[AMA request] an honest-to-god pizzagater

48  2017-03-09 by Burnnoticelover


1.) Why are so many rich and powerful people pedophiles?

2.) Why are they hiding clues and hints if they want the operation kept secret?

3.) If Ashton Kutcher is a false-flag operator, and the pedos control the government, then how can we stop them?

4.) Is there any particular reason why every elite celeb/politician except for Donald Trump and his supporters are in on this?

Can anyone hook this up? I feel like it would be amazing.

Edit: thank you for your responses


Wrong Reddit you Vicky

we've seen DrAMAs before.

I got you, fam.

5) Why wouldn't you want to have pizza with Katy Perry?

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

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Oh jeez now they're all gonna come here

/>implying that's bad

Unleash the lolcow flock.

It's gonna be a lolcow stampede

It's a landsliiiide

Someone is over there defending pizzagate by using phrases such as "god emperor Donald Trump". This is an agent provocateur, who's intention is to taint as partisan this investigation in the minds of people reading about it over there. Please come in the thread help with the truth.

if your arent a troll then lol

1.) Why are so many rich and powerful people pedophiles?

I think it acts like "jumping you into a gang" for a political cabal. That is, you can't be part of it until you have committed this most heinous and degenerate of crimes - every member has the ultimate blackmail material hanging over them.

2.) Why are they hiding clues and hints if they want the operation kept secret?

Have you ever been part of crew that, for example, does a lot of drugs? People start making overt references to that drug, for fun and for in-jokes and for in-group recognition. You get a t-shirt that says "e-tard" or a hat with a marijuana leaf on it or you wear a coke spoon around your neck. You get off on hiding in plain sight. And it is part of your life, so the obvious illegality doesn't worry you as much as it should.

3.) If Ashton Kutcher is a false-flag operator, and the pedos control the government, then how can we stop them?

Each of us has one thing: a single vote. Vote out obvious embedded control agents, like Lindsey Graham and John McCain. Vote in people who genuinely love America, like GOD-EMPEROR DONALD J. TRUMP, FIRST OF HIS NAME.

4.) Is there any particular reason why every elite celeb/politician except for Donald Trump and his supporters are in on this?

Yeah, but being a rich pedo is the American way of life.

Why do you hate freedom?

No, that is the Islamic way of life.

The American way of life is big tits, big cars, big muscles, big swimming pools and overwhelming firepower.

...if you're poor.

When you're a rich and powerful American citizen, being a pedo (and dropping hints about it) is the norm. They don't eat McDonald's and drink PBR either, they have finer tastes. That's what the great minds that decipher pizzagate have uncovered.

Questioning the life style of people who have accomplished the American dream isn't patriotic, and it isn't noble. It's what communists would do to tear down this great nation; you tear down the biggest pillars and laugh as a nation crumbles.

If you want to say faggot weirdo things you are going to have to do your own AMA.

Are you implying that AMAs are only for those that say faggot weirdo things? Why do you have such a low opinion of yourself?

Wow you trump people are seriously ill.

Rude tbh

It is one of the few times /u/yourgayopinion has made me laugh

We should hang out sometime.

hmmm...i feel comfortable with the amount of time we spend together currently

Send me a picture of your house.

well, this is the view from the inside

I forgot who communists are now.

ya, Lenin-san would be pretty embarrassed

In that case, it would make more sense to molest children in the basement of a sushi restaurant. Why would I want to commit sex crimes in a facility that produces food that even college students can afford?

I think pedos are attracted to Hollywood, because that is a place where they can obtain to enough power and license to ped out.

We're talking about the guy who said he coud get away with groping people because he's a star, right?


1.) Why are so many rich and powerful people pedophiles?

What happened is that pedophilia insurance got big in politics. At a certain point, they force high powered politicians to perform an act of pedophilia so that they can use it to control the politician later. Israel's CIA (Mossad) is the one who mostly gathers the videos of these politicians performing pedophelia. They also setup non-pedo politicians by sending in 16 year old spies with fake IDs into a party where the politician has sex with them and so they manufacture fake pedos too. A lot of politicians are actually pedos though and the pedo empire spreads from DC to UK to Saudia Arabi and of course other countries. This setup attracts real pedos as well.

2.) Why are they hiding clues and hints if they want the operation kept secret?

They aren't. People found out about the pedo problem from the email leaks late last year. There were many code words in there that were deciphered.

3.) If Ashton Kutcher is a false-flag operator, and the pedos control the government, then how can we stop them?

I'm not 100% sure about Ashton but it looks suspicious. We can stop them and we are stopping them. Its an unfolding process. We should make a lot of progress by summertime.

4.) Is there any particular reason why every elite celeb/politician except for Donald Trump and his supporters are in on this?

The world mafia cabal is trying to dominate the whole planet using legalized power. They control all the propaganda which includes Hollywood propaganda. They hate Trump because he cannot be blackmailed or used in the same way many politicians can and so they have already lost a lot of power there. Trump and his team are a breath of fresh air who are replacing these pedos but the pedos are scared shitless right now. They pretty much realize its over but are grasping at straws trying to save themselves.

I'm not 100% sure about Ashton but it looks suspicious.

What looks suspicious? Can you be more specific?

Its amazing how ashton was set to speak before congress about pedos right when this hit the news. He could be used like a puppet by someone higher up. He is mainstream hollywood and I have never heard of Ashton speaking against the cabal. I have heard other actors and actresses like Rosanne Barr and a few others but not Ashton.

I can't say anything for sure but I will find out in the future once more moves are made.

Think of it like a village that found out they have a thief and so the thief makes a speech about how important honesty is in order to take himself out of the suspect list. I'm not saying this is what's happening but we will know for sure eventually.

I can't say anything for sure...

You could have just left it at that.

They hate Trump because he cannot be blackmailed or used in the same way many politicians can and so they have already lost a lot of power there.

This is something that gets ignored a lot, but Trump is the first president in a long fucking time to not be on good terms with the Council of Foreign Relations or the Trilateral Commission.

No, I don't believe these people are part of a secret NWO cabal, but the fact that, unlike any president before him, Trump is actually considered a threat to the most elite and influential groups of the last century... is really goddamn interesting.

The neo-McCarthyism we're now seeing from establishment politicians to try to eliminate Trump is evidence of the world's most obvious conspiracy. Like a kid mashing the close door button on an elevator, hoping it'll actually work. Trump knows there's nothing on him, and he's letting his enemies eat themselves.

It is beautiful.

Jews got mentioned in the second sentence.

Israel's CIA (Mossad) is the one who mostly gathers the videos of these politicians performing pedophelia.

Why is this just shoehorned in there? Why would Mossad be responsible for gathering videos of politicians performing pedophilia? Why not CIA?


Mossad wants the power and control. They outsmarted the CIA back in the day and now we are here. There are many people involved from all agencies and countries. It's like a word Mafia aka Khazarian Mafia. They have been infiltrating others heavily in the last 2000 years. They infiltrate positions of power and control.

The last 2000 years? What are you basing this off of?

Take some time to read this article. It will explain everything for you.


I know this might sound a little shocking, but your source material is mildly questionable.

2.) Why are they hiding clues and hints if they want the operation kept secret? They aren't.

Well then what about all those "this pizza place uses a pedophilia logo" or whatever? Are those just bullshit? Because they sound like bullshit.

Yes, they are real. Nobody knew what those symbols meant except pedos so it was a secret. Those symbols are used to advertise pedophelia for customers in gov mostly. We found out the meaning and some companies changed the logo real quick.

This is going to bury the elite. Cats out of the bag. They are in damage control mode now.

It's less about kiddie fuckers and more about blackmail and extortion.

This was the top post on r/pizzagate when the sub got banned (3000 upvotes in a 30k community). Anyone interested in learning more about pedogate should start by reading this. http://archive.is/MrsGu

Important note Investigating systemic crimes against children is a non-partisan effort. It is not part of an "agenda" (other than being decent and civilized). People like "YourGayOpinion" who come here and use phrases like "god-emperor Donald Trump" should be considered as a provocateur, someone trying to taint this virtuous, distributed effort as being motivated by bringing down Trump's opponents.

How do you know that Donald Trump isn't one of them? Were you present at these pizza basement sex parties?

Where did I say Trump was above reproach? You're so convinced one must be a "Trump supporter" to acknowledge the gravity of pedogate that you're imagining things.

>posting this unironically trying to redpill /r/drama

>unironically using redpill as a verb

There are elements of that which are compelling and I find it difficult to come up with a convincing alternative explanation for. But other parts of the argument seem to be coasting on sounding really bad but without any real substance. For example he alludes to Alefantis posting things on social media and having things in the restaurant that were suspect. (The restaurant connection to me is by far the weakest part of the whole theory.) He links to a Reddit search saying we'll have to look for it ourselves. This seems like deliberate obfuscation to be honest, but I'll overlook that in favor of addressing what you can find if you follow that link. One of the threads in that search addresses the supposedly pedophila-related statements and images. They link to all of them. Virtually none of them are even remotely eyebrow raising. Only one was actually weird, a little kid with arms taped to a table in the restaurant. And yeah, that's just fucking weird and even if it wasn't meant "that way" I would say it's not acceptable. But most of the other things linked are idiotically irrelevant.

I spent some time reading about the artist who made the disturbing paining that is very obviously a depiction of child abuse. She makes paintings like that because she was supposedly a victim of "Monarch Programming" as a child resulting in multiple personalities, all of which paint and one of which paints evocatively horrifying scenes of torture.

But is Monarch a real thing, and are "multiple personalities" in the way she seems to exhibit them a real thing? A skeptic would say NO. Multiple personalities of the oh-so-fascinating variety she claims have historically turned out to be complete bullshit, and Monarch programming doesn't even have a Wikipedia entry. She is a talented artist, but probably also a talented bullshit artist. Her paintings are moving and she has an intriguing sob story; it's not a surprise that some pretentious fucker has them on display. Tonally inappropriate for a family restaurant? Fuck yes, but not damning.

The majority of evidence people cite surrounding this theory doesn't hold up to minor scrutiny.

But if someone can explain to me what the fuck a "pizza-related map" drawn on a handkerchief is supposed to mean, I would love to know.

I once ate a pizza by my house gate so I feel qualified to answer:

1.) Why are so many rich and powerful people pedophiles?

They are interdimensional vampires. This allows them access to money in alternative realities.

2.) Why are they hiding clues and hints if they want the operation kept secret?

They don't. As there are infinite alternate universes , the interdimensional vampires jump from one timeline to the next, they create tears in the space time continuum. Timelines where they are exposed early sometimes leak over creating what we humans call "clues"

3.) If Ashton Kutcher is a false-flag operator, and the pedos control the government, then how can we stop them?

Ashton Kutcher is actually from the 70's. He jumped through a portal the vampires forgot about to reach 2017, this is why he has not aged. The only way to stop them is finding the portal he used to jump to this CURRENT YEAR and destroy them before they breed.

4.) Is there any particular reason why every elite celeb/politician except for Donald Trump and his supporters are in on this?

Open your heart to kek. Once you let him in all becomes clear. This is why they are so woke.

Nice humblebrag about your "house gate" loser.

he's clearly one of them

1) They're descended from Satan and his band of outer space lizard people and fucking young humans is an ancient lizard people tradition.

2) They enjoy taunting humans who can do nothing about it.

3) There's no stopping them. They've been ruling since ancient times.

4) Donald Trump is also in on it. He's just there to give some people a false sense of hope, like tat guy in 1984 who pretends to help the protagonist fight the government. Everyone in /r/the_donald WILL end up in the Ministry of Truth.

1.) Look at the Catholic church for the reason why?

2) They aren't hiding clues. They never thought thay their emails would have been hacked.

3) Not answering a facetious question

4) Donald Trump is unique. He is at the point where he doesn't care about money, he just wants to destroy the federal government. Not many elites want this as it could make them poor, but Trump doesn't care.

He just wants to destroy the federal government. Not many elites want this as it could make them poor, but Trump doesn't care.

It's crazy how in a thread full of people talking about Ashton Kutcher Israeli pedophiles the libertarian is still the biggest retard.

1.) Why are so many rich and powerful people pedophiles?'

Actually I think everyone is secretly a pedophile like me. I'm just pissed those rich people get away with it.

2.) Why are they hiding clues and hints if they want the operation kept secret?

Haven't you ever watched Scooby Doo or read the Hardy boys? You have to leave clues. Otherwise how is anyone supposed to solve the mystery? Duh.

3.) If Ashton Kutcher is a false-flag operator, and the pedos control the government, then how can we stop them?

The only answer is to keep voting Trump and ignoring the haters #MAGA

4.) Is there any particular reason why every elite celeb/politician except for Donald Trump and his supporters are in on this?

They're all in the liberal globalist socialist cuck cabal.

I'm pretty sure there are two distinct answers to number 1, and both are accurate:

a) Pedophilia is a mark of advanced evolution in the lizard-human interbreeding experiment. Pedophiles are all descended from the union of a lizard-being and a lowly (((human))). The aberrant sexuality is only ONE sign of this divine intermixing, but a sign that is sadly misinterpreted and reviled among lowly human beans.

b) Pedophilia is a classic societal and communal taboo, the likes of which only the most decadent and enlightened humans emulate. Even if someone is not actually attracted to children, breaking that taboo is a rite of passage for many elite groups, which seek to assert their superiority and "uber-menschness" by seeking out and pissing on everything held sacred by plebs. Hellfire club is one of the known examples, meaning that they failed horribly and died out.

There are other elite groups that only allow entry upon a complete renunciation of all gestalt ideals every conceived by human communities.

The answer to every other question is that pizzagate believers are undoubtedly and irrefutably retarded beyond help.

This died. I want to do another AMA.