6 2017-03-11 by Deity_Of_Darkness
n/a SnapshillBot 2017-03-11
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n/a Lawless00 2017-03-11
I don't get why Americans should have to be humble about being the best. It's not arrogance if you can back it up.
n/a donaldthelion 2017-03-11
Its crazy how much a large portion of reedit hates America and love countries they've never even been too. The best part is the people that live in those amazing places are trying to move here
n/a OccasionallyClueless 2017-03-11
I remember when reddit used to hold Sweden up as the ideal place to live.
n/a SamInTheLoop 2017-03-11
Drink every time some moron doesn't know what "American Exceptionalism" is. In this case, it's /u/Deity_Of_Darkness.
n/a SnapshillBot 2017-03-11
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n/a Lawless00 2017-03-11
I don't get why Americans should have to be humble about being the best. It's not arrogance if you can back it up.
n/a donaldthelion 2017-03-11
Its crazy how much a large portion of reedit hates America and love countries they've never even been too. The best part is the people that live in those amazing places are trying to move here
n/a OccasionallyClueless 2017-03-11
I remember when reddit used to hold Sweden up as the ideal place to live.
n/a SamInTheLoop 2017-03-11
Drink every time some moron doesn't know what "American Exceptionalism" is. In this case, it's /u/Deity_Of_Darkness.