Dutch Trump "Geert Wilders" loses bigly in today's election. SAD!

109  2017-03-15 by DonaldBlythe

I'm sure there's some meltdowns on 4chan to check out. I'd rather not go there though.

But here is The Wilders and The Donald crying about the loses. Haha. I guess their theory that inbred rednecks and basement dwellers pushing Trump to a -3 mln vote victory meant that they were somehow in the majority.

All remaining white nationalist campaigns will fail. Mashallah. Marine Le Pen will wear her burqa with pride.

Also The Wilders will probably close down soon.


Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


  1. This Post - archive.org, megalodon.jp, ceddit.com, archive.is*

  2. The Wilders - archive.org, megalodon.jp, ceddit.com, archive.is*

  3. The Donald - archive.org, megalodon.jp, ceddit.com, archive.is*

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1st comment that caught me off guard

Non-voters are finally voting now. We are destroying this election. Voters finally believe they have something to choose for after Brexit and Trump.

This is sad.

They sure are voting, but mostly against Wilders :^)

A far right party getting 20%, more than the (formerly big) the center-left party, centrist party, green party, and the remaining left wing parties.

Last election Wilders' party got only 10%.

PVV got 13.1% of the vote.


First of all, he didn't get 20% of the votes, he got 20 of the 150 seats in parliament.

Second of all, they didn't have 10 seats last election, they had 15, so a rise of 5 seats.

Third of all, though 20 seats is quite a lot, it doesn't mean that much since no one wants a coalition with them. If the Socialist Party and cocking Labour would enter a coalition they'd have more seats.

TL;DR every claim you made is wrong, misleading or both.

they did better in 2010 than they did this year, and like a year ago they were polling at like 40 seats. face it, they got fucking reamed.

interesting factoid. thanks :)

Looks like that was just the exil polls?

dutch exit polls are historically very accurate so I don't see why this would be any different

this has been a bizarre year though, we'll have to see.

Oh ok. I would definitely wait and see though.

Yeah there have been quite a few poll/exit poll misses lately that haven't caught populist surges, I'm in favour of waiting for the official results before making anything of it.

Last year was the bizarre meme year. This year is normal.

It's kind of like when they write a really strange season of a tv show and then come back to their senses for next year. Last year was like Season 5 of Game of Thrones. Yeah we still have to sort of deal with the consequences but our head is somewhat back in the game now.

Yeah 2017 has been very normal and I like it, but still: Cubs.

A world in which the Chicago Cubs are world champions is a world where anything is up for grabs.

"""world""" champions

America is the world you fucking yuropoor.

/u/Riemann1413 lives in Chicago, ironically.

What's hilariously pathetic is that he thinks dota and other computer shit are actual legitimate """"""sports""""".

Seriously, when he hears the worth "athlete" the first person whom he thinks of isn't Usain Bolt , Alexander Karelin, or Simone Biles, but some korean skeleton who barely weighs 45 kilos whose only skill is that he can click a mouse 250 times a minute



dota should be in the next Olympics tbh

this but unironically

Is Steve King in mourning?

3rd place in Schiermonnikoog. Fuck

He's currently expected to be the second largest in the polls, mate.

Tied with two other parties...

It's still not really a loss.

Labor did lose hard, jesus christ.

Oh yeah that's true, I quite like the dutch system though. Most people can come out relatively happy. GL made huge gains!

I hate it, you'll always end up with a gray mass of compromises where nothing substantial gets done.

Better than party ruling that the majority of the dutch didn't vote for. And 'nothing substantial being done' is a bit hyperbolic.

That's why you need to cut it down to 2 parties like a real country.

Honestly you should decentralize your country into a mass of non-partisan elected municipal authorities held together by a relatively small unelected royal government and intercommunal bodies for major infrastructure projects. Also Belgium should. Maybe France too.

You say that like it's a bad thing.


I mean i hate democracy altogether

This but unironically

but labor still has a better chance of being invited into coalition

what PVV was hoping was to win enough seats to form a coalition government with VVD, the center-right party. Since they didn't, the coalition that forms will be at the least center-left, if not further left.

Why the hell would it be center-left, when you have a center-right party of 31, a christian democratic party (generally also center-right) of 19, and then either moderately left-wing democrats at 19 or far-right at 19?

the CDA is centrist, they've had a mix of both center-left and center-right politicians.

besides, 31 + 19 + 19 is 69. You need 75 for a coalition government.

CDA is all too eager to rule, and they're not going to pass up that ability because they don't like VVD. They've ruled together many times in the past, and it's not like they have a lot of principles left to sell out.

So then you'll end up with VVD, CDA, D66, and probably CU for the final 6. I don't see how that would be a left-wing cabinet at all.

It's not, fair. Reasonable one though.

Incidentally I was wrong, you need 76 seats for majority (which makes sense I guess), and thus this isn't actually possible. We'll have to wait and see what actually happens.

Of course it yes. He perfomed way worse than predicted and still has less seats than 10.

Labour seats just went to other left wing parties.

most Labor votes moved farther left. Bunch of farther left parties picked up seats.

Apparently he got one extra seat, so he's the unshared second.

We'll see what happens, because that's not going to be an easy cabinet to form.


/> far right candidate "loses", center right parties pick up crazy number of seats

/> PvdA literally blown the fuck out

Just because Wilders lost doesn't mean voters aren't embracing right and center right policies

Okay fag


Just because Bernie lost doesn't mean voters aren't embracing bad economics and chicken tendies

chicken tendies

I thought tendies were currency among NEETs, aka the majority of Trump's fan base.

tendies and failsons know no political boundaries

you know how coalition governments work, right? It doesn't matter that Labour lost seats, because the Green party, CDA, D66, and others gained enough seats to make up for the loss. In fact, most of those parties are further left than PvdA is.

you know how coalition governments work, right?

You're talking to a Trumpet. C'mon now...

...is he? That one's always been pretty ambiguous

He's a Trump supporter, cuck and son of a man who works for the Democrats.

ill have you know /u/CucksLoveTrump is a 80 year old Mexican man who even to this day is fuckin hwite women and is the father of 12 or so mixed race (but atleast not white) children

Sounds like some commie shit

delete yourself

You seem like the reason abortion is legal.

You seem like you didn't dodge the coathanger fast enough.

I'm an advocate of post-birth abortion

I would be then I realize my parents would have killed my retarded ass.

should have

Be the change you want to see.

CDA and D66 are to the right of PvdA, mate. There was a net gain of 7 seats in parties to the left of Labour.

correct, but I really wouldn't characterize this election as an 'embrace of right and center right' policies. CDA is at best centrist, and D66 is pretty similar (they're right economically, left socially).

(I did more reading between 3 hours ago and now)

I really wouldn't characterize this election as an 'embrace of right and center right' policies

How else would you characterize an election where right wing parties are the three most popular ones.

Except that the PVV won't be a part of the ruling parties. Nobody wants to form a coalition with them, so it's likely to be VVD+CDA+D66+(SP/GL/PvdA), which is a nice centrist coalition.

It's not going to be the SP, they've specifically said they won't coalition with VVD. The minor right-wing parties (CU, SGP, FvD) hold 10 seats combined, so with their support VVD can form a center-right coalition.

PvdA/SP lost more seats (30) than GL/PVDD/D66/CDA gained (26).

In fact, most of those parties are further left than PvdA is.

They're really not, CDA is like super duper right, basically Merkel who is tough on immigration and cares about the C, and D66 is the Dutch version of the "socially liberal fiscally conservative" crowd.

D66 is the Dutch version of the "socially liberal fiscally conservative" crowd.

D66 is firmly centre/left of centre, mate.

They're socially left and economically liberal, i.e. right. They're in ALDE ffs.

Yeah, no. Firmly centre.


sure sounds centre

oh wait no it's standard neoliberal speak

hurr durr dem libruls

What? Sorry I don't speak dork.

I don't speak Nazi, talk English please.

Ich dachte du bist Holländer?

I don't speak Nazi, talk English please.

Na ich bin mir ziemlich sicher du bist Holländer.

Naja ist auch scheißegal, kann sein dass der Neoliberalismus der D66 zentristisch ist in der relativ rechten Politiklandschaft der Niederlande. Soweit ich das sehen kann ist die Partei eine niederländische Version der FDP mit mehr Emphase auf dem sozialliberalem Teil von "liberal", weniger Klientelpolitik und Umweltschutz. Insgesamt gehört die Partei sicher ins Zentrum, wobei solche Bewertungen irgendwo auch immer ein bisschen arbiträr und sinnlos sind.

No seriously, I don't know German. I can understand bits of it, but I had to use Google Translate to get all of it.

Anyway, the EU is a huge issue for me, and the SP doesn't want to stay in it, so I can't vote for them. GL just hasn't been the same since Femke Halsema left, and I don't agree with their stances on policies for students.

D66 is the only left-ish party that does have those things. It makes the socialist in me sad, but it's the best I've got with the policies that matter the most to me.

VVD is going to form a coalition with moderate left and right parties, including labour

they voted for normalcy, mate

Islam is not normalcy, mate. 🏴 💣

The thing you guys don't get is that we actually don't like Islam too much. We just prefer dealing with Islam than dealing with inbred redneck white trash white nationalists.

I see you prefer being blown up to being shot

I prefer it the other way round

I prefer being blown by you

get goin'

you're american, you're going to get shot whoever you vote for

we actually don't like Islam too much. We just prefer dealing with Islam

Soon, your preferences won't matter. 💣 🗡 💣🗡 💣🗡 💣 🗡 🐷

So you'd rather cling to your bitter racism against other white people than recognize the existential threat posed by a toxic anti-western belief system?

Mayocide now etc.

toxic anti-western belief system

Like Zionism? the thing Wilders eats for breakfast?

Redneckism is like 40% of the country and muslims are maybe 1% with most being good citizens. Though I'm not surprised that you're too inbred to do basic math.

That sure was a lot of words to say "yes, you are completely correct".

It's literally taking a stance just to spite conservatives. If the poor Muslims were white and spoke English, we'd see one SRD post daily about how Muslims should've thought about how their mothers and sisters felt if they didn't like being tortured in POW camps.

Not that I don't love spiting people I hate, but I'm at least honest about it.

Rednecks like yourself are the biggest reason eugenics should be a thing

>mayo wants to hate the "bad" mayos

>as if he's any better

lulz, go fuck your sister, redneck

"no u"

nuh uh!


Nice meme, redneck.

Nice meme, cumskin

Nice meme, hillbilly

"ur mom, lol"

Have a look at your prison demographics, dumbass.

Implying that the white genocide shouldn't be the highest priority for every country. Cumskins deserve death fam

Talking about "inbred rednecks" while sticking up for Islam


using national borders and not states or Royal Houses

not labeling keys


brb, committing sudoku

Don't they need like support from 3 parties?

So it will becomes minimum of 4 party coalition which in turn means less stable.

they need a coalition with 75 seats, and want a majority in the senate as well.

76 seats

No way is Labour going to coalition with them again after they got screwed over last time.

Not how it works. This isn't the dem vs rep American style politics.

This level of retardation/spin probably gets KellyAnne Conway moist

Aw you read that somewhere and figured you could use it to sound smart, huh? Man. That is just so adorable.

Tbh I have no idea what the fuck PvdA or Pvv or Cvv or whatever the fuck any of that is

Yeah, I knew that already from your first comment.

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...if a subreddit ever deserved a long look from the dull, lifeless eyes of an armed predator drone it would be /r/ShitAmericansSay.

Do you think linking /r/Drama screed as "Shit Americans Say" is in anyway intellectually honest? If you haven't noticed this is a place where people say ridiculous and outrageous things for laughs.

You sound exceptionally weak in the mental department.

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Of course I do, mayocide, especially for the europoor.

Boring no-effort political agendapost

Yep, that's r/donaldblythe usual MO. I think he's still mad about Trump winning.

He really needed this after the Trump tax 'bombshell' turned out to be a big fat nothing.

Is it losing bigly if you come in second place?

if you ain't first you're last

Thank YOU Ricky Bobby!

Trump literally once tweeted "No one remembers who came in second" lmao

If two or three other people come in second place with you, yes.

"special snow

even hillary came second.

Link to a /pol/ post

what does that link show? it keeps being posted.

TL;DR repeating digits describe things that might happen. More digits = more certainty. Repeating sevens = Kek's will. Lots of repeating sevens = will unquestioningly happen

This is why Wilders lost.

This is why Wilders lost.


Thanks a lot toothpastes, you broke the streak.

🏴 Cucks will lose -seats.

🐸 Deus Vult will win +seats.



But it looks like it's tied in 2nd with 2 other parties leaving it's continuing to grow. For a parliamentary system he's advanced well we must hope for more victories later

Faggot leftists /u/DonaldBlythe reduced to clamoring for a role as a goat-beard's sex slave.

Who remembers when they had dreams, of barista unions and vegan iPhones? Who can look without pity at what the left has become?

Nice meme bro but let me clear some things us:

  • Not a faggot because I'm married to a woman

  • My wife is Iranian so does that count as a goat beard sex slave she's definately hotter than whatever you're banging ... though a chubby left hand isn't much of a bar to pass

  • I know leftist is the new SJW and is losing all meaning because you guys describe everyone on from George W. Bush to Jeremy Corbyn as a leftist but I'm firmly center left. I actually don't want Bernie and his band of crazies to do well.

  • I eat meat

  • I'm one of those guys who makes fun of apple users so wrong again

Anyways I know you're just trolling but it's fun seeing how you guys react to the reality that everyone knows that the alt right are just inbred rednecks.


and here i was trying to map out your sentences while you were busy COAXING THE RUBES

Ah, ye olde "I was only pretending" ruse.

Got 'em

Nobody cares. This is drama, not politics.

Me banging a hot Iranian woman whenever I want to isn't politics. It's just proof that I am vastly superior to you filthy rednecks.

I am vastly superior to you filthy rednecks.

as long as you're not banging your family members you've always cleared that very low bar

whenever I want to

So you're a rapist?

Hmm. I'm pretty sure if that's your logic, you might actually be a rapist.

So progressive, he even has a concubine from the orient!

congrats on using your mudskin wife as a object to win internet points lolololol

It's just proof that no decent white woman would have me

I know you rednecks like to keep your sexual partners genetic code as related as possible but that's not my style.

Is it your racism against white people that prevents you from breeding with your own kind, or your generalized repulsiveness? Truly a question for the ages.

Mayocide now. Mayocide tomorrow. Mayocide forever.

>Mayo thinks he's exempt from the mayocide

Your disgusting half-breeds will be the first against the wall, mayo.


Normie here, what is mayocide?

when all pigskins are wiped from the face of the earth for eternity.

That is not really helpful.

I gotchu fam

when all pigskins cumskins are wiped from the face of the earth for eternity.



Who cares if shes hot when she's in one of those huge bathrobes all the time?

You do realize that not everyone of Iranian decent is an Islamic fundamentalist, right?

Also I'm pretty sure Muslim women still get naked for their husbands.

Well you gotta sheer the sheep sometime

Are her nipples like dollops of chocolate syrup on a generous scoop of coffee ice cream?

You may or may not be married to a woman, but you're definitely a faggot

It's not about the faggot on the outside, but it's the faggot on the inside that counts.

Are you just playing along, or are you actually taking the bait this hard?

In Europe Bernie would be considered centre-left. Your democrats are centre-right in general to us.

Being this triggered.

Wow, I straight up thought I was reading a SRD comment for a second. Lmao good one

This is only funny if you're fifty+ years old, and at max high school educated. The rest of us just feel bad for you.

max high school educated

Clinging to the one positive identifier you think you have left: your degree in Social Justice (now only $200,000 at Reed College!). And only dimly suspecting that your betters in the ##MAGA movement have you outmatched on that, too. 🐸

Oh, no, my degree is in IT, so I outstrip you not by just not being retarded but by having a marketable skill and getting paid for it.

What a tired joke. "Dae lebliberal arts majors are the only people who oppose us?"

Not funny, or capable of critical thought. Sad!

Did you fail out of comp sci?

My degree is in IT

can you fucking read, you idiot?

Yeah that's why I asked if you failed out of comp sci.

No, I got my degree in computer science by not failing out of the computer science courses. I just refer to it as a "degree in IT" when I'm talking to a normal person.

I suspect this was, like, supposed to be funny, or something?

Sorry I assumed you got a degree in the major you said you got a degree in. Very foolish and apparently socially autistic of me.

Well, in either case, your question was pretty retarded and didn't make any sense. I've never met anyone whose actual degree was in IT myself. It's a pretty well known generalization to use, unless you don't socialize because you're too shitty and unfunny to make friends.

Lmao stop projecting all that bitter autism. Do you realize you're simultaneously telling me I don't know you mean a major besides the one you actually said because I don't know anyone while saying you don't know anyone that took a major. Take a few deep breaths and think about that.

I was making fun of you majoring in the idiots comp sci, if you weren't a sperg you'd realize that.

I'm not telling you what you mean at all, I have no idea what you were trying to say. How do I sound bitter? I have just been making fun of your shitty, unfunny comments.

Do you realize you're simultaneously telling me I don't know you mean a major besides the one you actually said because I don't know anyone while saying you don't know anyone that took a major? Take a few deep breaths and think about that.

It'll take me a few breaths to even get through that hot garbage pile of a sentence!

majoring in the idiots comp sci

well, from what I understand different schools define an IT degree differently. I did, oh, two minutes of googling, and there seems to be no consistency at all. So, still unfunny and retarded.

But, hey, nice try! How's the associates degree in information systems treatin ya?

Lol this spergboy is mad af

yes, i'm terribly mad that you tried to be funny a while ago and it didn't go well. This is r/drama, who the hell gets mad about anything here? You suck at this.

Do you realize that this chain is you bugging out because I mistakenly thought you meant the major you said?

I've just been consistently saying that your jokes are shitty and low-effort, but because I use a lot of words apparently I'm bugging out haha.

is successful in life

Still super butt hurt over Reddit comments

Seriously. He mad.

make fun of a retard for shit tier humor

'lol u so mad'

ok, sure

He likely assumed it was fake

Because it is

Oh, no, my degree is in IT, so I outstrip

Ahahahaha christ. A computer janitor. Fuck me.

Fix my printer 🖨 lol

Ah, nah, someone else made me clear that up already. It's in CS but I tend to use "IT" to convey it to non-tech folks. Didn't really know IT was an actual degree...

This motherfucker dick-sizing about education with a background in email servers ahahahahahahaha

You're making fun of me for having a comp sci degree? That's a bit weird, but ok.


yeah, this is just sad.

Don't start dick-sizing if you got a three-incher, bro. lol

sure, says mr. "email servers"

my fucking grandpa calls em that. They're mail servers, "bro."

Sorry you're not funny, or smart enough to really say anything clever, or anything.

DAE agree my Microsoft certificate means I am smarter than le Drumf? 💾

Hey, microsoft, now at least that's a funny one! Not that it's relevant, but I did just get my LPIC 3 about two months ago.

Anyway, I am 100% sure I'm smarter than you, because I can feed myself and change my own diapers. Your comments are just trash, man. Relax with the emojis and try a horse that's not beaten to a pulp on for size.


Got him, dog, that one letter difference is something that definitely means they're an idiot, unlike the man children crying in this thread about their lives

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i was under the impression dutch politics was more about who makes a coalition afterwards

imagine trying to live vicariously through it because you hate trump lol

And all the parties said they won't form a coalition with Wilders because he's a redneck.

maybe they should say he has russian connections thatll really fuck him up

You are right.

It would be unheard of for a politician to sell out their values and constituents post- election for a seat in the ruling coalition.

in the ruling coalition.

Which won't be the one Wilders is in.

Hopefully he'll go away and never be heard from again, just like Donald Drumpf did after he lost bigly to President Clinton last November. Haha what a joke. Remember that guy?

When we these Reich-wingers learn?

Polls are weaponized by the establishment to demoralize anti-establishment movements.

They aren't, and Wilders did worse than anticipated.

Take that MSM!

r/the_donald ✓
r/the_farage ✓
r/the_wilders ✖
r/le_pen ?

r/genewilder/ ?


Mmm, that's the good stuff right there.

/u/Jordioa18 so are you gonna shut down the sub and cry like the cuck you are?

Dit is het moment waar wij haben waitung führ

what a joke of a language lol. but at least their voters don't 'tard it up when the pressure's on like the anglos.

That's not even proper Dutch, mate. Someone vomited some pseudo-German over the last part.


so dutch

le original joak

I mean it's all degenerate mayobabble anyway

i may have taken a few liberties with the quote. i typed what it sounds like

technically geert wilders won if you subtract the Moroccan voters

Op is a shill, GTFO this sub you nigger loving commie

oh man you're for real lmao

Witnessing autism like this in the wild is magical thing. You should cherish it.

Its a school night little boy.

Big cities have now extended their voting hours.


cough let's bus around some muslims cough

Do people actually believe this or is it a meme?

The Netherlands . . That place is the size of counties in America, who cares.

All remaining white nationalist campaigns will fail

I dunno give dem libs a try at it.



I think what I love about these is that there is guaranteed to be serious butthurt no matter the outcome. The T_D types have made these populists some kind of retarded political revolution in their minds, and as a result the anti-Trump types have made this literally the greatest threat to humanity in theirs (after too many white people in movies of course).

Same thing with le pen in the french election. The only question is will the butthurt contain the word "cuck" or "nazi".

This is great day for Yurop, and therefore the world.

If they play their cards right they might be able to form a coalition with another of the groups and take over. Food for thought.

Yeah, I'm sure the other Dutch parties will be lining up to associate themselves with the far-right.