Can we keep the mayocide to America?

7  2017-03-09 by ThatOtherPromise

I think white people outside the states are mostly decent, we could consider them honorary human beings and have them as slaves or something idk


Using metric

Being human

Pick one

use imperial

having a triple digit IQ

Pick one and only one

REEEEEEE get out yuroper

the beatings mayocide will continue till the morale complexion improves




THIS. If it's not worldwide it's just a boring old genocide.

na whites everywhere especially the ones with jew genes are fucked up

same fucking shit everywhere

i think maybe russians are okay

Russians aren't white, they're mongoloids.

the donald thinks they r white

Have you seen HWNDU? Most of t_D and /pol/ are pretty far from white.

wat is HWNDU?

Shia's LeHoleGuy's crowdsourced weapons-grade autism outpouring in opposition to Trump.

those ppl were not TD or pol

He says, confidently. I wouldn't expect you to back it up because you're pretty stupid.

Point proven.

stay mad u fragile jew

You're not even gonna try?

no m8 i have proven my point time and time again

You either accept my facts or fucking neck yourself

ok buddy?

You haven't proven none of them were from TD or pol before. Care to try?

why the fuck wud pol and td join a liberal movement?

Lol no the trolls who showed up to fuck with it you dumbass.

how do u know they were from TD or pol?

I don't. I also don't know they weren't and it would make sense if they were. You're the one who made a claim here, bitchtits.

the majority of TD supporters and pol are actually white

what do u think they are? self hating blacks and mexicans?

I don't know what they are. I've never seen any polling data as to their ethnic makeup. I do know several black and Mexican trump supporters though.

TD i know is packed with indians tho

pol is majority white supremacists who get triggered by mongoloid genes

Maybe you're just triggered by white genes.

no i am here to expose the danger of it

do you have a problem with it?

With what? Your ignorant nonsense? Not really. Keep up the good work, son.

I know white boys like you get triggered

its okay

i have nothing against you

I'm white though.

Do you hate me ?

The only emotion I feel towards you is slight amusement.

i am just trying to educate folks

Best of luck, pal.

Was this supposed to convince anyone who's not brain damaged?

are u saying im autistic? or the donald

I was asking how "the_d thinks that XYZ" is adding credibility to what you say.

it is about what people think not facts

Oh yeah, I forgot it's 2017.




Race traitors are a valuable asset.

That's just what a white person would say, wacnews_the_mayo

You need at least one white person, though. What happens if you guys accidentally lose and forget certain technologies like the wheel?

So OP is either a dumb Canadian or a Europoor. Trying to escape the hammer of equality.

Its coming down on your head just like mine.

I am latino m8 u retarded country doesnt think I am white

Which is why I support the mayocide unironically

Latino isn't a real thing. You're a halfbreed Spaniard (white) and Native America (red dirt).

So we can cut you in half to purge the evil white part or just destroy the whole thing (which is easier).

You'll be up against the wall with the rest of the crackers regardless of how many tacos or churros you make.

Shooked me to gudness. 👌🏻👌🏻

To further blow your mind, Spaniards themselves are halfbreeds.

You'll be up against the wall with the rest of the crackers regardless of how many tacos or churros you make.

Well... hang on now... let's think about this... how many tacos and churros are we potentially talking about here?

The fact that he posts on Reddit during business hours would indicate he's not a hard working Latino, so I'm going to say the number is pretty low.

Oh right, yeah fuck that guy, to the wall with him, front of the line

And have those gas chambers never used? No, kill all whites.

I don't enjoy this forced meme. Sorry, call me uncool, but it's just not amusing. Not because I'm a butthurt white boy (Poles aren't white, /pol/ told me that), but because there's nothing else to it. It's like, yay mayocide and then what? There's nothing funny to say afterwards.

anglos are fucking scum

anglocide now

that's because white people aren't funny


Euros are the whitest of all.

Request denied.


Umm... excuse me, white boy? It was the European mayos who ENSLAVED and MURDERED millions of actual humans. You get to die last, but only because I want you to see how great the world is without crackers before you hit the noose.