Dude makes a fake news site to prove how gullible some Trump supporters are, eventually comes clean. Massive salt to be mined in the​ comments.

188  2017-03-11 by IAmAN00bie


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For once, completely accurate.

Lol @ that first comment calling Obama gay wtf

You didn't know about Obama's lover "Gay Ray"?

I thought it was "Homo Shlomo".

Fuck that's good

I know a Gay Rick. Perhaps they're cousins?

Are you sure that Gay Ray isn't one of CIA's bizarre science projects for dealing with the situation in the Middle East?

Nah, Muslamic rayguns are MI6.

Theirs some fake stuff on that website but more than half of its the truth

Imagine being this retarted

I mean he's not wrong.

For example:

Obama is gay

Now divide in half

Obama is

I think we can all agree Obama does exist.

we can all agree Obama does exist


he's probably a secret reptile

I'm pretty sure kenyas are mammals.

big if true

Keynesians are def reptiles tho

don't get Cheeto-in-Chief started he has enough problems with his tweets from last Sunday.

Schrodinger obama

math checks out

rly mkes u think huh?

I mean they thought a pizza place was a pedo ring as well

...it was.

u r

big if true

4 u

Funny, I did’t fall for your FAKE STORIES, but FYI…Obama IS gay…there are TWO dead people that testified to it…so…you are proud of yourself for spreading FAKE news, huh? POS rag.

Who are these two zombies that testified that Obama is gay?!

Imagine being this retarted

I'm imagining...

Wait, we get MORE tarts??

Americans falling for fake news. People assume this is something shocking considering 2 biggest news-networks are in fact doing fake news.


Imagine being this retarded

Imagine being thus retarted

Ya rover. Avaunt

Imagine being this retarded

Boys, don't downvote.

Piss off Larry. Nobody likes you.

To be fair something like this would work on the left as well

To be fair no it hasn't so far.

tell us how you feel about russia

You mean a country that actually has clear motives to undermine the influence of the United States? Tell us how you feel about pizza?

lol oh no theyre undermining us

the point was that anyone scared of russia doesnt really have a leg to stand on calling other people gullible

because russia isnt and never will be a threat, its just dumb propaganda aimed at the lowest common denominator

which is you if you believe it

Holy fuck ur actually retarded.

pizzagate is infinitely more realistic than...


thanks random user ive never seen before, you really explained your position

My position is that ur retarded.

cool my dude the other cb refugees really seemed to like it too

I have never, nor will I ever participate in circlebroke or related subs, but thanks for proving that my position that ur retarded is in fact true.

i dunno man you felt the need to reply to me talking shit about pizzagate theres only a handful of people here now that go for that

also did you know hillary clinton has a fetish for genital mutilation

It's amusing that somehow even without any prompting people of your particularly retarded persuasion manage to insert hillary clinton into any and every conversation regardless of relevance. Your obsession is borderline autistic.

youre a little slow arent you

Well, I for one, didn't know Russians didn't exist. I guess you learn something new every day. :/

pizzagate is infinitely more realistic than oogy boogy russians, because pedophiles objectively exist

so do russians.

There are also Russian pedophiles.

There are Russian pedophiles who eat pizza.



tell us how you feel about russia

How I feel about Russia? How I feel about Russia?? How I feel about Russia??? How I feel about Russia???? How I feel about Russia????? How I feel about Russia??????


Fine. They're good people. Their government is an aggressive adversary but Putin and the FSB aren't all of Russia.

Have to disagree.


Huge numbers of liberals are promoting this woman as a sensible pundit on Russia and Trump at the moment.

When people in third world shit holes start making millions peddling fake news stories to the left I think itll be fair to say it has gone that far. This though? Its like claiming Jill Stein voters are representative of a large portion of the left.

MSNBC keeps having Mensch on to rant about Trump.

Is there a direct equivalence? Not at this point (which isn't something I said anyway). Are liberals innocent of ridiculous conspiracy bullshit? Not a chance.

Innocent? No. To the same degree? Alex jones.

I've never even heard of her. 317 retweets and 477 likes? HUGE NUMBERS alright.

317 Retweets 477 likes.... ? yeah shits going viral!

It's not that, Mensch is being promoted on MSNBC and by big name liberals, while she says shit like that.

It's getting worse.


Mensch just got a New York Times op-ed that was praised by tons of liberals as well.

Mensch just got a New York Times op-ed that was praised by tons of liberals as well.

Oh no!!!! A person believes that Putin was responsible for the assassination/murder of Russian political opponents??? That's crazy talk!!!

Putin murdered Andrew Breitbart and Bush Did 9/11

If that's what you wish to believe then keep working hard on that PhD


Do you guys not remember the 9/11 conspiracy theories or all the stupid shit surrounding Dick Cheney shooting that guy in the face?

And I'm pretty sure the 9/11 truthers did a lot more damage to America's interests than the pizzagate retards.

The 9/11 conspiracy theorists were on both sides of the political spectrum.

Muh golden mean.

It already happened. But it got shut down after the lawsuit.

Ehhh idk about that one. I'm sure you could get them to accept lies without fact checking, but not at this level of insanity.

You really think they'd believe the president is running a pedophile ring out of the whitehouse?

They think he's a "Russian puppet" or literally some kind of embedded manchurian candidate - so yeah, I think that wouldn't be much of a problem.

Imagine being so fucking delusional that you believe "leftists" as a group couldn't fall for something absurd.

Huh TIL every single intelligence agency which includes conservatives are actually just leftist.

The same intelligence agencies that brought us ~10 conflicts and wars in sovereign countries within a single decade. The same intelligence agencies that assured everyone there were WMD's in Iraq. The same intelligence agencies that did nothing about 9/11.

There are traitorous, cocksucking neo-con pukes in the "intelligence community", so that means it's more credible? Really solid evidence, fuck drumpf and fuck white people.

"Russia got Trump to win" was a belief that a majority of liberals held (according to a poll by Gallup) and has yet to be proven true to this day. People will believe complete bullshit if their politics align.

its called cnn

Source? Examples?

are you legit asking for examples of why cnn is propaganda

because that might be a big post

It did by the millions - check out the works of Karl Marx and Freddie Engels, not one verified fact in them.

Not only would it not work on the left, it wouldn't even work on moderate republicans. It's literally just the alt right.

Is this the same site that claimed Pepe was declared a hate symbol?

That was the Hillary Clinton campaign.

oh right, that wasn't a joke

Hillary was the joke

More like Hilarity, amirte?



That was actually the (((Anti Defamation League)))

fake news strikes again

it was also declared a hate symbol by the ADL...

...AFTER this article on Hilldog's website was written.




Also by the Hillary Clinton campaign.

but you understand why a civil rights group calling it a hate symbol first would give the campaign more legitimacy to do so right

The issue it is a cartoon frog. So there is no legitimacy to begin with only autism.

I dont disagree that it's autistic but it isn't like cartoons cant be racist :/

i mean

look at anime

look at anime

Good try weeb. kys

have you seen that donald duck cartoon where he dresses as hitler

dont see why they cared so much about pewdiepie

is that the one where the nazis literally wake him up by playing oompah music?

ya, i've seen it.

it is a good one

The best

And 14 and 88 are numbers.

Swastikas are lines. Lines can't be racist.

Lines aren't racist, people are racist.

Racist people use symbols to signal and communicate their racism.

It's a meme

nice meme

Thank you for that comment. I didn't know that 14 and 88 are numbers. A upvote for that invaluable information you have provided us.

I hope in the future you keep dispensing such crucial wisdom to us all.

thanks for explaining that pepe is a frog. i wasnt really sure until now

Are you familiar with the concept of analogies? According to your own logic, there's no legitimacy whatsoever in the concept that numbers 14 and 88 are racist.

Humans are made of cells, cells are made of atoms. Atoms can't be racist. Therefore humans can't be racist.

it is pretty hilarious

  • Posts a bunch of conspiracy theories.

  • Gets surprised when people believe them and don't check voracity

Got bad news for him, National Enquirer has been around for a long time, this shit is not anything new.


That voracious mainstream media, eats up everything in its path.

You are fake news

Your mom is fake news.

You spelled "whore" wrong.

Vore is my fetish.

I'm into some weird shit, believe me. But what the fuck is the appeal of vore? You see some hot shit being eaten... Like yeah, it's mildly hot because she's attractive, but what do you get out of it?

'Aww yea, imagine swallowing an entire person in your esophagus. That'd be so hot right? I understand it is much too undersized for it to ever be slightly arousing, but still guys amirite????'

I was kinda into vore for a bit when I was younger. This is my explanation for why it got me off. Basically it's a mix of the stuffing fetish (where girls eat so much their bellies distend) and a domination thing. At least that's my take. Shits fucky, ya know?


stuffing fetish (where girls eat so much their bellies distend)

That makes it even weirder to me. Why the fuck would that be sexually attractive?

I'm occasionally into spanking, age play, femdom, role play, golden showers, whatever... but I always know the root cause of these urges; I want some kind of domination. It's never the pee/red butt/young girl on itself that makes me aroused.

Are you into pregnant women also or is it just distended bellies from food, if either wtf?

that's weird

I'm into age play and golden showers

And look at you kink shaming

I know I'm a weirdo, but at least I know exactly why I'm a weirdo.

If we're sharing our kinks, I have a fetish of watching women give birth. I also kinda like monster girls, like spider and snake girls.

Spider and snake girls are a thing?

Yes they are

That spider is going to give me nightmares.

watching women give birth

That's cool, plug dat bitch back up. Real births or simulated?

monster girls are a top-tier fetish, giving birth is degenerate as fuck though.

had a gf who was into vore, looked at it with her

seems like it's a purely visceral thing, like you don't actually try to make sense of it or insert yourself in any coherent way, it's just like

"nice, that chick just ate that other chick. made her DISAPPEAR with her MOUTH and used her for SUSTENANCE, struggle as she might that food can't escape. look how much she's ENJOYING this impossibly despicable act, fuck that's hot"

edit: also most fetishes stem from an intense fear or trauma in one's early formative years. the prospect of being eaten is scary and children are frequently exposed to it

This was a good answer and I still don't get it. Some things are just not meant to be I guess. Was she into lesbian vore or did she want you to gulp things down?

I feel the same about the 'giantess'-fetish. I kind of like the thought of a strong, aggressive 6'2" woman having her way with me, but these people who leak precum over some Godzilla sized freak with an obviously loose pussy? Nah.

i asked her a bunch about it. now, she was basically gender-agnostic in general so I don't think this is typical, but she didn't care if it was men, women, regular humans, furries, giants or scalies. what mattered was how the devouring was presented.

it was never apparent otherwise, i mean she liked being bitten on the nape and bit back occasionally but not to a weird extent, and she never made any attempt to live out her weird 2d porn.

i think giantess stuff is the same way. i looked at a bunch of that when I was 11 but I lost interest a few years before ilearned that sex could actually be fun

edit: also most fetishes stem from an intense fear or trauma in one's early formative years. the prospect of being eaten is scary and children are frequently exposed to it

That doesn't explain any of mine.

also most fetishes stem from an intense fear or trauma in one's early formative years. the prospect of being eaten is scary and children are frequently exposed to it

If you're going for the classic Freudian explanation, its probably a fetish related to the Anal Stage of psychosexual development which occurs between the ages of roughly 1-3 in a child (toilet training) as infantile sexuality becomes related to erogenous zones in the lower digestive tract, in contrast to the mouth in younger children.

As you've said psychopathological responses, fetishes and fixations can potentially develop in people who experience some trauma in infantile sexual development; trauma surrounding toilet training is very common hence the commonality of fetishes related to the Anus (and lower digestive tract)

ask /u/attackthemoon, he's super into it

Vore 👏 is 👏 not 👏 my 👏 fetish

yes it is

Do people actually believe the stuff they read in Enquirer though? I thought people read it purely for entertainment value and sleazy gossip, but all taken with a grain of salt.

deliberately manufactures disinformation

LOL IT WAS JUST A PRANK no wait stop spreading it around it's not true what are you doing

how did these people not learn from 2016

Oh dope here's a rager whose feefees got hurt after their youtube poop got called out

Natasha Delima March 7, 2017 at 3:22 am

yes exactly and since I am the subject of this illicit downloaded video that is mine and they used without my consent, they have a problem. This video has exposed the players in the pedophile ring, and has many people upset including this lunitic, but to commit a federal crime of unlawfully downloading my video should make people know how far they will go to try to deflect from this crime ring and the millions of children that have been abused, taken, raped, or murdered.

followed by

My advice is that you remove my video from your report, as I will file criminal charges.

and then the responses

I embedded a public video you posted on youtube. What will I be charged with?

You are especially stupid. You made a YouTube video and are threatening to sue him, You need to get a life you old crow. Crawl up somewhere and wait for the cockroaches.


but to commit a federal crime of unlawfully downloading my video should make people know how far they will go to try to deflect

Shit I bet even the CIA wouldn't stoop to illegally downloading something.

yes exactly and since I am the subject of this illicit downloaded comment that is about me they used without my consent, they have a problem. This comment has exposed the players in the karma ring, and has many people upset including this lunitic, but to commit a federal crime of unlawfully commenting my post should make people know how far they will go to try to deflect from this karma ring and the millions of upvotes that have been abused, taken, raped, or murdered.

My advice is that you remove my post from your comment, as I will file criminal charges.

I'm confused, the whole point was to prove it's possible to lie to people? Wow, startling breakthrough

Did you not even read the title or are you genuinely this clueless?

I believe the point is that these retards will believe those lies, no matter how absurd.

Kind of like how the mainstream media has the general population convinced that Trump is a manchurian candidate for Russia. You got a point there.

lol someones salty

Dude, I'm Russian and I don't rule out the idea that Russians have some serious dirt on Trump. That's not just "the mainstream media". What was really pathetic is yelling that the entire thing was a /pol/ fake.

You heard it here first, folks. It's been confirmed by a real life Russian. To CNN: You can hang up your towel now; The case is closed.

Dude if you don't think there's anything shady about the relationship between Putin and Trump you are naive beyond measure.


there's no way the guy is a literal manchurian candidate though, that's idiotic.

most likely is some combination of shady business deals + shady advisers who have connections with russia/been paid as lobbyists for shady interests + russia being opportunistic and promoting the guy

there's no way the guy is a literal manchurian candidate though, that's idiotic.

Is anyone actually claiming that he is?

You said "literal" Manchurian candidate. People call him that as an analogy. They don't mean that he was actually brainwashed.

OK, fair enough. People are talking about him being a knowing catspaw of Putin, though, even if they're leaving out the brainwashing part.

Yeah you're supposed to vote for politicians controlled by AMERICAN companies, not evil russians

...Still waiting on tangible evidence from a named source.

thats cool

Yeah wait, let me just link you Trump's tax returns. All presidents have released theirs, so I'm sure I'll find his quickly. Will edit this comment and update when I have the link

No. Not all presidents have turned over their tax returns. Quit reading click-bait headlines and turning to reddit. Instead, go visit a library.

Here you go. Trump paid $38 million in income tax in 2005. I'll be waiting on your reply (which will be a lame attempt at reshifting your argument).

Actually, I'd like his tax returns for 2016. His audit is over, no? That was the reason he didn't give out the returns right? So how about you give me a tax return that isn't more than a decade old.


I knew it. BTFO'd

But you agree... Prior to 2016, at the very least, all evidence points to Trump abiding by all laws and paying all his taxes.

I'll concede you the year 2016, if you will concede all years prior to that.

Grab by the pussy was never a real argument, it was just a cheap shot to take some voters away due to the comment's controversial nature. Why are you sending me pictures of Hillary? I don't care about how much Trump has paid in taxes, I don't think that he has been evading taxes. I think that there are suspicious conflicts of interest in his tax returns that he is trying to hide.

people also believe the earth is flat and drinking dmso cures cancer. Don't need to go through all that trouble to show there's gullible people online.

it's to show what kind of people believe it...in this case, trump supporters.

I'm honestly a bit surprised you're so dense you don't understand the purpose of doing it

I misaligned my point and the context. I'm gender fluid today.

make sure you don't leak any gender fluid

Your confirmation bias is showing. There are people in r/hilaryclinton bawing about the wage gap myth as we speak.

Anybody is susceptible to fake news.

The wage gap myth is a different kind of "false" than conspiracy theories lol

Yes. it's different because it doesn't suit your agenda.

Yes, it is exactly the same as believing that Obama's pedo bunker is being raided :)

It's a fabricated nonissue made up for political purposes that can be easily debunked with a Google search so, yeah, probably.

Like how liberals believe in human equality?

Exactly. It should be obvious to anyone reading this thread that pretty much all of you are inferior to me.

No its to prove that a large percentage of the Trump support base are incurably autistic.

The whole point was the lies were incredibly obvious and ridiculous, yet people were so eager to believe them that some of them are there in the comments right now arguing that they're true after the creator admitted he made it all up.

Oh, I see your point now. True.

The point is that Trump supporters are always calling everything they disagree with "Fake news", despite it being true, yet anything they agree with, even when explicitly told to them by the creator is fake, is still real to them

The point was to laugh in people's faces for being idiots while writing smug onion articles.

...is Brietbart NOT satire?

Ya I’ve already seen a lot of these stories proven correct so I don’t know if you work for the CIA or what but I can tell you are lying.

Imagine being this retarded.

Trying to imagine being that retarded may be hazardous.

I love the comments saying wikileaks has never once lied. That's great but if you actually bothered to check wikileaks you would know that they never posted that. That was just wow.

Funny, I did’t fall for your FAKE STORIES, but FYI…Obama IS gay…there are TWO dead people that testified to it…so…you are proud of yourself for spreading FAKE news, huh? POS rag.

how tf does a dead person testify lol

i like how people pretend that if obama was gay and michelle was a dude, that they wouldn't have come out and bragged about it in his second term

Wasn't this revealed like 9 months ago?

I don't think any of those showed up on the_donald and there is a pretty low threshold there. Weak job.

Finally some quality content is posted here.

well the funniest one lately is how they cut the feed as soon as people in trumps rally thing started talking about why they didnt like obama care

same thing they did when that guy started talking about wikileaks

or the times where they pretend to be in another country using greenscreens

ill make a list though at some point if you like i dont keep this shit on hand

rest assured though that if you believe a word they say youre the lowest common denominator