Hillary-sperg crows about his educational superiority over le Drumf; repeatedly cites his associates from ITT Tech as evidence

6  2017-03-16 by YourGayOpinion


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


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both of you are embarrassing yourselves, can you two come back when you can be funny?

I never mentioned hilary at all, you agendaposting scrub.

Also, you shouldn't be posting an argument you were a part of dude. that's just weird.


And, to be clear, it was my educational superiority over you


"hah this guy called me retarded, what an idiot!"


kys and stay kys

More proof that drama has been coopted by the evil SJWS. /u/ferenix2 was right!

Isn't like 4 am in America? I am sorry you woke up during the night cause you peed yourself, grandpa.

We're woke around the clock my dude

Stay woke, my nigga.

My enlarged prostate has me awake at all times of night

Dude, you shamed that poor retard enough on the original thread. Did you really have to post a second thread simply to rub out in his face? Not cool, bro - not cool at all.

Strike first, strike hard, no mercy, sir!