Youtube Weeb 'Digibro' blasts the youtube anime community as his descent into depression and loneliness continues.

23  2017-03-16 by [deleted]

So on Tuesday Digibro uploaded this 29m32s drunken rant about other anime youtube personalities.

His own personal underpants maypole celebration community subreddit immediately buckled their seatbelts for the civil war.

Since then, there have been some responses.

Kevin Nyaa's response.

Gigguk's response.

Subsonic Sparkle's response.

Pedantic Romantic's.... self-defense?

Pause and Select's response.

AnimeEveryday's response during his recent Q&A

Digi makes a followup video talking about his alcohol ridden depression.

Plenty of people in the comments on reddit and the various youtube videos enthusiastically heaving their nearest shakeweight imagining the heavily weighted pole of their favourite weeb.

inb4 anime was a mistake & kys weeb


Cool story, bro


  1. This Post -,,,*

  2. 29m32s drunken rant -,,*

  3. buckled their seatbelts for the civ... -,,,*

  4. Kevin Nyaa's response. -,,*

  5. Gigguk's response. -,,*

  6. Subsonic Sparkle's response. -,,*

  7. Pedantic Romantic's.... self-defens... -,,*

  8. Pause and Select's response. -,,*

  9. AnimeEveryday's response -,,*

  10. followup video -,,*

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I would have also accepted the army of neckbeard virgins script, Snapshill. But this is good too.

are there even any good anime youtubers besides demod

i think digibro is shit btw

are there even any good anime youtubers twitch streamers besides demod

ftfy :'(

dont go there ;_;

tbf tho, his evil within stream was god-tier

E;R makes anime videos ocassionally, and his style is somewhat similar to Demdy.

Im disappointed that he's not going to do a video on the rest of kora, those were fun.

I liked Digi a while back (mostly during his heyday of Log Horizon and SAO vids), but after watching his side channel for a bit and seeing how much of an ass he is I just lost interest. He makes decent content, but his massive ego (fucking "Gonzo Anime Reviewer, really? Suck my ass.) is just trash.

Gonzo Anime Reviewer

What does he think this even means? Dudes such a pretentious ass.

What does he think this even means?

It means he watched fear and loathing in las vegas and smoked weed twice.

I kinda like Gigguk lately.

Mother's Basement maybe? He's really good at shilling for facebook games and Crunchyroll.

SudoStef. That's about it, really.

The Canipa Effect, 2nd Look, Mumkey (though he doesn't really count), Under the Scope.

can you explain what an anime youtuber does bc i really dont want to watch their videos

Check out JimJam's Anime Jamboree

So this is why DemoD does not associate with the anime community.

Demodeezy is a national treasure.

What the hell was that pedanticromantic vid? Not even Digi is that far up his own ass, and pedantic is somehow up his own ass and Digi's at the same time.

I couldn't sit through the whole video, but yeah... that seems right.

Funny. Because the same fucking thing happened when he was a "brony analyst". He got drunk, called everybody a bitch and ran off to become a part of anime analyst community. What's next?

One thing's for sure: this guy is a hopeless alcoholic and an insufferable edgelord.

He is usually somewhat interesting, but there's this undercurrent of smug superiority in his videos which is really annoying.

brony analyst

I honestly want to see someone put this on their resume.

the same fucking thing happened when he was a "brony analyst"

This is what gets me when weebs white knight out the ass for this dude. He has terrible personality issues, is probably imbalanced in more ways than one, plus this is all shit that we've seen from him before.

He was an insufferable autist then and is still one now, he's just waxing poetic about another form of colorful cartoon.

brony analyst

Y tho?

anime was a mistake, kys weeb

This entire thread is begging for Mayo code tbh fam

When can we incinerate the anime fandom?

Jesus Christ that sub of his makes me want to participate in the mayocide just to kill all the weebs who suck his dick.

"Truly the greatest anime Youtuber ever" holy fuck kill yourself.

people who talk openly about their depression are so much worse than people who just act mopey and withdrawn.

Jesus Christ that sub of his makes me want to participate in the mayocide just to kill all the weebs who suck his dick.

"Truly the greatest anime Youtuber ever" holy fuck kill yourself.

Why are anime youtubers the living personification of lonely basement dwelling weebs?

The only Anime fan who seems normal and good looking is Chris Stuckman who has a wife.

Jesus Christ that sub of his makes me want to participate in the mayocide just to kill all the weebs who suck his dick.

"Truly the greatest anime Youtuber ever" holy fuck if this is said unironically, please kill yourself.

anime reviewers are fucking awful

reviewers of really anything are mostly trash but anime reviewers are the worst. you literally don't have to watch something if it's bad.