Ed Sheeran fucking sucks

50  2017-03-11 by ThatOtherPromise

Stupid ginger piece of shit

His music is the definition of depressed teen girl

He is also ugly

and a ginger male, the worst kind of ginger

Come at me you cunts


Why you gotta be so rude?!

dontcha know I"m human too~

That's not a fucking Ed Sheeran song you fags

We're gonna sing it anyway~

sing that song~

There's potential in the lyrics, but you still have to work on the meter.

I don't think anyone here actually gives a shit about Ed Sheeran. I've never even listened to his music.

Speak for yourself you fucking piece of shit. I'd give my bussy to Ed the instant he gives me the "Fuck me" eyes.

I didn't want to be the first one to say "who?" but I have no idea who this is.

also he is a mayo that tries to rap.

mayocide now

tbf he came up through the uk rap scene.

It doesn't show.

the uk rap scene


uk rap scene

Are you trying to make a case for his credibility, or demonstrate the lack thereof?

Know the name, don't know any songs.

Ah, the joys of being over 30.

More like the joys of being a smug, ugly, washed up ex euphoric redditeur that has 'wised up' with old age.

thats cool

Usually you can get away with bland mediocre music if you're a total stud, but he clearly isn't, so his success confuses me greatly.

His music has always seemed cringy to me.

Take what you would consider a "stud" male singer. For me that's David Lee Roth.

Now imagine him singing that "I liked this girl but she fucks a lot of guys and I'm a beta cuck" song. Cringe.

Don't forget they don't have souls

oh ok

please leave him alone

He's the twat who brings the guitar to the campfire and plays 'Wonderwall'.

Who? Is he the most recent T. Swift fucboi?

the worst insult I have ever received was someone telling me I look like Ed "His wax statue looks more human than him" Sheeran

Jesus Christ this makes me feel a lot better about being told I sound like Archer

haha yeah i hate being told i sound like morgan freeman

Let's Get it On is pretty good though

kill yourself

I have no idea who this is but I'm all for hating people online

He's a really shitty musician.

Does he at least have a decent bussy?

Don't bother, he white

Mayocide when?

he can't suck if he triggers op

He's not even white, he's ginger. He's gonna survive the mayocide.

This post is useless.

this is the sort of online bullying ivanka is gonna put a stop to

Ginger males should be gassed

Please spare Josh Homme of Queens of the Stone Age.


He once sang "They say I'm up and coming like I'm fucking in an elevator" so yeah he die imo

Come at me you cunts

Why would I do that? Spitting truth over here.


Ok, what happened? Did he spit in your burger or something?

Fucking celebrities always doing that shit.

Dude can't really do too much about the way he looks but he can stop writing that pandering, bullshit music any time he wants. That would be nice

This is why I hate the internet