[Two Months Later]: Update to sorority meeting that turned to a giant fist-fight -- currently in the process of "impeaching" our sorority president and vice president

147  2017-03-09 by [deleted]



snappy does it again

whites and jews have the worst genes known to man. Their babies should just be aborted at birth. Dropped to the ground and stomped??

You used to be so sure that jew and white babies should be dropped to the ground and stomped. Why are you now questioning it?

I think his devotion to the mayocide is waning.


im asking for ur opinion

Which part, dropping them to the ground or stomped?


Is English your first language?

yeah why

Just curious.


i wish to subscribe to your newsletter

i will have more scientific articles posted soon

You should organize a voluntary lynch mob in my opinion.

Also, did some girls sleep with the bf's of other members, just out of spite?

I'm sure that's gone on, but I haven't heard about it.

Just make sure your bf gets an STD-test done.

Imagine being the kind of cutthroat bitch who sleeps with the dowdy sorority scribe's boyfriend.


a voluntary lynch mob

how does one organize a coerced lynch mob

I can't tell you, you're black


Yakub strikes again

You know things are bad when you base an entire religion around some skellington with hydrocephaly and your pathologic hatred for white people.

Come back when you've gotten a PhD in Tricknology, and then talk.

Come on man, why would it be out of spite? Sometimes you just got to get that cock.

I was literally just reading the past posts and clicked your name to check for updates. What terrific timing. Please share the final verdict once it's all said and done.

Also I hope your poor puss is recovering from the swift kick it received. That can stay sore for too long... I wish I was not speaking from a past experience.

Will do.

And yeah, I actually had a bit of bruising around...that area. Not fun.

Was this at Tx St or TAMU?

Eat Em Up Cats!

when I was last down there, the coach's name was Whacker, and all the ladies lived up to his name.

on the banks of the mighty (lol) San Marcos River. home to the blind Texas salamander and the blind SWTSU freshman

Fat lip?

oh my god was somebody just nice and supportive on /r/drama? We need balance frick frick frick heck darn tarnation negro there we go.

I don't know what you're talking about. Drama is the kindest, most loving subreddit on Reddit.

This is me hugging you right now


right before you plunge the knife into their back and whisper sweet nothings into their ear

at least, that's the /r/drama i know and love

The Lannisters send their regards


I want to say "this but unironically", but it might be considered ironic. But I will say it anyway. Adding to this the fact that many /r/Drama members have been... helpful to me to say the least. It's helped me out quite a bit.

Drama is Reddits love machine.

Getting advice from /u/Oxus007 about where is best to bury the bodies is the most help anyone can ask for.

Adding to this the fact that many /r/Drama members have been... helpful to me

/u/Zachums swallows.

It's the polite thing to do.


Please record the proceedings. The drama will be glorious

take notes and post them

I'm actually the "scribe" for the proceedings, so I'll be sure to fill y'all in.

oh my god yes please

On a scale from 1 to Washington Monument, how erect are you right now?


"He's erect. The most erect. Yugely-yugely erect, folks."


Plz stop raping me.

as a white male, i'm not sure i'm capable

Your entire existence is rape, mayo führer

Will you guys hire a courtroom sketch artist to capture the tensest moments? Like that famous Tom Brady courtroom sketch

Oh if the vice president isn't up there on the stand like Saddam Hussein in court, I will be SORELY disappointed.

Mistakes were made? More like white women were mistakes.

This the most mayomurican thing i read in a long time.

[Pls tell me your college is like that](This is the most mayo American thing i've seen and read.

Pls tell me that your college is like that.)

Dude, it's not a complete day if Rev Theory doesn't play at least once.

Wasn't this the thing with all the Indians? Sona had lent some bangles from Divya without asking, right?

Yeah. Yeah, this was the thing with "all the Indians". And it was a nose ring.

ikr? imagine taking university clubs this seriously.

If this devolves into another fight you should record it and upload it. You could make some sweet loot off the ad revenue.

If you dont record it I am literally killing you

well thats rude...

I had no idea about this. Read the original post, dear Lord, this sound like some fun. If you're not involved.

I actually thought something along the lines of the impeachment that happened in Brazil. That was a shitshow.

Like I said, I'll post the transcript from the proceedings on either Saturday or Sunday after the first round of arguments.

I think I've become more emotionally invested in this than I am in real politics

Fuck the future of my Obamacare coverage. This is the shit that matters in this country.

I haven't seen that pic since like 2007.

Bullshit, you saw it 8 minutes ago.

Dude, that's just disrespectful. Apologize.

I'm sure I'll be more than sorry when I see your tits.

/u/-Mistakes_Were_Made- told me she's flat chested but has a nice ass.

talk about why you think the president, vice president, or both should be either impeached or allowed to keep their jobs. And both the vice president and president are sitting about four feet away.

I am so invested in this drama.

OP, most of the time, you're just a fag. But today, today OP, you're a goddamn Legend.

As an old Canadian guy who went to a technical college that didn't bother with frats or sorts; I feel like I missed out on something special and you can't imagine how on the edge-of-my-seat i am right now with my bowl of popcorn waiting for an update!

If you have a tag list; add me to it.

Tbh, the short time I was in a frat, it wasn't that dramatic. The most that happened was maybe that time John was a dick and said 'faggot' in front of one of our gay members, so everyone kinda subtly picked sides and started talking about the ethics of gay marriage or some shit for the next few days.

If you can't tell I'm from bama, well, there ya' go.

Transcript will be up this weekend.



Yaaaaassss, my favorite Drama.

Glad to hear haha. I'll be back this weekend with the transcript of our meeting tonight.

Have you ever done a sorority-wide autism test?