Someone says "ethical capitalism" in Ghazi and causes its users to shit the bed. Additional drama in linked article, blaming the failure of the Women's Strike on... You guessed it! Filthy males!

103  2017-03-10 by lvl99SkrubRekker


Imagine being a mom or dad in the suburbs, actully making a living and trying to do your best, and your dumb faggot kid who is 24 and still is living with you is posting about how capitalism is bad on Ghazi.

I can see why some folks might do murder/suicide combos.

You just made me very sad

The surburbs detail was very on point, this people are pasty white

Well, if you weren't peeping in their windows, you wouldn't know that, would you?

Mayocide is the solution yet again

Ignitey the whitey

Are you a fan of the one drop solution, or the brown paper bag test?


Everyone other than pure blooded Africans bears the taint of Yakub and should be eliminated for the good of the Mother Earth.

and your dumb faggot kid who is 24 and still is living with you is posting about how capitalism is bad on Ghazi.

You know a lot of Commies have jobs right? Like I'm literally schooling your ass right now at work.

You're a communist?

A "communist" who collects a pay check from a Capitalist.

Don't worry irony never bothered tru communists.

"man can you believe that serf? always complaining about feudalism,, but he still eats the food grown on his lord's land! what a hypocrite, amirite?"

Serfs didn't complain about feudalism you retard, they complained about Priests taking money to pay off their sins since they couldn't afford it due to feudalism.

Serfs didn't complain about feudalism you retard

capitalist history

> One Rebellion means serfs complained about Feudalism instead of trying to live their life.

No wonder you are dumb enough to be a Black Person who likes the racist Che Guevara

You know John Bell was literally one of the people I talked about who were anti-Indulgence?

Black Person who likes the racist Che Guevara

>this much pure ideology

it was a religious rebellion?

>this much understanding of medieval political discourse

> Jon Bell wasn't motivated by religion

> Serfs didn't care about religion above everything else


serfs, like most poor people, cared about eating above all else

for the literate classes, it's nearly impossible to name any element of medieval life not expressed through the discourse of religion.

It's the ontological limit of the medieval world

but a lot of the time, they were talking about lots of things.

The Serf rebellion was caused by Religion controlling the proletariat to wage their religious infighting

for the literate classes,

Haha what, you think the illiterate Serfs weren't ruled by religion?

Religion controlling the proletariat to wage their religious infighting

for the peasant's revolt of late 14th century England? that's a very interesting interpretation, and not one that I've heard before. I'd be curious where you got it (I'm not even kidding, that sounds interesting as hell).

you think the illiterate Serfs weren't ruled by religion

What does ruled by religion mean? Because I think they were ruled through a lot of means--some of them ideological, some of them through coercive violence. And the process was uneven and incomplete, as with the rule of any group of people in any society.

Well the general idea is that if the "Catholics" weren't putting such a squeeze ontop of the War and the Black Plague the serfs lives would have been better and if the peasant war had been won by them obviously the Church would have been impacted and changed.

Synod of Ancyra proves that the church had a long history of this even if it wasn't formalized in indulgences until 100years after the Serf Rebellion

social equality was a big thing John Bell talked about

When Adam delved and Eve span, Who was then the gentleman? From the beginning all men by nature were created alike, and our bondage or servitude came in by the unjust oppression of naughty men. For if God would have had any bondmen from the beginning, he would have appointed who should be bond, and who free. And therefore I exhort you to consider that now the time is come, appointed to us by God, in which ye may (if ye will) cast off the yoke of bondage, and recover liberty.

If the Church had taught in more line with True Christianity ( What my church teaches of course) They'd have been better off.

What does ruled by religion mean? Because I think they were ruled through a lot of means--some of them ideological, some of them through coercive violence. And the process was uneven and incomplete, as with the rule of any group of people in any society.

Indeed, but religion had a huge impact on people's lives.

I kinda sources for your interpretation.

Like people who write books about it and shit.

No offense, I am sure your reading skills are fine, but where are you getting this information?

My interpretation that religion was part of the peasants war when John Bell was released by Kent Rebels?

John Bell who spoke in the common mans tongue instead of Latin?

Who spoke at Blackheath and was put on trial and killed after the war?

so just out of your ass then, right

Yes, peasants weren't influenced by religion at all 10/10 history


I literally said they were like 2 comments ago.

my god

edit: oh, I get the mistake. You see "ideological" also means "through cultural and religious means"

I thought I was talking to someone who read books about this shit and would understand that.

Your mistake is thinking I said the sole motivation instead of one of the many, many factors.

Telling peasants " Hey the bible says you shouldn't be fucked over like this" and the people opposed to The Mad Priest of Kent being on the Kings side makes it pretty clear.

Why would someone clearly religious like me ever read books when I have priests to tell me what's true?

are you literally arguing that serfdom was good for serfs so that you don't have to concede even a single point to someone who might be a leftist

> Complaining about how Religion was keeping the common man down

> You're such a crazy right-wing person

I sure wish I could see the world through your eyes Rieman


but that's not what i said at all

in fact, you'd need to be blatantly retarded for that

i'm glad you found your home in this sub

are you literally arguing that serfdom was good for serfs so that you don't have to concede even a single point to someone who might be a leftist

Blatantly retarded


I went down this road. He has no idea what he's talking about and I suspect is frantically wikipedia-ing all of his responses about the middle ages.

user reports:
1: white people nonsense
1: Serious posting


damn i never thought i would see the day

One Rebellion

Just give up and admit you're a fucking idiot whose knowledge of history consists of the school book you read in 8th grade before you dropped out to dig ditches for a living.

dig ditches for a living

Classic Prince shitting on the Underclass just for disagreeing with his ivory tower Anar-StateLiber-Socialist Ideals.

All I know is what I was taught, the peasants were poor because they didn't worship hard enough and worship is equivalent to how much money you give to the church and that's why God has favored the Lords with the positions they have.

bantz too hard for you to deal with in /r/drama?

> Bants

> Arguing over the impact on non-orthodox religious teachings in the Peasants Revolt

I think it's a bit crass for someone who believes in communism and/or anarchism to be lecturing other people about knowing history or learning its lessons. That's like the pot calling the kettle comrade.

the only lesson that matters is this

bernie would have won

"Um… I'm sure I could… it's not coming to my mind right now." — Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis.), when asked to point to examples of Bernie Sanders' influence

down, ot

That's still funny, and still highly unlikely.

Look at that pleb who actually got laid in college and got graduated in something that actually earns money instead of spending his shitty lonely days inside a library felling smug and looking down on the frat subhumans


Just give up and admit you're a fucking idiot whose knowledge of history consists of the school book you read in 8th grade before you dropped out to dig ditches for a living

I'm pretty sure this is the life style of every anarchist expect the schooling part.

hey it's the #3 angriest drama user

rrrrrrrrrr are you angry today like every other day?

also bernie would have won and gamergate was bad

"It is my firm belief that clearly, there are people in our society who are horribly violent, who are deeply sick and sociopathic, and clearly these people must be put behind bars in order to protect society from them." — Bernie Sanders, on "superpredators"

hey it's the #3 angriest drama use

Who beat me?

also bernie would have won

Thinking I give a shit

also bernie would have won

/u/prince_kropotkin REEEEE GAMERGATE REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE can you just, like, shut up?

"It is my firm belief that clearly, there are people in our society who are horribly violent, who are deeply sick and sociopathic, and clearly these people must be put behind bars in order to protect society from them." — Bernie Sanders, on "superpredators"

wow I don't think you know just how terrible gamergate was

did you know that 20% of gamergate went on to become literal neo-nazis?

who beat you? Fuckuredditor who deleted their account (something you need to do too)

I actually don't give a shit who beat me. BTW, really proving my point you never received any education apart from how to dodge truancy officers: 3 - 1 is 2 FYI.

did you know that 20% of gamergate went on to become literal neo-nazis?

Did you know that 100% of anarchists were born developmentally disabled at birth?

sounds like someone is Mad About GamergateTM

someone is Mad About GamergateTM

Yeah, the fucking autist who bought it up in the first place. Like, can you keep your unsolicited strong opinions about gaming journalism to yourself, you fucking weirdo.

Gamergate sucks man admit it

Gamergate sucks man admit it

How does it feel knowing your life was ruined because your trash mother couldn't keep a Jack Daniels and fag out of her mouth for 9 months?



gamergate nerds won't leave their basements first

I fucked a serf once

Or was she a Serb? Silly Yugoslavia

You know, all it takes to "seize the means of production" these days is a $300 laptop, right? Starting your own business has never been cheaper.

The only excuse any communist has for being a capitalist tool is laziness. Bad commie!

You know, all it takes to "seize the means of production" these days is a $300 laptop, right? Starting your own business has never been cheaper.

if this is your understanding of what socialists intentions are, why do you feel comfortable discussing politics with people?

this is like "if conservatives wanted to conserve they'd care more about the environment!"

i mean, this is not even having skimmed the wikipedia page levels of uninformed

Right, I forgot, socialists only want to seize the means of production by force.

Wouldn't be quite as fun if it didn't give you an outlet for your jealousy of the wealthy.

You pretty much have to be drunk on capitalist propaganda or retarded to think what a socialist means when they say 'seize the means of production' is 'we want the means to start a business'

You can say socialism is retarded, and be right, but for the wrong reasons and still be a thoughtless drain on society.

This is coming from someone decidedly anti-communist; you might be served well by learning about it before screeching and flailing like a drowning downie.

It's this type of collective idiocy about leftism that empowers leftists, because they can point to all YOU retards and say "ay look at these retards saying retarded shit, now we can go over here and say our own retarded shit and seem a little less retarded in comparison"

Oh, lighten the fuck up. I forgot that I'm not allowed to just make fun of what commies say once in a while. Apparently, I must always take their brilliant ideas as seriously as they do.

Anyone that's actually a communist in western civilization in 2017 is either under the age of 25 or too stupid to argue with, anyway.

Lol the dude spitting up his hotpockets over internet commies who hurt his feelings also spits up his hotpockets over someone telling him to put the brakes on it.

Why don't you go outside and take a lap, hotpockets are really hot straight out of the microwave anyway... will still be warm when you get back bb

If this gibberish is your way of conceding that you're an idiot, then I commend your humility.

I'm calling you a fat loser who needs to complain about internet commies to feel like a semi-virtuous human being

Then you're not doing a very good job. But practice makes perfect, so keep trying.

That's one thing the inner retard in us can't do, give up, and it's a pretty admirable human quality IMO

you should read more before you speak about anything vaguely political

"You didn't express a thorough enough understanding of the communist goal to abolish private property in your throwaway joke about communists, filthy freedom lover. Read more Marx!"

Bad commie! Go to your room.

That's right, you can never criticize anything while using said thing. That's why you never see people criticizing the US while living inside it.

Settle down Princess, nobody said you can't complain. In a democracy one is allowed to complain about the system without fear of government retribution. If only that were true for Communism...

Settle down Princess

I'm sorry, but communism doesn't allow for royalty.

Not tru communism anyway.

It doesn't really allow for bitches, either, yet here you are.

shitposting on the internet is proud work. At least it's more productive than governmental workers.

Luckily, those of us with better ideologies than you don't have to compromise our beliefs to make a living.

Uh, congrats I guess?


You know a lot of Commies have jobs right?

Yes, flipping burgers is I suppose a real job.

Hey they also teach useless things in college too

that's mine

I will never understand why

Like at the back on your head dont you think " I could either be making mad money or actually changing the world " ?

I dont need money to be rich, comrade

No u do

or are you going to tell me that you are a moral saint who gets off at helping people?

cmon bud you are in drama, no need to hide your true self

my job is the only thing i am good at


i mean we all get caught in these traps dont we

Yes, yes we do :(

I will never understand why

Like at the back on your head dont you think " I could either be making mad money or actually changing the world " ?

I will never understand why

Like at the back on your head dont you think " I could either be making mad money or actually changing the world " ?


I will never understand why

Like at the back on your head dont you think " I could either be making mad money or actually changing the world " ?

I will never understand why

Like at the back on your head dont you think " I could either be making mad money or actually changing the world " ?

I think it's quite telling that your go to insult here is to accuse me of being some kind of fast food worker, as if that would make me less of a human being if it were true.

People who work a full day regardless of what work they do don't deserve to be thought of as less because NEET thinks he's superior.

Imagine being so pathetic your fake job is flipping burgers.

I will retract my statement for 1x potato, comrad... my price is high, but fair.

The lunch rush at Wendy's must have ended early...

There's no need for me to venture to a Wendy's for lunch. I get quite the choice of meals at my place of work.

Yea but Wendy's has better quality than McDonalds. You should jump ship.

If only commies knew how to use literally properly, they'd get more done.

LOL, go to the gulag, commie

is that better or worse than living at home at the same age and spending all day posting about being cucked by the evil feminists and praising god emperor donald?

Well one of them is true.

There is a better chance of Trump being a good president then communism ever working

yeah well the fat loser virgins on MY side are just better than the fat loser virgins on THEIR side

Nice strawman

was this a debate?

oh no, you caught me in a logical fallacy, my argument is defeated!

but really my question was a joke and it's funny that it made you defensive

Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


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why does capitalism fail because human nature but communism doesnt



They both do. People are retarded and greedy.

How does capitalism fail?

It doesn't

except for when it does, without fail, every 20 years or so.

but it's failure "built into the system" so it works

it just causes massive amounts of human misery every time it does

Ahh yes I remember the famines of '08

I remember all the suicides

"it was only a couple suicides!"

it was only a couple kulaks, too, by man

Jesus, capitalism hands you ungrateful fucks the greatest economy and living conditions in the history of the world, and all you can do is bitch that it's hard for a nigga to make some paper during the down years when his college degree is a BA in gym equipment.

it's hard for a nigga to make some paper

for you

Hahahahahahahahah get fucking real you salty ass commies

Shenanigans is a weird way of putting it fam

I'm insensitive / drunk / east of central yurop aren't people / sue me.

Rip ukrainians tho

Shenanigans is a weird way of putting it fam

Yes, it was terrible. 20% of all Americans killed themselves.

I mean, there are famines every year you dipshit. Just in the countries that aren't good enough at capitalism

Massive income inequality, corruption, destruction of the environment, etc

So capitalism fails at solving things that aren't its job to solve.

Communism doesn't stop destruction of the environment or corruption. At best it changes them. The environment will still be destroyed because people want things that aren't made of wood. Corruption will still exist because greed and laziness will still exist.

Post yfw USSR was one of the most environmentally destructive regimes that ever existed.

They did handle the kulak problem

In true feminist form, the spoiled princess is mad that men didn't do everything for her. You wanted a day to show what women are worth, so it falls to you and you alone to show it. Surprise, it crashed and burned.

Even if men wanted to help you (we don't) we don't have that luxury. What happens if all the men walk out for a day? The power grid goes down, the water system goes down, no cops or firemen, the list goes on, and your pampered little life and all the things in it that you take for granted grinds to a halt.

What happens when men take the day off? There's a lovely documentary called "the purge"

I recommend you watch it.

in today's episode of "the entire world is America"....

When you argue that a women’s strike is elitist because not all women are free to dissent, you’re not mad at the organizers, friend. You’re mad at Capitalism. Capitalism is why not all women are free to strike today and so it’s against capitalism women strike.

It tells you a lot about the author that she believes job attendance is optional under socialism.

She also believes that dissent is allowed under socialism.

Socialism is well known for the flexible work hours in high paying careers, giving you the ability to devote lots of time to protest the government.

When you're not busy getting fat on all of the chocolate and candy rations of course.

In socialisms defence, the end goal is a paradise where only a few take turns working to support everyone. The problem is not everyone works like that, and it's of so east to exploit, one needs only look at places like the USSR or North Korea, where dictators hijacked the state with ease. Socialism is a nice idea, but is very flawed.

To be fair, none of those are "real" socialism

"Imaginary socialism"

also, when socialism fails, it's usually the evil jew's fault

What isn't amirite

we call them (((rootless cosmopolitans))) now, comrade

Life is complex. It has a real part and an imaginary part.

I mean, that's fair critique. The USSR was basically state capitalism, so "healthcare is socialist and the ussr is socialist, so hospitals == gulags" that Americans do is wrong

omfg it was satire go back to /r/FULLCOMMUNISM

I'm not a communist.

You're a Canadian which is close enough

янки охуели, я считаю.

Пиндосы, чё с них взять.

this but unironically

dude fuk of commienisun wil work thoes were not reel comunisums so u cant comapre them.

Socialism is a nice idea, but is very flawed.

It is known.

We already live in a world where most people's jobs are becoming obsoleted by technology ...

No they aren't lol.

It's certainly in the process. As much as half of the work force will be replaced by automation in just 20 years.

I'm not sticking my head in anything. 20 years is not the world of today.

He said they're "being obsoleted"

The article I posted didn't say that at the 20 year mark, suddenly half of them will switch over night. This has been happening for years already. It's happening right now, and it will continue to happen. This is where the jobs are going.

only a few take turns working to support everyone

And nothing ever progresses. The end.

This is what automation fixes. The never tiring work force that does its job correctly all the time.

The wealth and productivity gained from this will give us the capability for a UBI, but we have to get over the word "socialism" and start working to address the actual problems we have with the system.

In commutopia, nobody needs to lift a finger! Otherwise it's not real communism and those who engineered it will be shot xaxaxaxa

We can't even stop businesses from hiding money in off shore accounts to avoid paying taxes, how do you expect "capitalism" to become "ethical" at all?

As long as these "unethical" capitalists can keep pointing to people who say things like

You're implying we're free right now and that's just false freedom without socialism is just privilege and injustice. Yes violence to the rich may be needed but violence to the rich or death to the poor may be what we're faced within our lifetime thanks to the capitalist destroying our climate.

to frame all opposition to them, they will never lose.

Or, to put it another way, there's a reason

why even the "left" party in the United States is a staunch supporter of spy programs, drone bombings, and the security apparatus of the state.

which is to keep people like you under our thumb, to prevent a repeat of the atrocities of Stalin and Mao.

I'm just still laughing about this sub going from anti GG to just fucking socialist/communist.

There was never really any difference.

GG was right again /u/Prince_Kropotkin.

GG is always right.

Like /pol/ or snallygaster?



quick rundown on gamergate:

  • In contact with Anita Sarkeesian
  • Own 99% of lets play videos on Earth
  • First designer babies will in all likelihood be gamergate babies
  • First designer babies will in all likelihood be gamergate babies

Please no.

Ferenix was right, my master plan is coming to fruition!


Look, I'm new here and I didn't even know Gamerghazi existed until this morning so forgive me but...

What the fuck is that subreddit header? Are they supposed to be great women in history?

Is that Mary Read fourth from bottom right? Wasn't she a pirate? You're going to eulogise an aquatic thief who robbed and murdered innocent sailors and traded in the slaves?

And then, forth from top left they have the Dowager Empress Cixi- one of the most revilled leaders Chinavever had. She, like, murdered her own son for fuck's sake.

Still... I guess he was a man so fuck 'im.

what the fuck is your problem they all have uteruses don't they

Transphobic if true.

Cixi killed her nephew. Her son died from either smallpox or syphilis.

Oh well, that makes it much better!


they unironically worship anita sarkeesian

Fucking gypsy (((jew))) woman

For her politics or ultra stylish Latina/Armenian hoop earrings?

for her pussy

Ironically that would sell a lot better than her ideology

They genuinely hate men, but they think that calling their hate "irony" is sufficient to fool people into thinking it's all a big joke. It worked for SRS. At least for a while.

SRS is still around though?

Nah, most of their members washed the dye out of their hair, got real jobs or committed suicide.

Nah, most of their members washed the dye out of their hair, got real jobs or committed suicide.

I was attempting to be sensitive to their widespread mental illness issues.

I know right? their list is here btw:

In which Ghazi promotes: slavers, murderers, actually privileged people like queens and princesses, mythological people, communist spies, and women who hated women.

We got winners like Anne Bonny, pirate, murderer and slaver. Cixi, one of the most hated women in all of Chinese history (for good reason). Emma Goldman and Tina Modotti, both of whom were kicked out of most of the countries they ever visited, for being such commie douchenozzles. Lise Meitner, who was silent and pretended nothing was wrong as the Nazis arrested all her Jewish coworkers, because she had Austrian citizenship and so was safe (until she too had to flee). Oh and then mythological ones, who MAY have existed, maybe not though.

And the ones on that list who actually contributed things to the world would have spit in the faces of the average Ghazi dweller.

Can you imagine Harriet Tubman even giving those wimps the time of day? She'd spit in their faces after 10 seconds of listening to their crap. This is a woman who kicked actual ass, smuggling slaves through the mud and shit, out from under the noses of bounty hunters and their dogs. She'd beat the shit out of them just on principle.

Same with Florence Nightengale who came from the highest British social strata and lived her entire life being financially supported by her father. She also firmly supported British imperialism, and loathed other women to the point where she referred to herself as a man -- not because she wished to be one, but because in her mind, no woman was worth shit.

Or Tomyris? A murderous military Scythian? She'd have enslaved the lot of them.

They seem like they'd be pretty garbo slaves.

Ah, it was Anne Bonny, was it?

I knew it was someone from Assassin's Creed.

Any of them could be Ezio in drag

Freedom fighter and Nobel prize laureat Rigoberta Menchú Tum

This one was literally a hoax.

Jesus christ, with a name like "Rigoberta" I would hope so

They also forgot Margaret Thatcher, for some reason.

Well, I come from a mining town in the North of England so I'm no fan of Thatcher. She was an awful person.

So I'm kind of surprised they didn't include her.

The Iron Lady was a good leader.


Tell that to people in my hometown.

Anyway, I don't give a fuck: moved away years ago. Hell, I don't even live in England anymore...

I watched the movie

Yeah, Meryl Streep was a great prime minister.

They can't remember that far back.

"Aquatic thief" that's the best name for a pirate I've ever heard.

How about "Maritime Inventory Streamlining Agent"?

You're going to eulogise an aquatic thief who robbed and murdered merchant sailors and traded in slaves captured by piracy?

I mean, considering one of their mods has openly bragged about stealing cosmetic products as a way to protest the stereotype that black women steal cosmetic products...yes, yes they are.

Those regulations have never worked. We tried that in America less than a hundred years ago and look at where it got us now. -/

I gotta say this is hands down the most retarded, comically unaware comment I've ever seen from that subreddit.

Hey /u/SolidWookie , why do you wanna replace a system that "has never worked" with another system that is notorious for having never once been implemented properly? Or do you think making everyone equally poor and oppressed is better than what we have now? Either way, please take your revolutionary autism and go to venezuela or some other notsocialist country to show them how realtm socialismtm is supposed to be. Maybe then we'll go through with the whole revolution thing.

Oh put simply the difference between the two can be seen as a change of priorities for human kind. Capitalism promotes wealth inequalities, power dynamics, landed privileges, and a short term view on everything from the economy to the mother fucking planet. We need a system in place that promotes helping one another, fixing our planet, and freedom for all to do whatever they want. Freedom without Socialism is privilege and injustice; Socialism without freedom is slavery and brutality.

Capitalism promotes wealth inequalities, power dynamics, landed privileges, and a short term view on everything from the economy to the mother fucking planet.

Oh no doubt. Capitalism makes uses greed as its primary driving force, so obviously you'll end up with these consequences.

We need a system in place that promotes helping one another, fixing our planet, and freedom for all to do whatever they want.

See here's where i think your argument breaks apart. You want a super moral system where everything can be fixed and we can all be equals etc... And thats fine, but the thing is you don't have any idea of what that system is. Socialism, as it was applied in the past, was a spectacular failure. Countries suffered and became poor under it, and most eventually became socialist only in name or just simply reverted to capitalism. Of course, this happened after the millions of lives lost in order to achieve the equality you were talking about.

I would much rather live in a place where there is wealth inequality than in one were we are all equally fucked, the latter is what socialism has historically devolved to.

We need a system in place that promotes helping one another, fixing our planet, and freedom for all to do whatever they want. Freedom without Socialism is privilege and injustice; Socialism without freedom is slavery and brutality.

This system that you're talking about doesn't exist, and cannot exist without a post-scarcity society and a low population. Just because it sounds nice on paper, doesnt mean that it will work that way on real life.

So again, why don't you go to cuba or Venezuela or China and bring them back to truetm socialismtm , show them the error of their ways, build that utopia there, because otherwise i dont see why we should kill millions of people in an necessary revolution for a failed system that exists only in your imagination.

No country was heavily industrialized before it became the primary economic system for a state so that is one way its never been implemented along with a host of other ways. Why do you bring up these examples when there are many ways that we could implement socialism that could be better than capitalism. We've tried capitalism about every which way now and it seems to always lead to those same things. Lets move our priorities away from those things and towards better priorities and start seeing a better world.

Again with the rainbows and sunshine arguments. No matter how moral your system is, that does not make it better as long as it continues to fail time and time again when implemented in reality.

In the past, socialism has been excellent at bringing food shortages and economic distress to places where there should be none. Ignoring this, and all the other flaws observed in real life, then saying "no trust me this time it'll be different" is a terrible argument.

There wasn't food shortages for peasants in China or Russia before they switched to socialism? Capitalism brings food shortages and economic distress to the same places though so its totally cool right guys? The poor can just starve and die right? Capitalism may not fail the rich but its failing literally everyone else right now and in a much bigger way than socialism has in any one country. Capitalism is causing the destruction of our world.

There wasn't food shortages for peasants in China or Russia before they switched to socialism?

Sure there were, but 1) they were more advanced under socialism than before, yet that didnt stop the shortages. 2) Assuming that you're right, how come socialism didn't fix the issue? In your comments you mentioned equality and prosperity for the poor like 20 times, but somehow socialism gets a pass when it fails to bring those for the poor? Is it only an issue when it happens under capitalism, or do you just excuse the mistreatment of the poor under socialism as "not real socialism", because obviously socialism can only be perfect, and thus anything that falls short is not representative of socialism. That sort of fallacy can also be used for capitalism, fascism, democracy, and just about any system you can think of.

Capitalism brings food shortages and economic distress to the same places though so its totally cool right guys?

Nope, but when you don't have a functioning better alternative then you don't get to act all superior about it. Also good job ignoring the fact that capitalism, even when used by countries who are socialist in name, managed to bring out millions out of poverty.

The poor can just starve and die right?

That was the general idea in the USSR.

Capitalism may not fail the rich but its failing literally everyone else right now and in a much bigger way than socialism has in any one country.

Lol what? I am by no means rich, but i would much rather live under capitalism today than under any socialist country that has ever existed throughout history. And also you should read up on how life was under socialist countries before you make the claim that they were alright, especially for the poor.

Capitalism is causing the destruction of our world.

Yes, blame everything wrong with the world on capitalism, claim that socialism is the magical system that will finally bring about a utopia, watch it get implemented and fail, blame the failure on it not being real socialism, you country goes back to capitalism and you keep bitching about it. Wash rinse repeat until 20 million people die for the glorious socialist state that never materializes.

I'm not claiming that socialism is some magical perfect system. I'm only claiming that shifting priorities away from competition towards cooperation will be better for us than what we have now. Because its under the banner of socialism (it is the closest politics for what I want to see out of the world, one based on non discrimination or oppressing people) many people do react negatively because all theyve known is capitalism. Now if you can tell me how this system is going to continue to aid us in the future more than cooperation could. Capitalism and its short term profit driven mindset is driving us to death.

I'm only claiming that shifting priorities away from competition towards cooperation will be better for us than what we have now.

Maybe so, but the fact that no country ever managed to do this and prosper should tell you something about the feasibility of socialism the way you're describing it.

one based on non discrimination or oppressing people

In theory yes, in practice quite the opposite.

Now if you can tell me how this system is going to continue to aid us in the future more than cooperation could. Capitalism and its short term profit driven mindset is driving us to death.

I never claimed that capitalism was viable in the long run, especially as automation continues to take away human jobs and alter the job market. I said that socialism does not work with large populations and in societies were resources are limited and there is still need for human work. You can criticize capitalism all you like, but pretending like socialism will work this time around just because you really really want it to is a dumb argument that holds no merit whatsoever.

the way youre describing it

I haven't talked about the ins and outs of socialism this entire time. I've been talking about the goals of socialism if we make it properly. I haven't looked at every socialist practice enough to make concrete plans on everything about the economy. My only saying the most basic goal of socialism which is shifting the priority of society away from just the individual to the group.

Maybe I'm not saying it the best because I'm trying to say that people believe that working in their own self interest is what is best for them when working together would be better for all of us. Its not a step by step guide to how we should live but rather a change of how you view the world.

in theory yes

Because at the very beginning the theory is based on equality. Capitalism and the theory behind it is not based on equality but inequality. Liberal democracies have stressed equality for all while adding more and more aspects of capitalism slowly creating a divide where we all are told as children that everyone is equal (at least I did growing up as a southern Christian child in the 90's). This is why Hillary Clinton's election was so obviously shallow. Capitalism continues to oppress us and our oppressors tread out different identity politics to slide by any capitalist economic policy. There's a divide there that it just can't cross

As for your last part I have one thing to ask. If its not capitalism nor socialism in our future that you want what is it that you want?

I haven't talked about the ins and outs of socialism this entire time. I've been talking about the goals of socialism if we make it properly.

I'm aware. When I said "the way you're describing it", i meant as a moral, close to perfect solution to all our current problems. If you and I were talking about what socialism actually entails, then we'd have to exchange essays instead of these paragraphs because of how many fractures and divisions exist within the socialist tradition.

I'm only saying the most basic goal of socialism which is shifting the priority of society away from just the individual to the group.

And I'm saying its very foolish to focus on achieving what is admittedly a noble goal, but to ignore the means by which we can accomplish said goal. I'm sure the people who have supported the transition into socialism in China or the soviet union were not evil people, i know that they wanted the same goals you're talking about, but much like you're doing right now, they focused on the goal so much that they didn't see how their system would lead to the exact opposite.

Criticizing capitalism (or any other system/ideology) is very important, otherwise change would never come about. But blaming everything on one variable and claiming that changing it from X to Y would solve everything is not a smart thing to do. This is not unique to socialism of course.

Maybe I'm not saying it the best but I'm trying to say that people believe that working in their own self interest is what is best for them when working together would be better for all of us. Its not a step by step guide to how we should live but rather a change of how you view the world.

Again you say that, but practically every example in history shows the opposite. I work to further my own interests and better my well being not because i hate other people, but because i want the best life possible for myself before i die. I would not mind "working together" if i knew that my life and others would get better, but there is no guarantee that this will happen at all. On the other hand, there is significant historical evidence that points to the opposite happening.

Because at the very beginning the theory is based on equality. Capitalism and the theory behind it is not based on equality but inequality.

This is all poetic and whatnot, but in reality i don't care about what is supposed to happen "in theory". If I was impoverished and oppressed under socialism (as millions were in the past and even today) then my goal would be to better my life, regardless of which system focuses more on equality in theory. Wealth inequality does not mean a bad life, just like total equality does not guarantee a good life.

we all are told as children that everyone is equal

As human beings yes, but i do not see why we all need to be equal in terms of financial wealth. I do not live my life being mad that I have less money than a CEO of a large company, but at the same time i do think that said CEO should be bound by regulations and limits to keep the playing field somewhat level. And while i realize this is not a perfect system, i believe that there is no viable alternative for the time being.

As for your last part I have one thing to ask. If its not capitalism nor socialism in our future that you want what is it that you want?

I am not opposed to either system, but that would totally depend on the conditions in this future that you're talking about. If I am right about automation eliminating most human work needs and creating an abundance, then I believe that a form of socialism would work much better than capitalism (as it functions today). On the other hand, there is no guarantee that this utopia will exist in the future, and i am also sure that it does not exist now, and if that continues to be the case then i believe that "ethical" capitalism is our best way to go. Regardless of whether you think thats an oxymoron or not. As for the present, i do not think that socialism in its "true" form can ever be achieved or be successful and stable.

What are you even arguing for more than just not socialism? Are you saying that people only deserve food, shelter, and health if we have no need for anything else ever? We don't need post-scarcity to move away from a mindset about competition over cooperation. You don't wait until your refrigerator is full to feed your family. You give your family what you have.

As for your first point I think its a good thing we have so many different ideas on how we may fix the world. Its too bad most people don't take the time to read them.

What are you even arguing for more than just not socialism?

I literally mentioned this in the last comment, capitalism with regulations and social services.

Are you saying that people only deserve food, shelter, and health if we have no need for anything else ever?

No, but having a society where everyone is equal economically and where we all enjoy a high standard of life requires having abundance and almost full automation. I do think that, in an ideal world, what you are describing would be the best system, i just do not think its feasible as of now.

We don't need post-scarcity to move away from a mindset about competition over cooperation.

Can you point to one nation where this has happened on a wide scale and where it caused prosperity and equality for all as you are describing? You keep using the same talking points but you have absolutely zero evidence to back them up. Im saying that while this would be great ideally, in reality it doesn't seem to work that way most of the time.

You don't wait until your refrigerator is full to feed your family. You give your family what you have.

No but you don't get to give each member of your family a fancy large open-buffet dinner every day and for every meal when you only have a limited amount of food in the refrigerator.

As for your first point I think its a good thing we have so many different ideas on how we may fix the world. Its too bad most people don't take the time to read them.

I agree, diversity in ideas is fascinating to me which is why i am reading, and will continue to read about a variety of ideologies from the extreme right to the extreme left. My issue is that people tend to focus on one ideology/system and look at it as the perfect solution to the current status quo without really examining it and all of its details to see how it would be implemented in reality. This usually ends in chaos, which is why i dont advocate for the removal of capitalism without a stable, widely agreed upon alternative system.

Socialism would save the world at the expense of humanity. If we're all dead then the world doesn't matter. In your utopian socialist paradise there are no people. Because they all starved to death and then killed each other for the scraps that remain.

I mean I guess the way we're going now they'll at least be people in Elysium right guys? You don't even know how people would be fed in how I view socialism. Everyone should get one of those farmbots near enough to where they live to go get food imo.

Who builds the farmbots? With no incentive to produce who does the farming. Do people just work for free in your Elysium?

who builds the farmbots?

The people who want to be fed.

no incentive to produce

Its farming I think we all have the incentive of eating on that one.

your Elysium

I don't have an Elysium(even though in Elysium they had robots doing everything too just for the rich people). I prefer Star Trek.

Star Trek is a post scarcity society they can replicate anything they want so no labor is required. People are encouraged to do what they want and are given the training to excel.

In the real world, labor is required for anything anybody wants. You trade your labor for the things you want. In a primitive society you would work directly for food, later would come barter. You cobble the shoes of the farmer, he has shoes and gives you some food. You also make some shoes for people who will fight to keep you safe. In a modern society we use money to barter with. You trade labor for money depending on how valuable that labor is. What you do with your money is your choice.

Why would I spend all spring and summer farming when I can just go next door and steal their food. I'll spend all year working out and training to fight so my strength will allow me to take what I want from whoever.

Socialism only works on paper because on paper you can hide the human condition. Out here in reality people are assholes and have to be kept in check. I'm able to live a comfortable life because I don't have to worry about people stealing the fruits of my labor. The police will for the most part keep people from stealing my shit, a labor they trade for food and goods.

"The solution to all problems is for those problems to go away"

-Every argument for socialism ever

WTF I like injustice now.

History demonstrates that you're wrong, captilism has given us more long term achievements then socialism and it has lasted longer. Suck it commie

Look at China for fucks sake they've gone capitalist and how many hundreds of millions of people were pulled out of poverty their. I fucking hate communists we immigrated from a communist country when I was very young, my folks have hundreds of stories of how shitty it was and you have people in america who are proud to be communist its absolutely insane

Capitalism promotes wealth inequalities, power dynamics, landed privileges, and a short term view on everything from the economy to the mother fucking planet.

Alright, let's break this down.

Wealth inequality: boo fucking hoo, you're not as wealthy as professional football players or the CEO of PepsiCo. Wealth isn't a zero sum game. Capitalism only exists and works because all parties involved get more out of the exchange than they give. And we have China to thank for putting to rest the fallacious argument that trickle down economics don't work, if you want to try to argue that capitalism somehow screws the poor on a macro level.

Power dynamics: this is rich, coming from a socialist. Sorry, but if my choices are some rich guy with bargaining power over my salary, and some spook with the actual power to round me up for some gulag, I'll take the slightly lower salary and use my vast amounts of personal wealth from living in a free market to wipe away my tears.

Landed privileges: and again, we see the actual reason you're a socialist. You're jealous of people that are happier than you.

and a short term view on everything from the economy to the mother fucking planet: there it is. The "capitalism is going to get us all killed any day now" argument with an infinite deadline that gives communism its permanent status of unfalsifiability.

It's like a script with you idiots. Keep saying "global warming could have catastrophic consequences" until every idiot buys into your intentionally vague ultimatum that we need to uphold social and economic progress in the name of the Earth goddess. What's important to you is the political implications of those potentially catastrophic consequences, not the fact that you have absolutely no scientific evidence that the earth getting warmer will lead to mass extinction (in that regard, an asteroid is much more likely, but I guess you can't blame capitalism for asteroids).

Jesus Christ dude you think trickle down economics work and you don't think climate change is an issue??? Also no with land rights the way they are now If be getting free wealth from my family just like a lot of middle class folks. I just don't think its logical to even have land rights because we all live on the earth and imaginary lines just divide us.

Please read this and take it to heart: you're a fucking moron, and you should never, ever, ever try to give an educated opinion on the economy.

I'm sorry you're calling me a moron after you said that an economic policy that gets its name from a fucking joke made about how it doesn't work works perfectly.

Specifically about the historical context of the term "trickle-down economics" was coined by a humorist.

Non-Mobile link:

HelperBot v1.1 /r/HelperBot_ I am a bot. Please message /u/swim1929 with any feedback and/or hate. Counter: 41907

Goddess Hera in Olympus bot, fuck off already. I always think you're an actual reply when what you are is just a procrastination enabler for people who should be concentrating on work or school.

Interrupt your firmware update and brick yourself.

Maybe it wouldn't be an issue if you didn't post shitty mobile links.

Aha so you're /u/SolidWookie!

So, where did all that increased wealth in the Chinese lower classes come from?

Yes when Mao implemented trickle down economics to China is what changed them from a poor rural nation to a strong industrialized nation

It was actually the market reforms and economic liberalisation started under Deng Xiaoping.

Mao was a great revolutionary but a spectacular failure of a statesman. Whole swathes of the population have been lifted out of poverty or subsistance farming by the post-Mao changes.

Power dynamics

I don't like big corporations so let's wipe them out with one giant corporation that by law has no competition

Lol you don't even know what I mean by that if you think it only pertains to corporations

No, we don't know what you mean, since you don't make sense, as you're retarded.

we have China to thank for putting to rest the fallacious argument that trickle down economics don't work

fucking lol

you have no scientific evidence

Well you're not going to see evidence with your head in the sand.

Yes I'm the one denying the stark reality of the Earth increasing 6 degrees Celsius and everyone going about their lives as usual because hotter weather is neither catastrophic nor unwanted by most humans.

Tell me more about all the bad things that *could happen if we don't elect Bernie Sanders and make college free.

It's not "hotter weather", it's a hotter global climate. There's a huge difference. And yes, it absolutely is catastrophic.

Again, pull your head out of the sand.

Please, explain to me the catastrophe of it being 6 degrees Celsius warmer. And bear in mind, I don't consider the extinction of shitty species like starfish catastrophic.

I would honestly take the time to do that, but judging by your post history you're totally off the deep end and wouldn't listen.

Can't think of one thing, huh?

Huge swaths of densely populated areas being flooded after the ice caps melt do anything for you?

Gimme an estimate of the death total. With evidence to back it up, please, not what Bill Nye said in an interview with CNN.


Well, usually scientific claims require evidence. I know that's not usually a requisite for global warming hysteria, but, ya know, I'm a stickler.

You don't think there's any evidence it's happening?

No, I don't draw conclusions that I have no evidence for. Sea levels rising doesn't mean huge amounts of people will die, just like temperatures rising don't mean huge amounts of people will die. Humanity has lived through much hotter climates before, and if you hadn't noticed, we didn't go extinct.

I don't see anything catastrophic on this page of guesswork. Unless the poor polar bears having nowhere to sit is considered a catastrophe by pussies like you.

Anything else?

more droughts, more heat waves, more wildfires, worse hurricanes, rising sea levels

"I don't see anything catastrophic"

More droughts doesn't mean everyone dies. More heat waves doesn't mean everyone dies. More wildfires doesn't mean everyone dies. Worse hurricanes doesn't mean everyone dies. Rising sea levels doesn't mean everyone dies.

Do I need to explain to you how hysteria works?

Here's an example of something that really doesn't matter, but that continues to make rounds to try and manipulate the public into giving a shit about the environment: honey bees are dying out more quickly. To make this matter more to idiots, they've been told that honey bees dying will destroy the ecosystem.

For one thing, it's true. Honey bees are dying more frequently, but replacing honey bees is actually really fucking easy. You can get a queen and start a new hive for about $20, and that price isn't going up. All that's happening now is, apiaries are rotating their hives more frequently. It's not even affecting their profits all that much. Honey bees dying more frequently doesn't mean honey bees are actually disappearing.

Secondly, honey bees aren't the only fucking animal or even wild bee that pollinates. They're one of hundreds, and those hundreds of other species of bee aren't dying.

Now, I could get into a discussion of how climatology departments in the last decade have had significant turnovers in staff, right around the time the government started pouring more and more money into climate research, but whatever. You can ignore the obvious so long as it suits your agenda.

What I will say is, there's a very good reason this entire debate is now framed as science vs denial, with no room to question why NASA uses shitty data like the surface temperature record to make its findings. These losers, just like you, want the world to be in danger. It's a political weapon, not real science, and everyone making money off it knows it.

More droughts doesn't mean everyone dies. More heat waves doesn't mean...

Yeah, I never said they did.

Do I need to explain to you how hysteria works?

No, but someone might need to explain to you how reading works.

Some shit about honey bees

Yeah I really don't care.

Now, I could get into a discussion of how climatology departments in the last decade have had significant turnovers in staff, right around the time the government started pouring more and more money into climate research, but whatever. You can ignore the obvious so long as it suits your agenda.

Well you could probably start by demonstrating that this has actually happened instead of just claiming it.

What I will say is, there's a very good reason this entire debate is now framed as science vs denial, with no room to question why NASA uses shitty data like the surface temperature record to make its findings.

Nobody would fault you for asking something like "how do we know that data from surface temperatures is reliable" or "why is it okay to use this data?" It's denialism when people like you say, as you so often do, that some aspect of a study isn't the way you expect or want it to be even if you don't understand why, so therefore the whole thing must be wrong.

These losers, just like you, want the world to be in danger.

Hahaha totally. I get off on anticipating millions of deaths from famine.

It's a political weapon, not real science, and everyone making money off it knows it.

Yeah, everyone knows how rich you get by doing climate science.

Yeah I really don't care.

Sums up my impression of every toad like you that defers to those objective and trustworthy climatologists no matter what they do.

It's not "hotter weather", it's a hotter global climate.

What does climate change have to do with an economic system?

Ask the one who brought it up.

Oh put simply the difference between the two can be seen as a change of priorities for human kind. Capitalism promotes wealth inequalities, power dynamics, landed privileges, and a short term view on everything from the economy to the mother fucking planet. We need a system in place that promotes helping one another, fixing our planet, and freedom for all to do whatever they want. Freedom without Socialism is privilege and injustice; Socialism without freedom is slavery and brutality.

Socialism is slavery and brutality, always and everywhere. The whole 20th century will bear me out on this.

Capitalism is slavery and brutality always and everywhere. The whole 19th, 20th, and 21st centuries will bear me out on this

Not really. The US is a nice place to live. So are the UK (the capitalist country), Switzerland, South Korea, Singapore, Chile, and a host of other capitalist states.

Not really. The US is only a nice place to live if you're white and wealthy enough to not worry about health and shelter.

Would you rather be black in the USA or Zimbabwe?

Don't know enough about Zimbabwe or how people live there to make a legitamate choice. If I was to guess it would probably depend more on my family though than the nation I live in because of the way that classes are set up within a capitalist society. Of course an upper class black person in Zimbabwe would be better than a lower class black person in America and you could probably argue being the upper class black person in Zimbabwe may generally speaking be more liberating than it would in America because the ruling class is so predominantly white.

Don't know enough about Zimbabwe or how people live there to make a legitamate choice. If I was to guess it would probably depend more on my family though than the nation I live in because of the way that classes are set up within a capitalist society.

Zimbabwe is not capitalist.

Looked at their Wikipedia. Saw a bunch of stuff about how their government runs on the US dollar and private enterprise versus public subsidized companies. Doesn't sound like any socialism I wanna be a part of.

That's because their socialists could never get their shit together enough to actually have a functioning economy (other than for albino body parts for their witchdoctors).

Are you seriously implying that everyone who is white in America is free of struggle while every PoC isn't?

If "freedom to" doesnt include freedom to be selfish, why even call it freedom?

Unless whatever paradise you are thinking off permits people to be selfish I dont think is a paradise.

You have the right to he selfish in a socialist society but not to harm people or to impose on the rights of others. You could be the biggest dick and you wouldn't lose your house or have to worry about finding food either.

Yes that is the issue, I dont think that is quite true in socialism while I do think that is true in liberalism. I think socialism more or less takes everyone to agree on a normative ethic.

I firmly believe that some things will never be morally agreed upon, why not have a state that can maintain the peace and rights of its citizens?

I'd say as long as you weren't committing violence to another person in a way that they didn't consent to than that would be fine.

why not have a state that can maintain peace and rights of its citizens

Under liberal democracies and capitalism the only ones who get that fair treatment (along with an actual voice in politics) are the rich

the only thing socialism promotes is mass graves. as it has every single time it's reared its head.

Huh out of all the Leftist theory and entertainment I've read I've never came across this promotion for mass graves especially in the 21st century. Mind sharing that with me?

stalin dindu nuffin

pol pot dindu nuffin

mao dindu nuffin

I didn't say that I said give me some evidence of the left promoting genocide. That's always been the rights doing. All ideas have lead to death where in Socialist belief is there promotion of genocide.

communist leaders were actually right wing

holy shit you people are an endless wellspring of hilarity

That's not what I said.

Please don't downvote the lolcows.

but i haven't

Someone has. I can smell it.

That's the kulak under your desk

No thats just old borscht

Probably spilled by a kulak

It was made by Baba Yaga

What does an economic system have to do with feminism or gender equality?

Wait, there was a strike?

My thoughts exactly.

I know one woman who didn't show to work/school because of the strike. I don't think most knew about it.

There's too many half-baked attempts to replicate the Women's March and none are really getting traction.

Yeah leftists tried to have a daywithoutwomen or something, where grills were supposed to wear red and not come to work and protest. But since most women are not autistic, nothing happened.

The former Gawker sites all participated and ran a note about why they were doing so. What kind of strike is it when your boss says fine, go ahead, we will be ok without you?


I thought they were just trying to steal the immigrants thunder, like feminists usually do

Just imagine if it succeeded. All sorts of important infrastructure would shut down for 24 hours to prove a point. I sure hope all those people who'd die because of a shortage of doctors appreciate that it was to promote the cause of Feminism.

Mostly on twitter.

Wait, there was a Women's Strike? I thought it was just International Women's Day.

All the women in my office came to work, I don't think one missed working on Wednesday. We had an office party for International Women's Day though. It was pretty fun.

I stalked Hermoine for IWD. She left a trail of shitty books.

When more than 50% of voters get off their butts and pay attention and start voting. And if that doesn't happen, how is an even bigger change (changing U.S. society from capitalist to socialist) expected to happen?

If there's one thing you can learn from GamerGhazi, it's that the revolution will come when people bitch about things loudly enough on the internet

i'm getting the feeling it's not just about gamergate anymore

Kinda funny because they're being perfectly reasonable, and it's pretty much exactly what the internet socialists want for their own ideology too. Like they don't want the kind of communism that there actually was, they want ethical communism where the core ideology is the same but people don't abuse the system.

But anything with the word capitalism is bad!


I'm not sure how this is a failure. The strike had no goal whatsoever, which it achieved successfully.

"Those regulations have never worked."

Yeah totally. Workplace injuries and deaths are just as high as they were in the early 1900s, children are still exploited for labor, and there is no minimum wage!

There was a woman's strike?

looking at the air quality from the pre-EPA 70s versus now shows that EPA regulations have worked

That's what I'm always saying to people. EPA regulations all up in your shnizzle!

Post-Modernism was a mistake
