Snoop Dog video taking place in a clown universe has a Clown President shot by Snoop Dogg with a clown gun. Lots of triggered individuals on both sides in the comments.

34  2017-03-14 by mysticalmisogynistic


You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


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My biggest problem is with all the people saying he hasn't had a hit in 10years.

Plastic Beach with the Gorrilaz was great.

That song sucked and even by shitty music standards it wasn't a hit

I thought he switched to country. He should make an anti Trump country music song. Then you'd get peak redneck rage.

Didn't some female country band try that with Bush the Younger?


and they'd still be retarded

What did that primitive right wing sow Palin do back then again with the target symbols?

And don't forget to buy your Obama-, Hillary- and Bernie shooting targets to let your OUTRAGE FLOW!!!

Then some white guy shot Giffords.

Right in the fucking head.

if the situation was completely different other people would react differently

people who like a thing get upset when someone shits on that thing

By God how do you even manage to dress yourself in the morning

Why get undressed. Track pants and hoodie 24/7.

Insert squatting Slav joke here

Everything is retarded.

Looking at the reactions, I'd say those pigs are pretty bold to accuse others of being "triggered" :-)

Trump supporters are more stupider then liverals

ily basicallyadoctor

Meh, seems like a discount KenM to me.

You don't even fuckin know man



every comment section of everything ever nowadays all I see is liberals saying "trumptards are so TRIGGERED in the comments section :^)))))"

and yet, I never see any trump people in the comments section, all I see are people saying we're """triggered"""

this is a thread literally about a comment section filled with y'allqueda sperging out. Click the link you fucking mong if you want to see them in action

You sound triggered :^)

You sound triggered :^)

You sound triggered :^)

Don't be too hard on him he's not used to facts. He won't believe it unless Trump wakes his massively obese frame to tweet about it at 3am.

This just means the purge of whites has been working

Nobody thinks you know how to read.

How come liberals can never make good memes and just cop the ones made by the Trumptards?

I mean look at every thread and they just use their language but flip it around. Very lazy

Liberals are used to repeating everything they're spooned by the establishment media, they don't have the innovation or motivation to create anything on their own.

Maybe we should find some unhinged high school drop out to tell us ridiculous conspiracies instead.

You mean conspiracy theories like "Donald Trump is a puppet of the Russians"?

Oh wait my bad, thats a totally plausible and reasonable conspiracy because the MSM told you so :^)

The (((MSM))) lied about Flynn stepping down and has infiltrated the international intelligence community. We must listen to Alex Jones to fight back against the (((globalists))). Donald Trump and his administration has no Russian connection which is why he criticizes that frozen gas station of a country all the time .

Maybe if you put sarcastic parentheses around a few more words it will make your lulzy belief that Trump is a Manchurian candidate come true!

Maybe if I dismiss actual experts and intelligence agencies as complete frauds people will stop mocking my incestuous relationship and lack of a GED.

>conspiracy theories

>racist stereotypes

Amazing how often those go hand in hand!

Says the MSM and intelligence agencies are in a conspiracy againt Trump

Accuses others of being a conspiratard

This is what generations of inbreeding does to someone.

what's a racist stereotype? The incest thing? That's not a white stereotype. That's a white trash stereotype. Don't try and lump the rest of us in with you sub-human filth

You sound triggered, racist :^)

liberals created the establishment media tho


We all just steal them from 4chan.

It isn't the fault of leftists that any website that autistic will also naturally slant right.

So you all just copy retards?

Don't know what is worse, the retard, or the one who follows them

Each side thinks the other is more retarded. It's an argument that will never be settled.

Guy I replied to posts to /r/FULLCOMMUNISM. Quite the gall to be calling people autistic

Real recognizes real, tho.

We try to keep the language simple so you uneducated hillbillies can follow it. Maybe if you didn't hate education and intelligence so much we'd be more willing to talk to you like adults.

Who could forget the witty intellectual joke "Drumpf".

I just think you guys are unfunny hacks.

Lol it's been like a year and you're still crying about that John Oliver episode.

No, I'm just pointing to the time you guys tried to be original. Pretty shit dawg

Memes have nothing to do with originality since the whole point of them is to copy and paste someone else's sir

They have to begin somewhere

Good memes require a truckload of autism and devotion to the NEET lifestyle. Basically succeeding in memes is mathematically equivalent to falling as a human being.

Gather all your thoughts and comment at one time you fucking spaz

How come liberals can never make good memes and just cop the ones made by the Trumptards?

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Pepe, the biggest mascot for Trump supports,was originally made by a Hillary supporter you fucking moron!

Jesus Christ you write like a retard

Wowwww you sure got me there m8!

I just love how they are slowly realizing that the whole world still hates and mocks them. Virginal dwellers, Ugly Americans, Senile octogenarias, conspiratards,and Redneck Hillbillies. A combination of America's greatest trash.

hahaha ok idiot.

Virginal dwellers

Says the person who posts exclusively on /r/dbz, enough____ meta subreddits, circlebroke, and negareddit. Pot calling the kettle black dawg

Oh cool you read through my post history. Anyways I actually have a wife and we have our own place. Also dragon ball Z is actually pretty good.

Anyways I actually have a wife

Your $5,000 sex robot and VR set-up isn't seen as a wife under law

Nice meme bro

Thanks bro

unironically posts on /r/Negareddit

And I thought I was autistic.

Critiquing someone's post history while posting on /r/drama

I'll take lack of self awareness for $500 please

Was I saying I was better then people? No, following along dip shit

Why are people getting so worked up about this? He was just clowning around.

Trump is going making hip hop great again.


hey did you guys know snoop dogg smokes weed? i was watching an interview and he actually talked about it. This guy is crazy what will he do next?

For real though, I want some of those fucking snoop loops.

Snoop dog always the master marketer of cereal.