I try to /r/DebateAltRight. Needless to say, it gets full retard really quick. It's nothing juicy, but I figured that I'd be a good neighbor and share this anyway.

27  2017-03-10 by ThisGuy481


Did you know that the bathtub was first marketed in north america as a horse trough and dog scalder?


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I don't identify as alt-right, but there are some who do who hold views similar to mine, so I can answer your question:

It's called the right of conquest.
Few ethnic groups inhabit lands that weren't inhabited by some other group before them. Most of them took it by force and there's nothing wrong with that. What's wrong is when your own leaders aid in the process of your land changing hands. The former is honorable, the latter isn't.

But we didn't take the land from the natives by conquest, 90% died to fucking smallpox and other diseases they weren't immune to because they were fucking cleaner than Europeans and thus didn't develop equivalents to wipe out the invaders.

that sounds like highly advanced biological warfare if you ask me

Wallowing in your own shit to create diseases is a pretty good long-term plan

Is this the designated plan for conquest?

They brought syphilis to the table. Just syphilis. Against smallpox. Their skrub-ass white blood cells need to git gud.

We intentionally gave small-pox infested blankets to kill them off. Before that in the late 1500's Hernando Cortez did the same thing to the natives in South America and I believe even Greeks and Roman's had similar tactics. So sadly it's an accepted tactic.

That's a myth (they didn't know it would work, and they only did it once), it was entirely unintentional.

I apologize, my auto-correct messed with Hernan Cortes' name. Anynways I recommend reading about:

The Seige of Fort Pitt - Where it is recorded that we intentionally gave small pox infected items by WIlliam Trent and verified by Captain Ecuyer

The Fall of Tenochtitlan - While this one I do admitt was a happy accident for Hernan and stretch if he did it on purpose, it was still taken advantage of by Crotes

Peloponnesian War - Spartans poisned the well and an epidemic broke out in Athens, as recorded by Thucydides. Though it still in debate wether as to not they did but by his account it was the Spartans.

Roman Empire - Manius Aquillius would often poison the wells of cities he would attack

Not to mention the thousands of other countless battles where they would fling dead bodies of animals and people over castle walls to spread disease all across the world.

I recommend you subscribing to r/cuckold

I think it would provide an excellent opportunity to really learn Abort yourself in an emotionally secure space, populated by likeminded people.

Wow, you are kind of retarded if you don't know the difference between poison and a disease. #justaltrightthings

Conquest doesn't mean extermination.

Conquest means that through a superior military or tactics or some other words that mean organized force drove the natives out of power and now rule in their staid. Accidentally unleashing small pox on them was not that.

You know there were plenty of battles. Also historically conquest has happened in dozens of different ways throughout the ages.

Yes, but a battle between a people who've had 90% of their population wiped out by disease and a fully functioning army is not conquest. Numbers wise it's basically putting down a rebellion

That's shoddy logic. What would you call it then?

Shooting protestors I suppose? Or shooting a militia. It's not an army when 90% of them are already dead.

If none of them had died they would have had an army. They were a nomadic tribal culture. Your excuses don't work.

If none of them had died they would have had an army. Wow, no shit! But they didn't! Because the superior Europeans accidentally wiped out 90% of them. By the Alt-Right Logic (TM) they should be able to make us fuck off back to Europe for taking their land.

What, they did not have an army, they were not organized that way. I'm not alt-right, I just don't feel a need to make excuses for why a stone age culture was defeated by an Iron Age culture.

The excuse being they were horrifically decimated by accident?

The excuse being that if only they hadn't had immune systems incapable of dealing with the germs brought from Europe, then they would have totally been able to successfully repel the invading white man. It's a version of the "noble savage" that ignores all logic and reason.

Well, except the tens of millions of them. It wasn't one war and it wasn't like the natives couldn't steal guns, it would have taken centuries of actual warfare to take the country instead of the slow methodical grind against people barely holding out against extinction in general that actually happened.

There were a lot of wars fought against the natives even with the plagues. You can't tell me they might have successfully defended themselves with 10 times the numbers they had.

They might have, or the Europeans would have done what they had done for centuries and invaded in force if that had happened. Causing a huge uptick in technological advancement on both sides (another thing that would have favored the white devils).

Also, your 90% number is completely out of bounds with the scholarship. The estimates are 25-50%, which is a pretty big difference.

I don't know how you came up with the idea that this notion of 'honor' matters, but I suspect that it's the result of being influenced by an inferior culture that will thankfully no longer exist.

Ooh, is it the Islam?

By your logic, the US needing to use the CIA to do covert shit to fuck with other nations instead of conquering them out right is dishonorable.

Have you considered the possibility that our leaders looked upon the millions of meth riddled inbred cousin fucking retards that infest this great nation and decided it's time for them to go extinct?

/u/badmawdota has definitely never gotten his little micro-dick touched

You're visiting a reddit drama sub, my man. Pretty pathetic.

Dude, I hate to break it to you, but you're literally Alt-Right. Pretty much any time you insult us it just makes us feel good about ourselves. Nothing more American than pissing off a Nazi, anyway.

Nothing more American than watching your country slowly wither away while you watch as the work of your ancestors slowly gets undone by subhumans.

God bless the US of A.

In a few decades you'll see what not having children while letting in illegal immigrants by the millions will do to the demographic a country.

You know, I never thought I would unironically see something this stupid. You've given me autism TWICE now. Good job. How does one get autism twice? Your stupidity has found a way to inflict it upon me twice somehow.

becoming brazil 2.0 is america's destiny, there is nothing stupid about this, mayo

Look up white birthrates in the US.
Look up how many people are immigrating to it.
Look up how whites are treated in countries where they aren't the majority.

Really gets the noggin' joggin'.

maybe with a bit of self awareness you would be taken seriously

maybe you could also try to link articles and statistics, instead of telling people to look it up themselves

anyway, the time of white imperialism has come to an end, white genocide now and forever

I try to be as self-aware as possible.

There's no point in arguing with someone that resorts to "nuh uh youre stupid". And I'm not someone he's debating with, this isn't a discussion. It's devolved into name calling.
Also, I can't redpill someone. In order to understand you need to be pointed in the right direction and then connect the dots yourself.

I've come to accept that, doesn't mean I won't try to stop it.

lets put this to the test

is climate change real or is it a meme

Climate change is definitely real.

The thing some people on the right argue about is how big the role of the US and Europe is in that. China's air on the east coast is almost not breathable because of the pollution, and some thing they should take a long hard look in the mirror before blaming the western world.

But yes, it's definitely real.

at least you think it's real, /r/altright was full of morons who actually claimed it's a jewish plot and unironically argued that "renaming" it from "global warming" to "climate change" was further evidence, though about half of the sub recognized it as an issue, i think


China's air on the east coast is almost not breathable because of the pollution, and some think they should take a long hard look in the mirror before blaming the western world.

china, a country of more than a billion people, has still only very recently industrialized, and its people have been enjoying these benefits for little more than a couple decades

blaming developing countries for wanting to attain higher standards of living, while the west has been doing the same for a lot longer, is not a good way to go about this

Also, I can't redpill someone.

The fact that you say this without irony should show you how gay as fuck your goofy little club is and yet here we are. I blame the Jews.

Woke is used by people that think they had a pre-historic, yet advanced empire that stretched over the entire world, that their ancestors built the pyramids, that their melanin gives them superpowers, and that evil white cavemen stole it from them.

Yeah but at least it's original. You're walking around quoting The Matrix you autist.

Because it originated from a meme on 4chan, you dip. And woke is not original to twitter black supremacists and sjw's, lol.

Because it originated from a meme on 4chan

Ohhhhhhhhhh, so the cultural revolution that will save mankind from teh coloreds originated on 4chan. My mistake! For a second I thought this was a bunch of fat edgelords just pretending to be tough guys behind the anonymity of a computer screen. My apologies, sir, I didn't realize the collective weight and strength of your noble cause.

How can you call anyone an autist?

Great comeback, your big white brain is no match for me, sir.

I'm not going to argue with you that that WE WUZ KANGZ shit is nonsense, because it fucking is. Yeah, European culture is probably superior to African culture. But you know what's superior to European culture? Asian culture. Seoul makes London look like a shit hole. Tokyo makes New York look like a violent garbage town.

If you REALLY believed in "race realism" then you would understand that you are but a lowly mayo and you'd bend over and submit to the tiny ding dongs of your chopstick overlords.

White people are the minority in almost all of the Latin American countries, and they still form an elite there.

Mestizo's aren't seen as an evil oppressor and are technically mixed. Their race relations don't compare to whites and blacks/latinos/middle-easterners. The only people that tolerate us are asians.

Really gets the noggin' joggin'.

TIL my grandpa anonymously shitposts Nazi gobblety gook on Reddit. God fucking damn it.

TIL I'm subhuman but a NEET virgin who's so fat that his putrid body would burn for days is alpha male.

What's your ethnicity? And I'm not a NEET fat virgin yada yada yada, a big part of the alt-right is physical health. /r/altright had a great post explaining this.

What's your ethnicity?

Dude there are no subhumans.

what about gypsies?

All men are born equal despite hundreds of millions of years evolving on vastly different continents and climates? Right.

What's your ethnicity?

Or are you a creationist and do you think God truly made everyone the same, and that race is only the melanin sprinkled on top of your skin?

All men are born equal

don't change the goalposts.What difference in climate makes a person subhuman?

Well it's the millions of years of evolution in vastly different places that creates genetical differences, silly.

As for subhumans, they come in all shapes, colors and sizes.

Well it's the millions of years of evolution in vastly different places that creates genetical differences, silly.

I'll reiterate my point.genetic differences=/= subhuman.

As for subhumans, they come in all shapes, colors and sizes.

Are there subhuman whites then?

Yes! They're called the Alt-Right!

Lol pure autism. You'll do great things here in /r/Drama please stay.

I'm going by his logic you dimwit.

It's not my fault you don't have any yourself to use. No use getting upset at me

I'm not mad, just a little disappointed.


is an alrighter


You can't greentext or spell alt-righter, lol.

And I'm still better than sub human corn eating whitey

so what exactly have you accomplished to earn your sense of racial superiority, lmao

hundreds of millions of years

This is what altright retards actually believe

Poorly phrased, I'll admit. But I meant life in general. Something which has been adapting and evolving for such a long time is not going to be exactly the same.

The first homo sapiens dates to maybe 250k years ago. Considering that we left africa 80k years ago, it's really enough time for any meaningul evolution to occur

Citation needed

citation needed



The white people before you did things to advance society, you shitpost on Reddit. You are subhuman.

I'm sure the ordinary person hundreds of years ago just had a job, worked hard for his country and his family.

I'm an ordinary guy as well, I don't need to be Columbus or Beethoven.

You fall solidly in the below average department.

Hate to break it to you, but the work of my immigrant ancestors was Nazi killing and civil rights marching. Basically been race traitors from the moment they started considering the Irish white.

I, for one, cannot wait till islam takes over the world. Inshallah, of course.


Omg, fresh drama at delivery at your door

Does your family laugh at you when you try and act smart? Do you get angry when your dad cracks jokes about his jobless faggot son to his work buddies?

No. I only close friends and a few family members know my political opinion.

I'm not a virgin, or unemployed. Why would I complain about illegal immigrants and refugees being lazy sacks of shit that want to live in welfare states if I don't have a job myself? that's a bit backwards, don't you think?


ah you're worried about competition for that sweet manager spot at mcdonalds, keep plugging away cletus you'll get there! You're definitely a virgin though, no need to lie

that raging projection

Literally nobody is more obviously a virginal jobless teenage channer larping as a functional adult than you.

TBH everyone here is pretty worthless. The sooner r/drama community pulls a Jonestown the better.

You're not wrong.

Speak for yourself.

As long as one of the mods wears those bitching sunglasses I'm in

TBH I'm pretty sure that anyone who has to rely on "MUH SUPERIOR GENES" to give them confidence is likely quite pathetic in actual real life.

This from the guy who was literally just begging r/drama to make him an honorary nonwhite.


No dude sssh he's alt-right so he doesn't know what a joke is so he'll think a fucking drama sub is secretly plotting to kill all white people.

It's not a joke you fucking mayo cumstain.

Bitch I bet you're the kind of guy that brags about how much of a dick he can take but cries every time it gets in. I knows you ain't a top

this is my new favorite novelty account

Almost as retarded as commiting cultural suicide.

Have you or your inbred family actually contributed anything to white culture? What part of white culture do you most identify with? Going to the opera, ballet, symphony hall?

Simply enjoying life, being productive and being raised with proper European norms and values is enough.

I have visited lots of museums in the Netherlands and Germany though. Really makes you appreciate your culture and some of the great things it accomplished.

Getting drunk with trailer trash every day because your entire life revolves around bursts of instant pleasure and gratification is an American thing. And the alt-right thinks it's degenerate as hell.

good thing that is all coming to an end allahu akbar!

This is correct actually, compassion and open-mindedness are not proper European values or norms.

Europe is literally the most tolerant place on the world. You can be from anywhere in the world and we'd welcome you with open arms. As long as you'd contribute to society we'd let you stay.

Literally no other place aside from Canada and Australia (white countries as well) do this. Go to the middle-east, or china, or africa, see how nicely they treat foreigners.

But yeah, we're the baddies here, sure. Actually I'm kind of glad you people treat us like shit because that's why nationalism and populism are being revived.

So if Europe is the most tolerant place in the world, are you just the exception or what?

Europe is so tolerant that they put up with him. Anywhere else and he would have been #mayocided years ago.

Soon I won't be.

me, sitting on the porch of my suburban home, sipping wine: hahaha yes, there are no poors in my country

Simply enjoying life

Bruh, if you're all about simply enjoying life, then you need to be at a black family's cookout, not at some gay mayo shit

You come off spergier than the nazis do, m8

Debating the alt-right kinda seems like a dead end. You can only get so far before inevitably running into "well that's not true because Jews."

True but it gives lots of content to post here so eh.

Doing us proud, son.

Yea, but you think that an Igloo is as impressive as the Parthenon and Cahokia is equivalent to London so you come off as pretty out of touch.

I know I'm going to sound like a nerdy asshole for this but Igloos are actually pretty interesting structures you should look at all the shit that goes in to it to make it work as it does.

I know how to make an Igloo some of us go outside and to mountains even.

( Those Igloo/Icebox tool things are really useful, makes the whole process a lot easier, pick one up before you try it)

Nothing is as strange as sleeping in an Igloo, crawling through a tunnel to go pee in the night.

I mean Tenochtitlan in 1500 was arguably more impressive than London at the same time.

We appreciate it

>trying to debate in /r/debateretards

The one good thing about it is that you wasted retard-hours and contained them in a single sub thereby decreasing the net netardness outside the sub for a few minutes, kind of like the 419 scammer baiters.

Debating an alt righter is like trying to teach a bottom to top, a waste of time

Switch shaming smh

I'm more into using switches

Joycon up the ass to enjoy that HD Rumble?

Wrong type of switch but I like where your heads at

I mean have you seen how easily the screen gets scratched?

From the rules:

Malicious intellectual dishonestly, agitation, trolling, etc. Will result in a ban. Intellectual dishonesty includes dismissing somebody's argument by calling them a Jew.

Fucken lol

Really tells you the kind of genius we're working with here.

These types of "guidelines" are only ever published after something a la "don' t stick your dick in the industrial vacumer" happens too often.

Really makes you think!

i almost died when i read that, and not because i was in an oven.

You could do that at the level of US states. California could be a multicultural paradise, and Vermont would keep being a white-only hellhole.

Or we could not do any of this because the way it is now is fine

That sub makes us look like MENSA members.

Mensa is for people that think paying fees to validate their intelligence makes them smarter.

I don't we're pretentious enough to ever look like MENSA members.

Immigrants on the bottom of society reproduce faster than the native population.

Then fuck more!?! Seems pretty simple to me.

mayokin don't fuck, they're impotent

I don't know man. In my experience white women are so thirsty for the dick, they will even enthusiastically take it up the bum hun.

Should be fairly easy to turn that creampie into a little turd sandwich. Even white methheads can do it.

Alt-righters getting laid? C'mon man.