Triggered Trumptards brigade /r/cringeanarchy when a picture of /r/the_donald mods surfaces

132  2017-03-08 by [deleted]



Did you know that the bathtub was first marketed in north america as a horse trough and dog scalder?


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you know they're just gonna downvote the shit out of this thread right

Which just means they're getting more assblasted

Also means you can cross post to SRD then back here when they respond. Trump is a perpetual motion machine of karma.

I didn't get mad at the the other thread, but calling people "triggered trumptards" is just throwing gasoline into the fire.

the the

I swear this is the third post in less than five minutes that I've seen make this typo.

stay woke

Never have I seen a group of people this large try to act like they're not so buttmad


*dry heaves in anger*

They're not mad just playing 4d emotional chess


Ok, but seriously, where are all these buttmad t_d comments? I just finished reading the entire thread and the only comment that even came close to buttmad that thread was this one:

Wow very classy Reddit. Let's insult children for political beliefs. At least they are active enough to have political beliefs at their age. I agree this photo is "cringey", but these comments... Jesus Christ

That's it. A single comment at the bottom of the thread sandwiched in between classics like:

Gay, nerd, gay, gay, school shooter.


the exude autism

This is right at the top for me:

winners aren't salty.

Edit: All your downvotes, and Trump is still MAGA! who'd have thunk.

Edit: Come on guys, with a little more downvotes Bernie still has a chance. Match me!!

The guy even has a positive score and yet is still whining about downvotes

I didn't see that comment, so I guess that makes two. It just seems a little silly to act like "triggered trumptards" are the drama here when 99% of the comments in both that thread and this one are over-the-top reactions to a picture of some children wearing "Trump" shirts. I have no doubt that the_donald is capable of getting buttmad; I'm just not sure this is the thread to prove it.

I am sure that there are more, I did not even bother scrolling down the page because that was at the very top for me. Sure there are threads with far more triggered Trumpettes than this one, but this one is still entertaining.

where are all these buttmad t_d comments?

I'm guessing you're on mobile and you're viewing the comment section sorted regularly. If you sort by controversial (which happens automatically if you click this link on desktop) there's a whole lot of people pretending not to be buttmad.


buttmad about what?

That's the part that's kind of hard to understand. That some kids looked like ridiculous dorks? Who the fuck even cares. But the do, they do...

The fact that /r/t_d is full of autistic teenage dorks who like to act all edgy online?

Being edgy is fun as fuck, let's be real.

If you look at t_d and you think "ooh this is fun" then you probably have autism, goy.

I got banned from t_d for being too edgy, you underestimate the strength of my autism

Too edgy = Disagreeing with Mr. Donny

What was it that did it?

The_Donald had upvoted a pic of some black dude calling him based. I said niggers should hang and got perma banned.

Yeah they don't like it when you give away the game like that

Yeah, I hate that reddit is full of pussies that get mad at words from an anonymous user.

Or maybe I'm just an asshole with no empathy.

We're all on the spectrum chum

Never have I see people who've won be this buttmad about the thing they won. It's one thing to be a sore loser, but a sore winner? That's extra sad.

they're all manlets

how can you tell?

You take the standard brick size and estimate their height off the wall they're standing against.

Bricks come in vastly different sizes yo. Plus they look normal compared to the doors.

Well they're also children

I don't know about vastly, the average size of a brick plus mortar is 75mm which puts the shorter ones at 5'4'' and the taller ones at 5'6'' which is probably right considering they are in fact children.

The doorknobs are the giveaway

Other than giraffe boy they all have proportions that make them look about 5'6" to 5'8"

It's almost like they're not full grown adults yet!

i don't get it, shouldn't they all be too busy winning to care about some randos on reddit making fun of them? surely they're off leading successful, fulfilling lives now that america is great again!

Trump winning is all they had. Now that the election is over and their lives still suck all they can is kick their feet and scream.

They're children, what do they "have"?


Trump won them by stroking their victim boner. Unfortunately that's the kind of boner that doesn't just go away.

I'm going to end up in the hospital if it lasts more than 4 years.

4 years

8 years m8 let's make America gr8

Yeah but as it turns out emotional boners aren't policy.

Trump winning wasn't enough. Now they have to destroy the media and get Trump re-elected. There is also something about interdimensional aliens with super technology fueled by pedophilia and abortion supporting the Democrats...

If they had been satisfied and went back to being happy post-election Trump would have been screwed. His movement thrives on being a counter-culture. The extreme push-back from the media even after they've taken over the entire government allows them to keep being edgy outsiders while holding almost all the cards.

Never go full Alex Jones.

Yeah. I was having fun being pro-Trump for awhile but I had to quit after that AMA. Their opposition is so boring these days though that its been hard finding something to latch onto.

If you really want to go down the road of posting embarrassing photos of people wearing campaign gear, I promise you that liberals/anti-trump/women's marchers/antifa/screeching protesters will lose this pissing contest 9 times out of 10.

Has this dumb motherfucker ever seen a Trump rally?

It shows how stupid the trumpcucks are that their continued defense month after the election is "BUT HILLARY".

The truth is that you are both cucks because you believe in capitalism. All capitalists are cucks.

Also, talking like a brotha on /r/blackpeopletwitter won't save you from the mayocide, paleface.

Getting Melanin injections in anticipation for the inevitable mayocide.

I love this Capitalist system!


It shows how stupid the trumpcucks are that their continued defense month after the election is "BUT HILLARY". The truth is that you are both cucks because you believe in capitalism. All capitalists are cucks. Also, talking like a brotha on /r/blackpeopletwitter won't save you from the mayocide, paleface.


Ur getting gassed mayoboi

I'm Mexican bud. You're getting gassed alone. Lol

I'm Mexican bud.

Oh so you're one of the "Bad Hombres" Trump was talking about.



Oh ok.

Arrested development wouldve been a more appropriate username

Your wit scorches the soul

Enjoy being deported retard. MAGA!

Such tolerance. Smh.

Probs one of those cracker mexicans, can't fool me

Oh no way, you communists are too smart to be fooled. Lmao

>claims to be mexican

>not communist


Even us Mexicans aren't dumb enough to be communists. When was the last time a Mexican immigrated to a communist country? Why would we want to be poorer?

Like wat

>us Mexicans

Give it up boi

Why would we want to be poorer by going to a communist country?

Cut the "we" shit cracker

Why would we want to go from owning very little to owning absolutely nothing, commie?

More like owning everything, Capitalcuck


so what? Seems like less liberals are retarded enough to actually attend political rallies



No, yes, yes,yes.

It's genuinely painful watching them try to argue coherently. The mental gymnastics aren't even awe-inspiring, they just trigger my "bless your heart, you fucking idiot" reflex.

What a ride that post has been. It was a typical cringe post with some funny comments. There was a funny photoshop in the comments. Then someone posted the photoshop pic to the Trump subreddit taking it seriously, and thankfully the comments told him to take that shit down cause it was meant to be cringe.

And I guess that got their attention and now we're here. I can't wait to see what happens next!

Trump supporters are the most easily triggered Americans around.

The one on the far left has got what looks like some nice birthing hips

Waid Gainz? Those are jarate filling hips, thank you very much

Second to the left looks like Beaker from the Muppets

I got more of a young Sam the Eagle vibe.







I think he's on the far right.

All I saw there, and here, are triggered liberals

Yes, photos of nerd children in Trump shirts really stick it to the left.

I mean, just taking a look at all these comments, yes lol

I tip my cap to these brave patriots. These comments show the hate and bullshit receives when they support a right leaning canidate. This behavior from the left is quite bizarre.

Never have I seen a group of people this large try to act like they're not so buttmad

This entire thread is about imaginary Trump supporters being upset.

Why would any Trump supporter be upset that funny looking children are being made fun of.

Just smug post about how "liberals" are making fun of children because that's all they have.

Oh hey, is this one of your pretend retard acts? I don't want to fall for that clever ruse again.

Why would any Trump supporter be upset that funny looking children are being made fun of.

I don't know, ask them.

Gaze upon those you will attack next, liberals! Don your black masks, your designer leather coats, your expensive boots, grab a stick and a sack lunch from mommy and attack all those that don't share your particular values!

Oh hey, is this one of your pretend retard acts?

Never have I seen a group of people this large try to act like they're not so buttmad

Both "sides" have goofy kids on 'em one is dumb enough to post themselves online and the other is dumb enough to riot in cities like Berkeley

You think people protesting at Berkeley aren't rich?

What argument are you trying to have with me? I don't give a shit if you think Berkeley anarchists are rich. We are here because some Trump supporters got all huffy about some of their lame ass compatriots getting ridiculed.

But for the record, rioting is 100 times cooler than posing with your super nerd friends against a wall like you are facing execution by extreme virginity.

We are here because some Trump supporters got all huffy

Never have I seen a group of people this large try to act like they're not so buttmad

Yes that's why this Drama thread is full of totally not butthurt people like yourself making fun of literal children.

Crying for the police to protect you from people you were attacking is totally cool, you aren't biased at all.

I want the police to protect these kids from themselves. They are out here murdering their already small chances of seeing some tits in college.

making fun of literal children.

Dog, you are so mad you can't keep to one standard right wing attack strategy at a time and have now gone full "won't somebody think of the children????" But yeah, I'm the one getting emotional.

You don't get to call someone mad after that person called you mad first.

It just shows how mad you are right now.

Of course you think brave anti-Trump protesters in Berkeley wouldn't be popular with girls so obviously you lack a bit in the social ability.

You are just a one trick pony aren't you.

This is going to sound harsh, but I think you should know. No matter how many times you insist on it, I will never care about you enough to get mad at anything you say. You should seek out real life interactions to get the emotional responses you so clearly need. Maybe go outside and yell dumb shit at an antifa dude.

I liked you better when you were LARPing an alfalfa farmer with a learning disability.

You sound totally not mad at all while you post over and over about how not mad you are.

Tell me more about how much you don't care.


The riots in Berkeley and Portland were all planted by Milo the NAMBLA Navigator.

Now this is a retard conspiracy I can fucking get behind.

Why would any Trump supporter be upset that funny looking children are being made fun of.

I can't even begin to comprehend the mindset of your average Trump supporter, but it's pretty obvious their jimmies are rustled.

The only jimmies rustled is the comment section in here of the Liberals unloading on a picture of five regular kids wearing T-shirts to make themselves feel better about losing in every branch of our government.

"Neener neener, your team lost!"

How peurile.

It's a comment from the Thread lol, get your jimmies rustled

Why would any Trump supporter be upset that funny looking children are being made fun of.

I don't know. I'm not retarded.

Most people here aren't "liberals"

Most dramanauts are either fascist or communist. We all at least agree that Liberalism is lame.

this but unironically

Modern America, where if you aren't a Trumpette you must be a liberal.

It works both ways


They all hold their head too high. So it looks like as they all have pig noses. xD

They're also all covering their balls.

So it looks like they all have pig balls.

Maybe it's the OP picture coloring my perception, but that entire thread reads like a bunch of 9th-11th graders arguing about politics. Same old boring memes back and forth at each other. And then it gets linked here, where it will inevitably start even more meme arguments.

I've come to the conclusion that kids are ruining reddit and we should gas all kids while they're still weak enough to be manipulated easily.

While I'm sure all of the teenagers who post on T_D are exceptional bright and capable of deep political thought /s, pretty much every other school aged kid like this group are just mimicking what Mommy and Daddy believe.

What happened to the pic of the nerd cutting off their heads and saying "Nothin personnel, kids"?

It was too dank for this world

Fuck, I should have saved it.

The flames on the guy on the left rise high enough to reach the heavens.

Make Bullying Great Again! No seriously, everyone in this picture deserves at least a swirly.

This is what you get when you crack down on bullying in public schools.

I tip my cap to these brave patriots. These comments show the hate and bullshit receives when they support a right leaning canidate. This behavior from the left is quite bizarre.

Whatever post-irony is, this is it.