't enact change with rationality, you do it with catchphrases and mascots.

that dont puah them to killing more effectively in the military? i.e. more psychos less trannies

Alright then, time to start learning Russian.

Why the actual fuck would you join any branch of the military if you had even the vaguest of thoughts about transitioning? It's not exactly known for being the most tolerant of this shit. And, to be quite honest, the purpose of the armed forces is to, you know, protect the fucking country, not to help people transition.

I mean, cut to me being on ALL the "OMG WORST PERSON EVER" threads on reddit, but seriously. Stop taking up time and resources worrying about this shit when your entire purpose right now is to serve our country. You can transition after your service is over and it's no longer detrimental to the effectivity of the armed forces to do so.

Actually the military is surprisingly tolerant of transgendered people. They will pay for transitioning and all the medical expenses and treatments that go with it, and once you're far enough along they will switch you over from male standards to female standards.

The thing is, like everything else in the .mil, you have to follow the procedure. This asshole decided they were too special for that so they started self-medicating hormone treatments and then demanded that they skip the line and get special treatment. The military doesn't do special treatment.

Yeah, I know they're supportive of it. But I can't help but imagine that self-medicating to the point where all you can do is languish on the floor and cry for an entire day because you have to cut your hair is doing absolutely nothing to help ensure that our armed forces are actually capable of defending anything. And while I don't begrudge transitioning using military benefits at all, I also think it might be something better saved for after you're discharged. OP's post is a great example about why I think that, too, as they're admittedly emotionally compromised and aren't even able to think clearly about their options right now.

Either way, OP is selfish as fuck for putting their own personal feelings and desires above the country's needs. They volunteered to serve, and that's what they should be focusing on, IMO, for the little that it's worth.

I also think it might be something better saved for after you're discharged

Based on what I read in that thread I think you have to transition during to take advantage of the benefits

Yep. As everyone in /r/airforce is (correctly) advising, she's dying on the worst hill possible for no reason. She's already broken the rules, in regards to self-administration and bypassing normal transition scheduling. Trying to force the bureaucracy to take special exception to her case just makes things worse, alienates any of her commanders who might otherwise try to help (threatening your bosses tends to do that), and increases the chances of discharge.

Discharge = "You're paying for them hormones yourself."

Actually the military is surprisingly tolerant of transgendered people. They will pay for transitioning and all the medical expenses and treatments that go with it, and once you're far enough along they will switch you over from male standards to female standards.

Thanks Obama...

Why the fuck would you join any branch of the military?


Why the fuck would you join any branch of the military?a tranny do anything?

To get attention, obviously. That's all they do, all day.

Money and job security. If hookers have claim to being the oldest profession, soldiers are the second.

/u/encryptedcharms what's your AFSC?

Air Force Sex Code?

What their job is.

Why the actual fuck would you join any branch of the military if you had even the vaguest of thoughts about transitioning?


Lawsuit incoming, count on it (and I wouldn't be surprised if the media picks up this story and causes a shitstorm).

A month ago when my command ordered me to cut my hair, I cried on my floor for nearly a full day. I've never faced anything so painful before. It wasn't just about my hair - they were denying something so crucial to my being.... it was some of the worst emotional pain I've ever been in.

This might be the most POG thing I've ever heard.

I fucking knew this would show up here.

The LGBTTTQQIAA communty should really split up between two groups : ones with actual mentally stable trans that accept society's rules, and the other with people who cry on the floor for a day because they have to get an haircut.

Maybe they should an hero over getting an haircut.

Whats hilarious is they think they are advancing their cause. In reality, when future meetings on trans in the military come up, the leaders are just going to point to this case and say "This is the shit that we get when we allow people to transition on AD" as a great example to disallow it.


Man, the entitlement of LGBTQAILMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ people is astounding sometimes.

Appealing emotionally to members of the military seems really fucking stupid.

OP is fucking trolling, they were the same OP baiting /r/gaming with their Zelda T shirt snd long winded title about being a tranny.

Holy crike that /k/ thread is amazing, look at it now

I know, I gleefully read all of it!

Jesus, whenever I'm kinda warming up to the idea of trannies, they go do dumbass shit like this.

Pretty sure self-medicating in a position that can put you in control of a plane is bad. But it'll be muh transphobia when xe's discharged.

they go do dumbass shit like this.

literally just one person.


Not in control of a plane, in charge of making sure it's safe for someone else to fly. So if their self-medicating causes them to fuck up, it'll be someone else that dies...

So I have been on DIY hormones for three months,

AKA horse piss

What makes this even funnier is that this the most prolific bitcoin lolcow formerly known as /u/americanpegasus. He was one of the most delusional butters and I'm pretty sure this trans thing is another troll.

The idiot thinks this some Rosa Parks gesture.

trannies need to hurry up and CUT

This is the post of the year as of now.

I'm honored

the lolcow from new york was pretty great, but I agree.

/u/encryptedcharms stop hate-baiting. Your Zelda shirt sucked and you're in the wrong.

Wow, instead of just calmly waiting three months for some paperwork, this person is going to senselessly fuck up their own life and go against practically all the advice given to them. I'd feel bad for them if not for the fact that when they're homeless and only half-transitioned, they'll still deny that it was their own stupidity that got them into this situation and will claim that it was all due to "bigotry."

Either way, this is fascinating to watch and I hope that OP posts more. I've never seen a trainwreck happen in slow motion.

Based on the /k/ thread I'm pretty sure she's gonna get caught taking unperscribed meds so just wait for a "REEEEEEE I'M BEING CHARGED AND GETTING A DD" post

sounds like a Less Than Honorable waiting to happen, which is p much a "we think it's best if you resign"

Comparing himself to Rosa Parks is just spicy and delicious.

"No more! I'm not going to take this anymore."

goddamn patriarchy and their goddamn haircuts. Stand up for those flowing locks. Shit we need another march.

Still less of a cluster than the F-35. Or is it not cool any more to hate on it? I can't keep track.

I hope you deep dicked by a down low tranny.

Me too tbh

Fight. Fight. Fight. Go to the media. MSNBC will eat this up. please update us on your situation.

If this fucktard wasn't about to lose their career, going to the media will definitely seal the deal.

Could this person be a bit emotional due to their hormone treatment?

Fucker got a non-prio appointment in only 4months? Jesus, he should be thanking god for that miracle. In the military appointments for shit like that usually are half a year out at least.

Sometimes I kind of miss being on active duty, but then I realize the military is full of sorry sacks of shit like this these days, and then I realize I don't miss it. Can't wait for the inevitable "I got a DD" whinefest when this genius finishes fucking up their life for good.

This made my day. This is why I'm subbed to r/drama

This is the same reason why people should be doing what I tell my friends to do everyday, you see a faggot you rock them

This is the same reason why people should be doing what I tell my friends to do everyday, you see a faggot you rock them

And this is the army we're supposed to fight Russia with? Fuck, better but that Russian flag on the Whitehouse now, meanwhile the south can finally cecede, realise it's the same Shitty progressive army and be invaded by the Mexican armed forces, not the army mind, the real armed forces, the cartels.

Guys, what is an 'ainbow'?

Place where eprechauns live

/u/encryptedcharms, the second core value of the USAF is "Service before Self". You say you shouldn't "bend the knee" or whatever, but you joined the military, where you agree to live a more restrictive lifestyle. What were you expecting?

Thanks to intolerance and bigotry exactly like this, many trans people end up suicidal, making this a very life threatening condition.

Please kys in the bussy

This is the same woman that got blasted on /r/gaming for her "girl gamer outfit"

u/encryptedcharms, you are an idiot, like a major idiot

As I understand it, the "issue" is that they're required to still follow the male military hairstyle standards, even though they identify as a woman, the obvious implication being that they'd be fine with complying with the female military hairstyle standards. My question is, why does the military have different hairstyle standards based on sex in the first place? Obviously women tend to favor different hairstyles for men, but why couldn't they make the rule that both the "male" and "female" hairstyles are acceptable regardless of one's sex? I mean, military hairstyles are chosen to meet certain sets of criteria - I assume the main one's being to not interfere with a helmet, not risk getting caught in equipment, be easy to maintain in the field, and not risk getting in your eyes and obscuring your vision. So why can't they just come up with a set of haircut regulations that meets all these criteria, without having separate standards by gender? I mean, the factors that give rise to these criteria don't change depending on what gender you are, so why have different standards in the first place? If the female hairstyle meets the criteria when worn by a female, why wouldn't it still do so when worn by a male?