Trumpgret, shills, drama mods locked on r/all

44  2017-03-16 by [deleted]


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Yea, there is no such thing as Trump-gret. He is doing what he promised he would do.

Perhaps not for the cousin-fuckers that form the Republican base, but I know a few moderately intelligent right-wing blowhards who have shut the fuck up on Facebook.

The funniest part of all this is that stupid forced grin that Paul Ryan always has. He looks like a man in a restaurant trying not to look embarrassed by his babbling, flatulent, mentally disabled child.

No you don't.

are you denying his lived experiences?

Not sure you could call what /u/cruelandusual has a life.

Gosh darn!

No he's gaslighting with his manterrupting

Hey everybody. Let's play a round spot the right winger.

It's a sad day when not falling for redditards bullshit means being right wing.

dude... even the republican pollster has Trump at majority disapproval. it's not some conspiracy or circle jerk that people dislike him.

More lies. Nice


Cry moar cuckboi.

if the majority really already hated him the media wouldnt have to go to such an effort to convince everyone to

they also wouldnt have to make up hilarious conspiracies, they could just list stuff hes done

Yeah, that's why the media is always attacking Kim Jing Un, too. They are afraid of his popularity.

Kim Jong Un is a threat to the establishment, thats why Washington insiders keep trying to stop him.

lol the media isnt always attacking him though because hes objectively crazy and everyone knows it

they dont have to make up hilarious conspiracies about russia they just point at what he does

Yeah, the media should stick to real stories. Like pizzagate or "wiretapping".

still more likely than russian hackers

Yes, Rasmussen is lying about Rasmussen.

Dude lost the popular vote and is most unpopular with the age demos that are least likely to vote, so it stands to reason that he's been at majority disapproval since maybe even like the Republican primary. His approval rating among actual republicans hasn't really changed much though.

actual republicans are near religious levels of support tho. even with 2 shitty wars and a blown up economy Bush still had a lot of base support. it's a good thing people near the middle of the political spectrum have the most power in elections

you know your post history is visible to everyone, right

Awww. Is the baby triggered?

Nit being a retarded srser like you isn't alt right.


nobody even said you were alt right

i was just surprised you were attempting to you weren't on the right side of things, given that your multiple year post history is very easily viewed

not to mention, it's a little unsustainable to lob accusations someone else is triggered when you feel so deeply compelled to downvote on a metaboard

No one's calling you out for being a right winger. People are calling you out because you're fucking retarded and should kys as soon as possible

You're the one who came in here crying you dipshit.

Your alt right tears fuel us. Please keep going.

Oh great srs 2.0 regulars are here.

you seem upset

U/Phedre is a regular of SRD aka SRS 2.0.

Uh excuse you, I'm a MOD of SRD, not a regular.

you seem upset

U. Fucking. Wot. M8?

Who's the SRDine now, bitch?

Half breeds are even worse than SRDines


You're either trolling or full stop retarded if you use the terms "right-winger" and "alt-right" interchangeably.

The best part is Trump really hasn't done jack shit. He promised a lot and has made some baby step on some of them, but he's not getting shit done.

People started getting a clue about how shit a President Trump is when Ryan gave details about the GOP plan. A lot of people are insured via the ACA or other programs and the GOP with Trump's help is trying to pull the rug out from under people's feet.

And look at the shit show Trump calls a budget. $54bn in new spending for the military at the expense of programs a lot of people rely on.

If someone voted for Trump and isn't starting to regret it, they're just too stupid to know they're getting screwed.

Even famed YT hillbilly neckbeard The Amazing Atheist rescinded his support for Trump after he realized it may effect his weed access.

not the pot!!

good god, the Amazing Atheist still exists?


Oh dude, the most recent drama with the Amazing Atheist is top-tier fucking lolz.

So sometime last year The Amazing Atheist was one of many youtubers and "alt right slash skeptic slash free speech absolutist" personalities to take a deal from Candid to shill their conversations app.

Harmful Opinions made a long series about why he thinks Candid is basically trash and this created the divide between the candid shills and Harmful Opinions.

In his latest video "The Amazing Advertiser" Harmful Opinions goes through his conversation history with TJ and basically calls out the skeptic community for being anything but skeptical about candid and generally continues his savage dickwalloping of the youtube skeptic clique.

This drama has been far better than the alt-right vs ctrl-left rubbish going on all over the place and I'll tell you why. It's because one community is absolutely tearing itself apart.

i'll have to watch that

also i like ctrl-left

Did he ever get his micropeen fixed?

You should do a write up on that it sounds interesting

No way, tell us more!

Isn't that the guy who suck a banana up his ass?

Its over for Drumpf this time!

Says increasingly nervous man for the 500th time.

I don't post politics on facebook because I'm sick of libtards REEEEEING everything in their usual idiotic fashion. They don't have regret, they just hate you now.

The people that complain about subs being political are just crybaby fucks looking for attention. If it really bothered them that much they'd just filter the post.

The funniest was when they were getting triggered by the amount of pictures of the women's march. Surely it's ridiculous to put pictures of one of the biggest protests in US history on a picture subreddit. I bet the upvotes were bought by George Soros.

OMG shareblue just deleted my post!!! fucking (((reddit)))


[–]ViciousPuddin 682 points Thu Mar 16 13:20:49 2017 UTC

"This sub is a fucking joke now."

Mark the time of death. It took this guy 5.5 years to recognize /r/pics was shit.

Second sub I unsubbed from was /r/pics first of course was /r/funny

One of the main reasons I started browsing drama subs was so that I could be unsubbed from all the shitty defaults but still count on learning if something interesting happened in them.

Not adviceanimals?


Yeah, forgot that sub even existed

Adviceanimals isn't a default so you wouldn't have been subscribed to it in the first place.

it used to be

Ah I think it used to

Unsubscribing from the rage comic sub was what made me create an account in the first place.

Oh, god, I had those repressed. Rage comics were cancer.

/r/pics doesn't lean right

REEE /r/pics is such SHIT

It's nothing political. I just got triggered by all the background story, sob story, and clickbait shit after a while. Basically I want /r/pics to have the /r/pic ruleset. Unfortunately the latter is not super active.

Ah. But that's not why most people who hat /r/pics hate it. They hate it for often having a narrative that doesn't jerk them off. I guarantee the people saying /r/pics is SHIIIIIT in that thread would be creaming their genes

only the most painfully boring people in the world like r/pics. politics really doesn't enter into it

"I could give one shit what side of the spectrum you belong to, but you are literally ruining Reddit for the rest of us by falsely politicizing every "non-political" sub."

This is how I feel about /r/drama nowadays tbh

Pretty much applies to everything these days. Books, movies, comics, games, tv, etc.

I wish yer nan would stop pretending I'm Ted Cruz when I'm shaggin her m8

She's probably in to serial killers.

Lots of women are, statistically

Nice dubs

Lots of women are, statistically

Nice dubs

Nice doubles dubs

Lots of women are, statistically.

Why don't you like politics? I find it pretty engaging

What's not to like? It generates a ton of drama, even internally, and we all know that things done to us internally are the best kinds of things.

ok you got me there

It's boring drama. It's like reading the same book a thousand times in a row. It makes me feel like there's nothing new left, like all discourse is a bunch of college students making jungle noises over issues that they only think are important because they're young and naive.

This must be what it feels like to be 100 years old.

Fan drama is better i agree.

That said I wouldn't be surprised that fans are political now. I'm pretty convinced Dyson's owners lean right.

its funny here tho because people act like theyre above it but still spaz out cat the lowest effort bait

politics makes fools of everyone

Having self awareness is rare around here. Proud of you, priapism.

im as guilty of it as anyone tbh

I was hoping to milk my comment at the bottom more, but was really disappointed they locked the thread. :(

You'd be disappointed if I milked you.

Only one way to find out.

Cum 2 Indiana. I'll melk you real bad

ugh Indiana

I've gone further to get laid, I guess.

ugh Indiana

My feelings about it too.

When I was a kid I thought Indiana would be a cool place to live....oh me, lol.

Yeah it's pretty dull and way too flat for my tastes.

/u/ViciousPuddin which waifu is on your love pillow?

Hint: anybody telling you they voted Trump and have regrets is probably somebody that didn't vote for Trump trying to psychologically manipulate Trump supporters

I operate under the assumption that most things people say are attempts to psychologically manipulate Trump supporters

Is there any evidence that they are easy to manipulate?

They're trump supporters?

All right, that was a fair burn.

Honestly that's more effort than necessary to psychologically manipulate trump supporters. Just yell at them that cucks breathe air and they will suffocate to death.

80% approval from Republicans, 49% from moderates, 8% from Democrats.

More Democrats hate him than Republicans love him, just like the last 2 years. Non-news.

Trump supporters are so bad at handling criticism, they literally cannot acknowledge that large amounts of people can oppose Trump without being paid to.

the whole trump voter regret thing is literally identical to the "asablackman" thing those same people love to mock

people that partisan dont suddenly switch and love everything they used to hate, its so dumb

Trumpgret is literally a meme on 4chan now because the shills were trying to push it so hard.

yeah remember when r/pics was so great.......seriously when was that

/r/Trumpgret being filled with fake Trump voters?

That's like /r/The_Donald being filled with fake black guys.

What's next? Water is wet?