Telegraph journo and low key drama lurker who quoted us in her recent article responds succinctly to reasonable questions.

240  2017-03-15 by lvl99SkrubRekker


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This really angers me, Skrub. You're better than this.

I'm really not. : [

You should've followed your last sentence with "However, we are an authority on nasty dumpster sex behind Denny's, if you are interested ;)"

Oh wow sliding into dms by whining about not crediting your fave autismo reddit sub in a news article

Did you mean to reply to me or Skrub?

I respond to people who upvote my comments. Clearly I replied to you in error.

i was the one who downvoted you ;)

Easily number 7 in my list of Top Ten Anime Betrayals

Rierie is fam no longer

do you count 10 to 1 or 1 to 10?

Hammer_of_truthiness [+38]

rude tbh

I believe whole heartedly in being tribalistically autistic

This. Honestly

What else you got going for you?

we can teach him


I have it on solid authority that this person's username is /u/LemonScore.

I'm shocked that the world-class journalist who has brought us startling developments on Lindsey Lohan's hijab fashion line and Victoria Beckham's facial expressions would behave this way.


Someone should make a post with her name in the title and see if she writes an "article" about that too.

Wow rude!


mayo ape

a authority

delete your web browser and cancel your internet subscription

Kys, I talk how I want

Enjoy your autism friendo

As an actual autistic person, perfect grammar is critically important to clear communications, and the lack thereof is one of our major barriers to social interaction.

Otherwise we have to fall back to unreliable "guess which part is the error". Remember that "I have to watch my grandpa fucking a man" screenshot floating around? Without the additional context of the reactions, the most likely interpretation is not the intended one.

It's kind of hard to have empathy when most autistic people are obese pedophilia loving losers who work at Wendy's.

I know this, because I also have major autism.

wow, I only have colonel autism. Good for you.

Colonel is a higher rank, stupidhead

Is it?

It's one step below a generalship

oh lol, I read this incorrectly. In that case I have captain autism, which actually sounds like a superhero.

Captain Caveman is autistic

Did you never play Stratego you fucking degenerate


Colonel autism is bigger than major autism

But I guess a true autist would fuck that sentence up anyway. Wp mayo filth

Hey, that explains why it's kinda hard for you to have empathy.

And my massive collection of sonic the hedgehog action figures.

Wrong sub friendo.

I'm on the spectrum as awell, says here you should be less of a pussy and learn to laugh at yourself.

I'm not personally hurt.

The problem is, every time I interact, I have to deal with people who think this way.

The only solution is to stop people from deliberately spreading misinformation.

I've heard your voice irl. You sound fine.

Quit ruining my bad boi persona



if i went to school to become a journalist and was forced to cover garbage like this id get lazy too

So, who is it?

Pls Mrs. Horton could you quote me in your next journalistic piece? I really want to become internet famous.

How about "I saw Emma Watson's pictures. Her nipples are as perky as a piglets in a cold winter morning."? Is that quoteworthy enough?


Link? 😂😂😂🤔🤗💯💯💯💯👊👌👌👌

Will Emma Watson sue /r/drama ?

She can try, I guess.

Was there even any bussy in the leak? Why would we care?

What a cunt.

Quick, what did this woman do?

r/drama should troll that woman and should start targeting the Telegraph.

expoct us

ecks dee

Nice try Helen

I'm not Helen. r/drama should use it's weaponized autism to fight CNN and MSNBC.

Let's get to the real issues - where does Helena Horton stand on the mayocide?

/r/drama user here

you're never having sex again

Are you implying he's already had sex?

Well his mom raped him, that counts right?

So in other words, she's a coward? Shocker, I wonder how clogged her inbox must be right now.

Journalism was a mistake.

"also. lol Also" i only bring this up and poke fun at it because its a flaw i see in myself a lot too many ands, buts, and alsos.

I get a and an wrong a lot, as people often remind me on here. Lol

When you are talking about the letter s is it an s or a s??? I always just fall back on what sounds better to me in my head when dealing with grammar shit like that. oh and I would have picked an s myself because its starting sound sounds like a vowel. Tell me I'm wrong reddit!

Is that case it would be "as s" because you're typing it as if it were said aloud. S aloud wouldn't be "suh", it would be "ess". The vowel beginning is what makes it an "an" rather than an "a".

tempted to downvote you just because you didn't tell me i was wrong heh

Rude 👺

you have now told me how i was wrong and earned your upvotes

Now I feel bad I'm so sorry Skrub.

I still love u bae, more than even ghazi drama : 3

Do you think Horton hears a Who?

She is definitely an elephant, makes sense

I think she's a candidate for the lesser known sequel:

Horton Hatches Watches the Last of Her Viable Eggs Get Tossed in a Flurry of Kotex and Chardonnay

I can agree. Although both version look like unpleasant to be around

second one showing off that lazy eye

remember when life was easy and you knew that the kid at school who was a wiz at nintendo wasn't the same one you went to for help with social studies homework?

Yeah... good times.