ok first lets see how good you are at writing eye-catching headlines. here's a example:
WELL I'LL BE DIPPED! Septic Tank Engineering Major Joel "Mudflap" Stumpfucker Receives Award for Getting Fellow Student's Genitals Unstuck from Local Celebrity Pig "Cooter"
the internet runs on advertising. pushing content to social media that drives people to your website increases the value of your ad-space. Fairly simple.
I doubt its priceless for that single mother who didn't go law school but works as an attorney to some small law firm, struggling to support her 3 kids, living paycheck to paycheck, no time for relaxation or friends.
Hi! I help small businesses use and work with Social Media in the North East of England. I mainly help breakdown their analytics into actions that can improve the amount of people buying from them. Big companies need someone in charge of their social media to represent their brand identity. Those are the two major reasons why people have jobs in social media. It's either someone offloading the task or someone asking for help to make it work for them!
Of course I read the full thing I quoted from I did it because people who post here like you are retarded enough to think I was serious don’t let this distract you from the fact that in 1998, The Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell In A Cell, and plummeted 16 ft through an announcer’s table
I meam, he doesn't exactly work for Kinsey or Ignite Social Media or something impressive. All that bragging he does is about his """media job""" """writing""" """content""" for LadBible, which is basically just Buzzfeed for chavs.
It's not so difficult to believe it's one person. If their work is to collect links and post them and pepper them with things they've been provided, then they could manage a script that posts them intermittently, and just update the list every day.
/u/Gallowboob is a real honest to God faggot. He even did an interview as his karma whore self for something I saw on here. I think it was a video about how company's game the reddit system.
Also, please ban me from your shitty prebuesent sub. Ill stick to /r/drama where we keep things civil and intellectual.
Hes definitely real, and since his livelihood is now dependent on spamming Reddit he gets really upset if you mention how he got shadowbanned for sending unsolicited dick pics and all the other stuff he used to do before he "went pro".
Lol. He claimed he "thought" the boy was over 20 and was lying about being a minor. Still sent the dick picks tho. I would, for example, not send send dickbpicks to someone who claims to be a minor even if they "asked" for it or I thought they were lying about their age. He was probably soliciting.
I dunno what I'd do if /u/gallowboob banned me from any/all of those throw away subs he's a mod of but I couldn't live without this dumpster-fire of a sub.
No offence /u/tizorres but you have absolutely NO PLACE moderating a WLW community. You should have zero decision making rights when it comes to banning users, removing comments, making any kind of judgement call or decision that affects this community.
A man has no place moderating a women's community, least of all a heterosexual man moderating a WLW community.
Just... wut. Please show respect and step down. I am absolutely positive in a sub with 56,000 subscribers the subreddit can elect mods who are actually women.
This subreddit... what an absolute dog's breakfast when we have a man trying to get a subreddit called Actual Lesbians "back on track".
Total, abject, utterly systemic failure by this mod team. I did not think it was possible for me to lose more faith, but here we are.
Soooooo why did you personally shut down every thread in srd? There's ooooodles of drama in that thread, also which srd mod was it that apologized to a self admitted rapist?
I'm not sure why people genuinely give this much of a shit about ethics in Redditing. He's a low effort shitposter and karma whore and apparently mods /r/imgoingtodetentionforthis oh no the humanity.
Pro tip: the mods have no real power over this website. If you really want to piss them off instead of whining, make a new account and just start posting there again. They can do literally nothing to stop you.
If you really really really want to piss them off, use the report feature to call them out. The Admins will eventually ban you, but who cares? Make a new account and start over.
Yes, it was a little boy he was in communication with in PMs. At the time he sent the dick pics to that boy he knew it was a child, but later he claimed that he thought the boy was "joking" about his age. Being the prolific poster he was, the admins unbanned him with a warning.
Yes, it was a little boy /u/Gallowboob was in communication with in PMs. At the time he sent the dick pics to that boy he knew it was a child, but later he claimed that he thought the boy was "joking" about his age. Being the prolific poster he was, the admins unbanned him with a warning.
On one hand I want to say I'm surprised, but on the other hand this is Reddit so I shouldn't be surprised by Internet Libertarians condoning attempts at kid diddling.
Why wasn't there any legal consequences? If this is all well-known and there's evidence out there... why isn't law enforcement getting involved before he hurts someone else?
/u/GallowBoob Dadie i knowe u just baned me from (r)pics butt please donut bane me from anyother subreadits please dad!! ;((((( o and i still want u in my asswhole ;DDDdDd
/u/gallowboob seems to legit have some sort of disorder where of reddit doesn't give him karma he dies. Who the fuck else is this desperate to be Internet popular.
I just found this post, someone linked me to it. Literally THIS MORNING he found a comment I made where I said I hate his posts and he started PMing me, and his messages escalated until he sent me a literal essay about himself. I blocked him and it removed the messages... I wonder if I unblock him the messages would come back? It would be pretty funny to post screen caps of them. He's fucking insane.
*I'd have a say to be able to remain live and make money, which to me is a bit because I'm at work... Will check it shortly.~~ I've watched it and hang it in the body, and keep pressure on the right, i'm the whore on the Top Gear Middle East Special.
Basically he banned a user from a different subreddit for saying something like "fuck you". People are upset because on a lot of various subreddits anything bad about gallowboob has been deleted. Just look at gallowboob's last post. It's been downvoted to hell and he hasn't posted anything in the last 10 hours.
n/a SnapshillBot 2017-03-16
Error in fetchQuote() line 4 character 0: 400 AUTHENTICATION_ERROR - could not connect to server
I am a bot. (Info / Contact)
n/a pta2002 2017-03-16
RIP bot
n/a ImNotPayingFullPrice 2017-03-16
Is /u/Gallowboob a real person, I assumed it was a team of bots or something.
If you're real, you really need to step back and think about your life, chap.
n/a Soulwound 2017-03-16
He's a real person who apparently managed to leverage karma whoring into getting some sort of social media or marketing job.
n/a Ikea_Man 2017-03-16
"Social media" jobs will forever confuse me
n/a 1bigsickfuckingjoke 2017-03-16
I'd compare it to being a "journalist" at the school newspaper of an open admissions college in rural meth-country
n/a Ikea_Man 2017-03-16
sign me the fuck up
n/a 1bigsickfuckingjoke 2017-03-16
ok first lets see how good you are at writing eye-catching headlines. here's a example:
WELL I'LL BE DIPPED! Septic Tank Engineering Major Joel "Mudflap" Stumpfucker Receives Award for Getting Fellow Student's Genitals Unstuck from Local Celebrity Pig "Cooter"
n/a Assy-McGee 2017-03-16
n/a shinslap 2017-03-16
You have a wonderful grasp of the English language
n/a Ayy_2_Brute 2017-03-16
the internet runs on advertising. pushing content to social media that drives people to your website increases the value of your ad-space. Fairly simple.
n/a Ikea_Man 2017-03-16
Sounds like marketing for people who couldn't get a marketing degree
n/a Silver_Moonrox 2017-03-16
why get a marketing degree when he already has a marketing job lol
n/a ChipChippersonAMA 2017-03-16
Why get a marketing job when you can get a marketing degree
n/a Sven-Ripa 2017-03-16
Because with a job you have a guaranteed and steady income. Getting a degree you spend money for the chance of higher income.
It's logical, not everyone wants to take the massive risk of studying a degree in U.S.
n/a ChipChippersonAMA 2017-03-16
Why would you want guaranteed income when you could have a marketing degree
n/a Sven-Ripa 2017-03-16
Sure, to some.
I doubt its priceless for that single mother who didn't go law school but works as an attorney to some small law firm, struggling to support her 3 kids, living paycheck to paycheck, no time for relaxation or friends.
I highly doubt she thinks its priceless, man.
n/a ChipChippersonAMA 2017-03-16
But to that mother her children are the greatest gift of all
n/a astra118 2017-03-16
i love how he is totally serious when you're just fucking around lmao
1 ksmith444 2017-03-16
Marketing they teach in schools is useless.
1 ChipChippersonAMA 2017-03-16
How can it be useless if some teaches it
1 ksmith444 2017-03-16
Gee I dunno how can gender studies be useless
1 ChipChippersonAMA 2017-03-16
How can it be useless if the professor gets paid for it
1 ksmith444 2017-03-16
dont you have something better to do than troll on reddit my dude
1 ChipChippersonAMA 2017-03-16
Well I could be studying for a marketing degree
n/a fernguts 2017-03-16
I know you are, but what am I?
n/a ieatpussy69 2017-03-16
The guy who came up with "Got Milk?" didn't have a marketing degree
n/a Katantunoro 2017-03-16
Hi! I help small businesses use and work with Social Media in the North East of England. I mainly help breakdown their analytics into actions that can improve the amount of people buying from them. Big companies need someone in charge of their social media to represent their brand identity. Those are the two major reasons why people have jobs in social media. It's either someone offloading the task or someone asking for help to make it work for them!
n/a Sle 2017-03-16
I don't think this is quite what our friend Mr Boob does though.
n/a Katantunoro 2017-03-16
I agree! It seems he doesn't even work at all with his Reddit post frequency!
n/a JamCliche 2017-03-16
I don't care what you say in response to this, just please make sure it ends in another exclamation point.
n/a Katantunoro 2017-03-16
Oh, sure thing! I can even give you too!
n/a Obskulum 2017-03-16
Big data bois represent.
n/a Sambo333 2017-03-16
What about publicists
n/a guyjin 2017-03-16
It's another word for 'advertising'.
n/a TheGreatWolfRuss 2017-03-16
that's a lot of verbiage to say "loser"
n/a CondeTrocola 2017-03-16
n/a Zachums 2017-03-16
Consider that he gets paid to post on reddit, and you do it for free.
n/a TheGreatWolfRuss 2017-03-16
who doesn't have internet at their job? most of my posts are on company wifi.
consider this weak willed retard is banning people because they hurt his fee fees. he's a loser.
n/a Zachums 2017-03-16
There's also a difference between getting paid to post, and getting paid while they post.
n/a SithisTheDreadFather 2017-03-16
Nobody tells me how to shitpost. All this garbage comes right from the ol' noggin, baby.
n/a TheGreatWolfRuss 2017-03-16
that difference for me is having an actual job that doesn't revolve around whoring myself to redditors
n/a Zachums 2017-03-16
Sweet, breh.
n/a TheGreatWolfRuss 2017-03-16
did you just assume my gender ? 😲
n/a Zachums 2017-03-16
"Breh" is a gender neutral term, you piece of shit male.
n/a TheGreatWolfRuss 2017-03-16
I like dirty talk. Degrade me some more !
n/a randomthrowawaiii 2017-03-16
Hate symbol spotted. Everyone disperse.
n/a TheGreatWolfRuss 2017-03-16
I did Nazi that coming
n/a randomthrowawaiii 2017-03-16
Never reply to me or my sons again
n/a TheGreatWolfRuss 2017-03-16
can't you blackmail me first or something
n/a SuchSpookySkeltal 2017-03-16
bby y you gotta be so salty? half this userbase is NEETs
n/a ScootR- 2017-03-16
So what you're saying is getting paid while I poop on the job isn't as good as getting paid to poop?
Where do I sign up to get a pooping salary? Are there quotas to be met?
n/a SuchSpookySkeltal 2017-03-16
Not salary but you can make $40 a poop.
n/a Velvet_Llama 2017-03-16
You would know something about doing it for free, mod. :^)
n/a Zachums 2017-03-16
n/a PM_ME_HAIRLESS_CATS 2017-03-16
n/a Imgur_Lurker 2017-03-16
Naw, he's a Literal Shill now who posts pictures Anti-Trump pictures taken by The Guardian.
Also Imgur's version of GallowBoob is better
People insult him and tell him fuck you and he has actual wit instead of being a pussy who bans people
He posts better things too
n/a ur_mom_IoI 2017-03-16
one picture out of thousands
n/a Imgur_Lurker 2017-03-16
K Cuck
n/a ur_mom_IoI 2017-03-16
must be an exiting world seeing conspiracies everywhere
n/a Imgur_Lurker 2017-03-16
n/a ur_mom_IoI 2017-03-16
oh shit i found more of them!! lock down the internet
n/a Imgur_Lurker 2017-03-16
It's okay I know some people will never admit they are wrong now matter what facts you show them.
n/a Zachums 2017-03-16
When will you become funny? Is that something that happens with puberty?
n/a Imgur_Lurker 2017-03-16
> Zachums accusing others of being unfunny.
What's next pinging Rie and talking about how Pugs are real dogs
Like come on
n/a Zachums 2017-03-16
/u/riemann1413 pugs are real dogs.
n/a randomthrowawaiii 2017-03-16
they're real abominations
n/a squarefaces 2017-03-16
Real cute dogs, amirite?!
n/a riemann1413 2017-03-16
there's no need to be upset fam
n/a Wraith_GraveSpell 2017-03-16
n/a riemann1413 2017-03-16
are you genuinely this retarded or did you just not read that full mod locking post
n/a Imgur_Lurker 2017-03-16
You'd have to be retarded to think I was genuine.
Of course I read the full thing I quoted from I did it because people who post here like you are retarded enough to think I was serious don’t let this distract you from the fact that in 1998, The Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell In A Cell, and plummeted 16 ft through an announcer’s table
n/a riemann1413 2017-03-16
he was only pretending
n/a Imgur_Lurker 2017-03-16
I'm sorry did you actually think the guy who quoted one sentence out of a paragraph and said K Cuck was serious?
Why are you so upset that someone is stirring shit?
Do you not like the drama accusing GallowBoob for posting something political in /r/pics ?
n/a Zachums 2017-03-16
user reports:
why are our subscribers such pussies that they can't say that to you in a comment?
n/a glmox 2017-03-16
/u/riemann1413 you're one to talk, you "ironic" fuckstick
n/a Zachums 2017-03-16
There we go, now we got a stew going.
n/a riemann1413 2017-03-16
idk what's ironic about it
but i hear the hip kids are into irony these days, so ride on
n/a riemann1413 2017-03-16
n/a big_babushka 2017-03-16
IT WAS A JOKE (in the hood)
n/a ichthyophis 2017-03-16
dae le shariablue XD haHAA im 12 btw haHAA
n/a Dial_A_Dragon 2017-03-16
n/a randomthrowawaiii 2017-03-16
Who gives a shit about imgur
n/a Imgur_Lurker 2017-03-16
n/a randomthrowawaiii 2017-03-16
This is a cute image, I forgot what we were discussing
have a nice day
n/a checky 2017-03-16
oh hey, that's my friends cat!
n/a LLAXIS 2017-03-16
LindaDee is a much better imgur version of /u/GallowBoob than Lassannn. /u/GallowBoob has his own imgur account too anyway, so technically the imgur version of /u/GallowBoob is himself
n/a Imgur_Lurker 2017-03-16
I thought LindaDee was all puppers
n/a LLAXIS 2017-03-16
n/a TSwizzlesNipples 2017-03-16
No doggos?
n/a LLAXIS 2017-03-16
If they're cute animals, she's probably posted them at least once
n/a TSwizzlesNipples 2017-03-16
Puppers and doggos are all that matters. Cats are fucking assholes.
n/a LLAXIS 2017-03-16
They're cute assholes though
n/a PmMeUrGrammerMistake 2017-03-16
social media jobs at Unilad, LadBible and now at junkin media.
n/a TrailerParkBride 2017-03-16
I meam, he doesn't exactly work for Kinsey or Ignite Social Media or something impressive. All that bragging he does is about his """media job""" """writing""" """content""" for LadBible, which is basically just Buzzfeed for chavs.
n/a Ikea_Man 2017-03-16
I'm with you. Is he even a real guy, or like a team of people that all use one account?
I refuse to believe one person has that much time on their hands.
n/a 11111one11111 2017-03-16
As a straight man... he is pretty fucking hot.
n/a astra118 2017-03-16
if you're into guys that look like they fuck goats
n/a riemann1413 2017-03-16
why do you think about goatfucking so much
n/a astra118 2017-03-16
because I am attracted to your mother
n/a khanfusion 2017-03-16
Vis-a-vis, /u/astra118 wants to be sexually desired by /u/11111one11111
n/a 11111one11111 2017-03-16
I am the "greatest of all time" soooo
n/a Xingua92 2017-03-16
That's a low blow insult. Don't take it down to that level
n/a MakeAmericaSageAgain 2017-03-16
When they go low, we go high
n/a SuchSpookySkeltal 2017-03-16
Naw the ones that fuck goats usually aren't that cut
n/a v1ct0r1us 2017-03-16
Hey maybe he just really enjoys goat pussy
n/a 453265436354654 2017-03-16
It's not so difficult to believe it's one person. If their work is to collect links and post them and pepper them with things they've been provided, then they could manage a script that posts them intermittently, and just update the list every day.
n/a landwalker1 2017-03-16
/u/Gallowboob is a real honest to God faggot. He even did an interview as his karma whore self for something I saw on here. I think it was a video about how company's game the reddit system.
Also, please ban me from your shitty prebuesent sub. Ill stick to /r/drama where we keep things civil and intellectual.
n/a Ayy_2_Brute 2017-03-16
n/a Grzechooo 2017-03-16
relatively to gallowboob this place is a gentlehuman's club
n/a Ayy_2_Brute 2017-03-16
n/a Grzechooo 2017-03-16
i'm trying to be inclusive of all genders and mental diseases
n/a Kenny_The_Klever 2017-03-16
I'm sure they're proud to have you playing these trivial word games on their behalf.
n/a TruthPains 2017-03-16
I'm just here so I can shag yer nan m8
n/a trippingchilly 2017-03-16
u w0t 1v1 me
n/a TruthPains 2017-03-16
Fite me irl
n/a AellaGirl 2017-03-16
he snaps me his butt sometimes
i'm not complainin
n/a randomthrowawaiii 2017-03-16
n/a Assy-McGee 2017-03-16
>tfw he is a real person but doesn't pass the Turing test
I'm going to use this in the future
n/a ninjaofpatience 2017-03-16
Yes /u/gallowboob is a real person and he sends nude pictures of himself to underage boys
n/a niggerpenis 2017-03-16
can confirm, am underage boy and have received /u/gallowboob dickpix
n/a jubbergun 2017-03-16
How'd you know? Did your parents get you a microscope for Christmas?
n/a ALoudMouthBaby 2017-03-16
Hes definitely real, and since his livelihood is now dependent on spamming Reddit he gets really upset if you mention how he got shadowbanned for sending unsolicited dick pics and all the other stuff he used to do before he "went pro".
n/a Throwing_nails 2017-03-16
He was sending dick pictures?
Not surprised, he is a retard.
n/a flipkt 2017-03-16
He actually sent those dick pics to a little boy over PM. He somehow got unbanned later.
n/a beet111 2017-03-16
little boy? the guy was in his 20's and asked him for one.
n/a flipkt 2017-03-16
Lol. He claimed he "thought" the boy was over 20 and was lying about being a minor. Still sent the dick picks tho. I would, for example, not send send dickbpicks to someone who claims to be a minor even if they "asked" for it or I thought they were lying about their age. He was probably soliciting.
n/a beet111 2017-03-16
He "thought" that because he literaly said he was in his 20's. Quit calling him a boy like he's some 5 year old.
n/a niggerpenis 2017-03-16
/u/gallowboob confirmed as alt of /u/spez
n/a TruthPains 2017-03-16
And yer nan m8
n/a DistortedLines 2017-03-16
Nice meme
n/a ThanosDidNothinWrong 2017-03-16
Nice meme
n/a Zachums 2017-03-16
As a /u/gallowboob alt, prepare for your /r/drama ban soon.
n/a astra118 2017-03-16
no daddy plz
n/a Presidents100 2017-03-16
The post was deleted but you can use this. https://www.ceddit.com/r/whitepeoplegifs/comments/5zqqhz/he_might_as_well_just_kill_himself/?st=J0E7T3ZR&sh=c631c0f7
n/a Norci 2017-03-16
I can't find gallowboob's replies in there :|
n/a Presidents100 2017-03-16
He didn't respond in the post. Ceddit allows you to see some of the deleted comments.
n/a Norci 2017-03-16
Oh. Some other titles in totesmessenger implied he got into an argument. Thanks.
n/a khanfusion 2017-03-16
Can't he just get banned for being a retard?
Oh wait, wrong sub.
n/a Im__Bruce_Wayne__AMA 2017-03-16
I'm an honorary mod of /r/GallowBoob. Honestly surprised to see him blow up like this. Not defending him or anything, just surprised.
n/a MegaSeedsInYourBum 2017-03-16
Didn't he send someone dick pics when he got pissed at them before?
n/a Omnifarious 2017-03-16
I dunno what I'd do if /u/gallowboob banned me from any/all of those throw away subs he's a mod of but I couldn't live without this dumpster-fire of a sub.
n/a Stuntman119 2017-03-16
Thank god, we would hate to lose you.
n/a TruthPains 2017-03-16
Thank god, shaggin yer nan is gettin stale m8
n/a Arkonisas 2017-03-16
fuck gallowboob
n/a AreYouFuckingHappy 2017-03-16
Listen here you little shit.
n/a eufouric 2017-03-16
Man, I wish I could get paid for shitposting on reddit
n/a randomthrowawaiii 2017-03-16
Then I could buy a gun to put a bullet in my brain
n/a NMJ87 2017-03-16
Me too thanks
n/a GrixM 2017-03-16
What a dickhead lmao
n/a LordBlackmore 2017-03-16
Fuck you /u/GallowBoob.
If I'm doing it right, I should be raking in sweet karma soon.
n/a ShaneH7646 2017-03-16
I think you're confused with a site wide suspension
n/a LordBlackmore 2017-03-16
Lol. I was referring to something in one of Gallowboobs posts about reaping karma for telling him to fuck off.
n/a RegsBenedict 2017-03-16
Shane's a Gallowboob minion. Check his comment history to see how he tries to "troll" people who talk shit on GB.
n/a LordBlackmore 2017-03-16
Holy shit. That guy is a massive tool.
n/a ShaneH7646 2017-03-16
Thanks <3
n/a SaucyWiggles 2017-03-16
Holy lmao
n/a ATissu 2017-03-16
n/a Psycho_Robot 2017-03-16
I just want one of those prestige bans.
Fuck you /u/GallowBoob
n/a Kate_4_President 2017-03-16
You've been banned from /r/Justanothertestsub2.
n/a SuchSpookySkeltal 2017-03-16
whew it makes Unidan looks kinda humble tbh
n/a 4nonymo 2017-03-16
You can't go full retard if you started out that way.
n/a astra118 2017-03-16
its like being born a saiyan. He was born a retard but his convo with me awakened within him the full retard.
n/a Fnhatic 2017-03-16
When does he become the mighty Oozaru?
n/a jaychok 2017-03-16
Have you seen him? Calling him retarded would be a compliment.
n/a 11111one11111 2017-03-16
I'm on /u/gallowboob's side. Op sounds like a whiny bitch.
n/a khanfusion 2017-03-16
For real. Trumptards going hard for ole g-boob since this morning. OP sounds like one of em.
n/a astra118 2017-03-16
nah. I dislike Trump
n/a khanfusion 2017-03-16
I dunno, they're retarded... you sound retarded.... y'all are at least in the same boat.
n/a astra118 2017-03-16
ill have you know. i'm only 75% retarded
n/a khanfusion 2017-03-16
And Trumptards are only 75% white. Coincidence?
n/a astra118 2017-03-16
illuminati cofurmed
n/a DistortedLines 2017-03-16
Oy vey
n/a NoRealsOnlyFeels 2017-03-16
Excellent bazinga
n/a khanfusion 2017-03-16
Man, you really like asskissing those guys, huh?
n/a NoRealsOnlyFeels 2017-03-16
I'm just here for the bazingas
n/a LadyVetinari 2017-03-16
As a drama poster, what boat do you think youre in?
n/a khanfusion 2017-03-16
Shit, this ain't a boat. It's a bundle of tinfoil and cardboard made to look like a
medieval castleMcDonald's play zone.n/a headasplodes 2017-03-16
You sound like you blame trump supporters when you stub your toe
n/a iBleeedorange 2017-03-16
n/a Zachums 2017-03-16
Another gallowboob alt, hello me!
n/a I_AM_STILL_A_IDIOT 2017-03-16
Which part of it?
n/a iBleeedorange 2017-03-16
All of it.
n/a Xingua92 2017-03-16
n/a Ayy_2_Brute 2017-03-16
Get a room
n/a TrailerParkBride 2017-03-16
Ewwwwww, who let a powerusertm into here?
n/a niggerpenis 2017-03-16
I downvote 🔯your🔯 posts when I see them in /r/all. ♥
n/a tizorres 2017-03-16
> taking IGTHFT seriously
n/a riemann1413 2017-03-16
The original which just got deleted:
What the fricking $%&*$#!&(???
No offence /u/tizorres but you have absolutely NO PLACE moderating a WLW community. You should have zero decision making rights when it comes to banning users, removing comments, making any kind of judgement call or decision that affects this community.
A man has no place moderating a women's community, least of all a heterosexual man moderating a WLW community.
Just... wut. Please show respect and step down. I am absolutely positive in a sub with 56,000 subscribers the subreddit can elect mods who are actually women.
This subreddit... what an absolute dog's breakfast when we have a man trying to get a subreddit called Actual Lesbians "back on track".
Total, abject, utterly systemic failure by this mod team. I did not think it was possible for me to lose more faith, but here we are.
n/a tizorres 2017-03-16
:warlizard face:
n/a khanfusion 2017-03-16
Warlizard-face? Like from the warlizard-face facelizard war forums?
n/a randomthrowawaiii 2017-03-16
420 face it
n/a WhyIsBertSoFat 2017-03-16
Did you drop the /s, or are you really this crazy?
n/a NobilisUltima 2017-03-16
I think it's a copypasta.
n/a WhyIsBertSoFat 2017-03-16
Damn. I've been bamboozled.
n/a riemann1413 2017-03-16
people who use /s on internet forums should neck themselves immediately
n/a Assy-McGee 2017-03-16
It's copypasta you turd
n/a WhyIsBertSoFat 2017-03-16
Didn't know, my bad Assey
n/a Assy-McGee 2017-03-16
Don't let it stop you from Down's-boating him though
n/a satanismyhomeboy 2017-03-16
Fair enough
n/a gary_bussy 2017-03-16
He didn't even post dick pics?
Well, this is a complete waste of everyone's time.
Fuck you /u/astra118
n/a elfa82 2017-03-16
/u/gallowboob pls ^
n/a riemann1413 2017-03-16
u 1st daddy
n/a elfa82 2017-03-16
I post dick all the time, you just have to be in the right subs
n/a riemann1413 2017-03-16
oh man i guess i look like an idiot
tell me which subs tho there's just so many and i'd like to know which to avoid
n/a elfa82 2017-03-16
/r/gildedgonewild, /r/ellenpaosarmy, /r/braveryjerk and sometimes /r/SRDgonewild
n/a toiracse 2017-03-16
When you say "sometimes" do you mean "ancient" or "medieval" times?
n/a elfa82 2017-03-16
/u/twasIwhoshotJR probably just has me automod filtered. sad really, I could make that sub great again
n/a hugefuckingfaggot3 2017-03-16
oh my god this actually exists
n/a MadMaxMercer 2017-03-16
Soooooo why did you personally shut down every thread in srd? There's ooooodles of drama in that thread, also which srd mod was it that apologized to a self admitted rapist?
n/a elfa82 2017-03-16
A circlejerk is not drama just cause it aligns with you're brand. That was probably me since it's fake news that men can rape
n/a MadMaxMercer 2017-03-16
n/a elfa82 2017-03-16
Oh, that's not rape. A man can't be raped if his penis is hard. A hard dick means you want to fuck, ergo it's consent.
n/a moush 2017-03-16
So if the woman is wet it's not rape too?
n/a astra118 2017-03-16
the funniest part is gallowboob deleted the post. when a karmawhore deletes a frontpage post, you know he is triggered
n/a khanfusion 2017-03-16
The funniest part is you making a giant deal out of this like you won something.
n/a astra118 2017-03-16
I won an internet argument. Life's greatest achievement.
n/a fuckgallowboob420 2017-03-16
Time to die happy
n/a phedre 2017-03-16
That's the nicest way to say "kys" I've ever seen on /r/drama.
n/a Dookie_boy 2017-03-16
That's so sad
n/a Kate_4_President 2017-03-16
come on you're a sub that stives off meaningless fight over trivial things on an relatively anonymous site
n/a deeteeohbee 2017-03-16
Thrives, Kate. The word is thrives.
n/a TruthPains 2017-03-16
/u/gallowboob I'm a fan of how triggered you make others m8, I also an enjoying you being triggered now.
Plz dun stahp until I dump my /r/drama load.
n/a Diesl 2017-03-16
We got a new thread to now on the drama in SRD lmao
n/a astra118 2017-03-16
n/a AwesomeJohn01 2017-03-16
Everyone on reddit is Gallowboob except you.
n/a ScootR- 2017-03-16
We are all Gallowboob on this blessed day.
n/a Crumps_brother 2017-03-16
Speak for yourself
n/a avaflies 2017-03-16
Found u/Gallowboob
n/a Crumps_brother 2017-03-16
n/a avaflies 2017-03-16
My bad. I've been skipping my shitposting lessons.
n/a Crumps_brother 2017-03-16
May I recommend u/gallowboob?
n/a Soulwound 2017-03-16
Wait I thought I was Karmanaut?
n/a Jmpc2017 2017-03-16
Hey it's me Gallowboob
n/a addmeontinder 2017-03-16
You're being too reddit
n/a 420__points 2017-03-16
Nothing much
n/a Ayy_2_Brute 2017-03-16
You both take reddit way too fucking seriously
n/a Fluffymunchkin 2017-03-16
This is drama bro everybody here for Internet drama probably takes reddit to seriously.
n/a GallowboobisaNigger 2017-03-16
Well, he does have a handicap.
n/a 837825 2017-03-16
Is this subreddit satire or genuine autism?
n/a SuchSpookySkeltal 2017-03-16
n/a randomthrowawaiii 2017-03-16
It's autism all the way down
n/a sonicaficionado 2017-03-16
Tbh its only autism on the surface, but if you dig a bit deeper its actually super autism.
n/a micro-brews-therin 2017-03-16
Full grain autism babey
n/a RandomDudeOnReddit 2017-03-16
This is one whole autism of a thread
n/a JumbledFun 2017-03-16
/u/gallowboob ayyyy
n/a HivemindBuster 2017-03-16
Eh I think /u/astra118 comes out more retarded in that exchange.
n/a Borigrad 2017-03-16
People really take their e-celebs seriously on Reddit? The only thing sadder than a Reddit celebrity, are the people who care about that celebrity.
n/a ScootR- 2017-03-16
I'm not sure why people genuinely give this much of a shit about ethics in Redditing. He's a low effort shitposter and karma whore and apparently mods /r/imgoingtodetentionforthis oh no the humanity.
n/a ExtreemWeenie 2017-03-16
this hardass just doesn't give a FUCK 😎👍
n/a MajorPrick 2017-03-16
Just in time.... /r/ShareBlueInAction!!!!
n/a BHendo 2017-03-16
/u/Gallowboob why you a whiny cunt?
n/a 80BAIT08 2017-03-16
/u/gallowboob when is your next meltdown coming?
n/a Not-an-alt-account_ 2017-03-16
Everyone in the screen cap went full retard.
Pro tip: the mods have no real power over this website. If you really want to piss them off instead of whining, make a new account and just start posting there again. They can do literally nothing to stop you.
n/a MegaSeedsInYourBum 2017-03-16
Isn't that literal autist noodles still kicking around?
n/a TellUsWhenItHappens 2017-03-16
If you really really really want to piss them off, use the report feature to call them out. The Admins will eventually ban you, but who cares? Make a new account and start over.
n/a coldsteel1212 2017-03-16
/u/Gallowboob, you's a bitch.
n/a Haruhanahanako 2017-03-16
I don't like all of you
n/a Assy-McGee 2017-03-16
The feeling is mutual.
The only thing lower than furries are weebs like you.
n/a Haruhanahanako 2017-03-16
I don't like you in particular.
n/a lunchza 2017-03-16
I like you
n/a Haruhanahanako 2017-03-16
You're ok.
n/a flipkt 2017-03-16
Didn't /u/Gallowboob PM dick pics to a child trying to solicit child pornography? How is he not banned yet?
n/a MegaSeedsInYourBum 2017-03-16
He was banned for sending unsolicited dick pics, but the Reddit admins unbanned him because fuck any sense of consistent rules.
Was the person he sent it too a child?
n/a flipkt 2017-03-16
Yes, it was a little boy he was in communication with in PMs. At the time he sent the dick pics to that boy he knew it was a child, but later he claimed that he thought the boy was "joking" about his age. Being the prolific poster he was, the admins unbanned him with a warning.
n/a flipkt 2017-03-16
Yes, it was a little boy /u/Gallowboob was in communication with in PMs. At the time he sent the dick pics to that boy he knew it was a child, but later he claimed that he thought the boy was "joking" about his age. Being the prolific poster he was, the admins unbanned him with a warning.
n/a MegaSeedsInYourBum 2017-03-16
On one hand I want to say I'm surprised, but on the other hand this is Reddit so I shouldn't be surprised by Internet Libertarians condoning attempts at kid diddling.
n/a unfunnypun 2017-03-16
Milo says it's A-OK! They'll never get rid of gb, his reposts trickle off onto Facebook and generate too much traffic
n/a step1 2017-03-16
Why wasn't there any legal consequences? If this is all well-known and there's evidence out there... why isn't law enforcement getting involved before he hurts someone else?
n/a flipkt 2017-03-16
It was a shitshow and he claimed he actually thought the boy was over 20 or something and was lying about his age.
n/a step1 2017-03-16
Man... that kid is missing out on a massive payout. Oh well.
n/a I_Burned_The_Lasagna 2017-03-16
Well, there was no visible dick: https://i.imgur.com/0ZnkW2D.jpg
And the guy lied about being underage: https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/3qwhhq/gallowboob_has_been_shadow_banned/cwiz1ya/
n/a Ffnorde 2017-03-16
They said they were a child but they were lying.
n/a MegaSeedsInYourBum 2017-03-16
Ah, the Milo defense. I like it!
n/a flipkt 2017-03-16
t. gallowboob
n/a Fiery1Phoenix 2017-03-16
/u/gallowboob is a bitch
n/a fuckgallowboob420 2017-03-16
I finally got banned from something!
n/a BrotherToaster 2017-03-16
/u/gallowboob ban me from your shit subs if it makes you feel better
n/a captainkaleb 2017-03-16
Gallowboob is a cunt reposted, never understood why he gets the okay to repost but everyone else gets thrashed for it.
n/a Fluffymunchkin 2017-03-16
Because he's a kiddie diddler as well and nobody cares.
n/a fuckgallowboob420 2017-03-16
I got banned for saying Hi in /r/pics
n/a astra118 2017-03-16
bruh wtf is going on with reddit. I didn't even link anything to his post in r/pics. So brigading isn't even a valid excuse.
n/a fuckgallowboob420 2017-03-16
I saw it under new because im BORED AF at work. He keeps spam posting the same post.
n/a niggerpenis 2017-03-16
n/a gallowboobhater222 2017-03-16
Its not hard to click new and see this dickheads name on there
n/a lifesbrink 2017-03-16
u/gallowboob is a pedo, and I'm rather tired of him pm'ing me dick picks from his mothers basement.
n/a sonicaficionado 2017-03-16
/u/GallowBoob Dadie i knowe u just baned me from (r)pics butt please donut bane me from anyother subreadits please dad!! ;((((( o and i still want u in my asswhole ;DDDdDd
n/a LadyVetinari 2017-03-16
Delet this and try again with more cummies
n/a sonicaficionado 2017-03-16
o ok
n/a Metallics 2017-03-16
/u/gallowboob seems to legit have some sort of disorder where of reddit doesn't give him karma he dies. Who the fuck else is this desperate to be Internet popular.
n/a NotRabsho 2017-03-16
Can someone give me a tl;dr? I don't happen to speak autist.
n/a astra118 2017-03-16
Autist here.
I said fuck you gallowboob.
He got triggered and banned me from a different sub.
Messaged him and the mods. Posted the screencaps.
Gallowboob got triggered in the comments and then deleted them along with the post.
n/a NotRabsho 2017-03-16
Then I support gallowboob's pro-Mayocide actions. There should be safe place for autists.
n/a astra118 2017-03-16
RIP r/drama
n/a NotRabsho 2017-03-16
Eventually, yes. Autists here will be last to go. Their current collaboration with the Mayocide is greatly appreciated.
n/a TheFuturist47 2017-03-16
I just found this post, someone linked me to it. Literally THIS MORNING he found a comment I made where I said I hate his posts and he started PMing me, and his messages escalated until he sent me a literal essay about himself. I blocked him and it removed the messages... I wonder if I unblock him the messages would come back? It would be pretty funny to post screen caps of them. He's fucking insane.
n/a Mr_Eagle 2017-03-16
/u/Gallowboob is a mod over at /r/LargeDickClub lel
n/a jaydotno 2017-03-16
This is stickied because what, /u/gallowboob was a collapse waiting to happen?
Because kids said bad words at each other over reddit mod chats?
This is gayer than two men fucking
n/a Dr_Lobster 2017-03-16
I'm finally part of something!!! :D
n/a dark_hole60 2017-03-16
Gallowboob got triggered and banned me from your icky prebuesent sub.
n/a no_frills 2017-03-16
Hahaha gallowboob is a giant retard
n/a Quillls 2017-03-16
Look at me! I'm whoring myself for karma like that faggot /u/gallowboob!
n/a Doriphor 2017-03-16
Does he ever NOT act like a full retard? I'm pretty sure that's just his nature.
n/a Gubbsie 2017-03-16
That guy is a pedo, and getting paided to poop?
n/a lets-start-a-riot 2017-03-16
Gallowboob is like Swallowcock
Please dont need to gild me, I know Im good
n/a Chefbot5000 2017-03-16
+/u/User_Simulator /u/GallowBoob
n/a User_Simulator 2017-03-16
Can confirm loop is a venomous and fickle space, and i need to update my flair in here.
~ GallowBoob
Info | Subreddit
n/a Chefbot5000 2017-03-16
+/u/User_Simulator /u/GallowBoob
n/a User_Simulator 2017-03-16
*I'd have a say to be able to remain live and make money, which to me is a bit because I'm at work... Will check it shortly.~~ I've watched it and hang it in the body, and keep pressure on the right, i'm the whore on the Top Gear Middle East Special.
~ GallowBoob
Info | Subreddit
n/a Chefbot5000 2017-03-16
+/u/User_Simulator /u/GallowBoob
n/a NoRealsOnlyFeels 2017-03-16
I literally cannot stop crying about Internet meanies.
~ /u/gallowboob
n/a madsharter 2017-03-16
U/gallowboob is gaaaaaaaaaay. Also what is this going full retard? I though he'd crossed that threshold long ago.
n/a BigOldWhiteDick 2017-03-16
/u/Gallowboob is a faggot that I have downvoted 60 times. Let me get in on this ban train. /r/imgoingtohellforthis is shit anyways.
n/a meszaros3 2017-03-16
He was borned a saiyan.
n/a iDigital 2017-03-16
Gallowboob is a Gallowbitch.
n/a hoseja 2017-03-16
Power users. Because that went well on Digg.
n/a str8outcompton 2017-03-16
Can someone explain what going on? His post is deleted and all i see is people calling him a bitch...
Anyone got a screencap?
n/a nospr2 2017-03-16
Basically he banned a user from a different subreddit for saying something like "fuck you". People are upset because on a lot of various subreddits anything bad about gallowboob has been deleted. Just look at gallowboob's last post. It's been downvoted to hell and he hasn't posted anything in the last 10 hours.
n/a TastyPaper15 2017-03-16
WHERE ARE /u/gallowboob 's DICK PICS
n/a BigSpicyMeatball 2017-03-16
Ayy, fuck off and die /u/GallowBoob
n/a cmgladeluxe 2017-03-16
What did /u/Gallowboob say in his rant? It got deleted before I saw it
n/a Baby_Rhino 2017-03-16
Anyone have a screencap of gallowboobs deleted comments?
n/a astra118 2017-03-16
yea check the other stickied post
n/a Baby_Rhino 2017-03-16
Ah yeh, thanks
n/a TotesMessenger 2017-03-16
I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:
If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads. (Info / Contact)
n/a Presidents100 2017-03-16
I think those were in the PMs. After people were getting banned from the sudreddits.
n/a Ellthan 2017-03-16
What happened? Everything is deleted.
n/a drassaultrifle 2017-03-16
I'm from the future. He deleted his comment, what did he say, OP?
n/a Jyquentel 2017-03-16
Soo you got a mirror or something
1 Argon1124 2017-03-16
fuck /u/gallowboob