Trump administration on Wikileaks: "this is the kind of disclosure that undermines our country, our security and our well-being." WTF I hate Wikileaks now.

30  2017-03-09 by IAmAN00bie




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/r/the_donald's heads to blow in 3....2....1....

this is just 69D Kal-toh, you libcuck

I'm a simple man, I see a Star Trek reference, I upvote.

Just took a gander over there (thank dog I was protected by George Soros' SuperFluoride Natural Aneurysm Shield™) and so far they didn't seem to have picked up on it, but I wouldn't be surprised if they went all "nope, nothing to see here" on these particular remarks by Trump.

I imagine the mods will start deleting the pro wikileaks stuff. They delete everything else

At this point they should just wipe the sub clean every 24 hours to avoid contradictions.

They'll probably ban anyone posting it. I would love to see the Trump supporters on /r/Wikileaks get triggered if this gets posted there.

I was banned for ridiculing pizzagate.

I was banned for calling Ann Coulter a hateable cunt

You were both banned for being cucks.

I'm more of a peg me guy

post bussy

no u

Nobody respects women more than Donald and his fans. If you can't keep your misogyny to yourself, you don't belong in the kindhearted, family friendly community that is /r/The_Donald.


licking Donny's taint

Checks out

Actually, all he asked was for me to take a tinkle on his Tempur-Pedic.

Wow, how does it feel to not be worthy of his saintly taint?

14th post on their front page right now is "#Fakenews BuzzFeed BTFO By Wikileaks". Will it still be on the sub at all in a few hours? Lets find out!

God-Emperor doesn't engage in one-dimensional thinking, you numpty.


WikiLeaks suddenly the champion of the Democrats.

Nope, now Democrats are fantasizing about dreamy CIA spooks saving them from the dastardly Trump, so they are pissed too.

NOOOO! No tasty pissies for the libcuck Demoncrats!! Those are all for the good defendors of Daddy!

I have those fantasies too except the guy chokes me

When did it stop being that

when they released things they said/did in their emails.

Wikileaks is a useful enemy.

wtf I love the CIA now

so does this make /r/the_donald cucks now?

Isn't it great that the only bipartisan position is that mass surveillance is a great thing?

Politics is fucked atm tbh

It really depends on what it is being used for. Internal or external. There is no problem with the CIA being able to hack the living fuck out of iPhones. There is a problem if they are using it on citizens without a warrant.

Too much unknown here.

So far no evidence that any of this was used on Americans. Being happy that the US spies tasked with monitoring foreigners are actually good at their jobs should be a bipartisan position.

lol you think it's not? That's cute.

Regardless, they lost the code. I'm not going to be happy about how good at killing our militaries new weapon is if they lose it and give any number of people the ability to use if.

lol you think they are? That's cute.

Large-scale SIGINT is the domain of the NSA. The CIA does targeted high-value surveillance. They do not use these tools haphazardly - every time they use them there is a risk that it will be found out and the exploit patched, like the iphone exploit.

If you think that the CIA cares about your day to day life then you are either hilariously self-absorbed or you are in to some serious criminal stuff. You should be more worried about what Google/Facebook/Big Data know about you.

I would trust Bill Wilson with my life.

Where did I say I think they're spying on the average citizen?

Regardless, they lost the code.

The first line of your last comment reads as if you believe that the exploits are being used on Americans.

I would trust Bill Wilson with my life

Placing all your trust in Agent "little-finger" was the first mistake of your master plan

t_d: Wtf i hate wikileaks now

WikiCucks hates America! They make Daddy very angry!!

Leaks are bad and if you like them then you are bad! Don't be bad!

It was all just 657D Chess by Trump, r-right goys?

Daddy doesn't have time for games, cuck!

He's too busy being Our President!!!

WikiLeaks is a bunch of meanies and always ALWAYS has been!

Daddy loves America and wants to protect it! Go back to Russia, WikiLeaks!

More like WikiSTINKS!!!

Where's that haha retard reeing about agenda posts?

>jimmies rustled


just end it fam

Oh sorry I guess I didn't throw in enough BTW IM MAKING FUN OF LIBERALS BUT IM NOT A TRUMP SUPPORTER disclaimers for the autists.

im not sure if that south park neutrality would be better than a shit meme

either way kys


This isn't drama.

Post it in r/worldnews :D