Patriarchy is officially smashed when anthropomorphic surfboard hands out toilet paper to the homeless in (((York))).

75  2017-03-09 by Tar-mairon


I know now I'll never have any flair again and I've come to terms with that.


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Can you name one thing women aren't permitted to do that men can in modern day, first world countries?

Literally all of these reponses are retarded.

I wish I could be this confident and this wrong at the same time

There was one reasonable answer.

Get their tits out in public.

But they can in a lot of places. New York being one of them.

Men don't have tits

Women can also go topless in a lot of areas. It's not actually illegal in most states.

Speak for yourself, Mr. thin privilege.

I see none of them live in NYC.

Worth noting that the opposition to that is mostly women, though.

It's much easier to get activists on side if you can frame it as men vs women more directly by men opposing women's freedoms, even if it's not true. Similarly, abortion is often framed from the pro-choice people as men wanting to control women, but in the US men and women have almost identical attitudes on if abortion should be legal, and in the UK women are actually believe abortion should be restricted more than men do.

That's actually legal in a majority of America, at least.

Have a child without it affecting their career.

Yeah, pretty retarded. Hard to spend 9 months with a baby growing inside you, affecting you physically and psychology and have it not affect your career.

What the fuck do people actually expect?

men can do in modern day

have a child

/r/books everyone

this is your brain on public schools.

No one mentioned peeing standing up :(

Get their tits out in public.

Good point.

MRA screeching aside how the fuck did Emma Watson became a feminist icon? She's made like what, 50M+ based on the fact that she had the right look as a child and could read a script. How do you physically stand beside Malala at UN events and complain about a few nobodies saying mean things about a photo shoot that probably doled out her entire extended familie's life earnings.

I would be astounded if she made only $50MM from eight blockbuster movies that are among the highest-grossing films of all time.

Oh look a celeb taking up a useless political cause which she/he/it will not be doing anything. We need to be told how to act by celeb so us petty commoners otherwise would not know.

It's just stupid shit that stupid people care.

Actually, she does do stuff. She's an ambassador in the UN.

ambassador UN

A Goodwill ambassador which in i.e is nothing. But not at UN but rather UN Women.

how the fuck did Emma Watson became a feminist icon?

white people are retarded

They are.

i dont know why he wrote "retarded people are retarded"

it's a tautology


Black people are too busy with woke intellectual pursuits like killing innocent bystanders and having children out of wedlock to engage in retarded behaviors like trying to encourage people to read.

This but unironically

To be honest I think that you're comment encouraged me to forget how to read through.

Too bad it didn't encourage you to forget how to post.


how the fuck did Emma Watson became a feminist icon?

The movement finally figured out Lena Dunham is a revolting person, both physically and in character, so they picked a more appealing standard-bearer.

Because she's the type of person who can tell men that women don't care that much about physical appearance and keep a straight face.

She has a lot of visibility and promotes the relevant ideas. It's really not that complicated. I would hope that she realizes the role that luck has played in her success, but there is nothing unusual about that.

You forgot the ir before relevant.

It's relevant to feminists, how you or I feel about it is not important.

Its like asking a toaster how it feels.

millions? of boys grew up wanting to fuck her that's why

how the fuck did Emma Watson became a feminist icon?

Feminists are retarded

I remember when she was justifying her own feminism by saying her experience with sexism was that she'd never had a male director on one of her films. She's a special girl.

Is I had to guess, the way she got to stand beside Malala at the UN is because she's held a position in the UN for 3 years.

Feminist books? Those who promote man hate? That say that not having periods is male privilege? I've yet to see a feminist work that doesn't somehow attack men.

I'm left wondering how many feminist works he's read.

To be fair if you were ever required to take a women's issues course in college then what he said makes complete sense.

I think I read fucking John Milton's Aeropagitica in a women's studies course.

does that count?

To be honest I don't see what that has to do with feminism, but ok. I was talking about Gloria Steinem, Betty Friedan and a couple of others. While not always openly hostile towards men, there is a consistant dismissal that men offer anything to the world that women don't. I'm of the opinion that men and women compliment each other.

I was just pointing out that modern women's studies curricula are not really designed around raw "theory" like Friedan might offer, but rather feminist approaches to texts which are relevant to Western society as a whole.

Maybe your courses were somewhat old-fashioned.

My course was somewhat nuts. I'm willing to admit that it probably wasn't typical. I just did the smile and nod thing the whole time.

y-y-y-y-you just haven't read MY approved literature

My favourite kind of feminist literature is the kind where the author is arguing that men are obsessed with cocks, but the only thing they really prove is that the author is the one that's obsessed with cocks.

I mean, I am obsessed with my cock. But it's a pretty great cock. Personally I think everyone could do with taking some time to contemplate my cock and just how lovely it is.

Best novelty account of 2017.

Best novelty account of 2017.

You are going to see more use than the this is why trump won account

Isn't that why Trump won?

Right because your average Joe will see a random book about gurl power thrown on the ground, pick it up, read it, and become a feminist.

Marx was right, rich people were a mistake.

Sounds like harming the environment and causing those trees to die for no reason instead of preventing Global Warming.

TBH, I'd probably take the book to the lost and found and hope whoever lost it manages to find it. But it would just end up sitting in the lost and found for eternity.

Kill all richers

Marx was right

about almost everything

Except the inevitable fall of capitalism, global revolution, and socialist economies working

socialist economies working

he didn't really get into many specifics about praxis.

it was more about a reading of history

He was a prophet for a religion, a religion based on prophecies that haven't come to fruition

so like all prophets for all religions

fedora inclines 30 degrees

This but unironically.


If Marx had kept all his opinions to himself he would have been right. By starting a movement he altered the course of history, because socialists can't do anything right.

Marx was right

You have no idea, dude.

Rich woman goes around filming herself littering in New York, says "lol criminal charges are for poors and blacks".

Calling it littering. So edgy

That's not what that word means.

There are like no public bathrooms in the city. Toilet paper is super useful to homeless. This however is peak fuckboi behavior

You can guess the age and gender of a person, with reasonable accuracy, based on their response to "Emma Watson is common and plain".

I found a stack of jazz mags in the woods one time; they must have been left by Emma Watson, I guess.

The last thing feminism needs is anyone reading its terble books.

Emma Watson hasn't had to struggle a day in her life. Which ironically makes her the perfect figurehead for the movement. "I know I haven't suffered, but someone out there must be suffering, so let me complain for them."

I agree and disagree with you on multiple levels with this comment.

Yeah, it's strange she's a figurehead, causing she probably didn't ever have to deal with much struggle.

But on the other hand your last line is just stupid. Of course a people that is struggling couldn't speak out as easily. Islamic countries where women feel the burden of sexist laws don't exactly have an abundance of women soaking out for their rights.

You're right there's no pool between wealthy movie star since grade school and the faceless suffering under islamic rule that they could pull from.

Who finds this chick hot? and why?

I mean, you might not like her but it's pretty obvious why.

feminism kills any erection for me (and there's not much left tbh)

The title game is strong in this one.

So many angry manbabies in this thread lol

Most of the mayos like u/sentrixbq sperg harder about the few spergburgers than they even did themselves.

I just say random shit in random posts. When I got there every comment was bashing Emma so I left a bunch of comments bitching to stir the pot.

Emma Watson was a mistake