Men are pussies for talking about their feelings/having feelings.

8  2017-03-16 by PhysicsIsMyMistress


Cool story, bro


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More importantly that show is complete dogshit.


I really want to disagree with (((-UncleSamuel))), but it is literal dogshit.

The first season was fun for what it was but it has just gone down the toilet and some how the special effects get worse.

You'd think people would realize that any show that us an hour long is going to be packed with drama. It's literally how they fill the extra 52 munutes.


Men can talk about their feelings, they just can't talk about the dumb ones..

Also, the flash is a shitty hero and was never good, the babies of the flash and the jews should be stomped, prove me wrong. You. Can. Not.

M8 yer nan proved you wrong by now aborting you

/u/jbp616 you made PIMM here cry. Maybe he'd like to talk about it with you?

I dont. I dont know what that means? PIMM?

You've never had a pimm's cup before??

I haven't. Heard of it though. I really mainly just drink bourbon. Its cucumber or something right?

Shit idk. I think pimms is a liqueur. PIMM is PhysicsIsMyMistress. I was joshin you





I made the Penis in /u/dealin_roofies mouth cry? Is that good or bad? I dont even know.

Men should only share their feelings with an empty bottle of Whiskey.

Anything else is fag shit.

Men shouldn't talk about their feelings. The world doesn't care how you feel about something, and pretending that it should doesn't make life any easier.

I unironically agree, to an extent. There is definitely something to be said for the value of stoicism, even if it's not right for every possible context. But the opposite extreme, which you see among nu-males and lesser women, is to treat whatever you happen to be feeling at the time as if it were all important, and to explicitly identify with it as if your (in all likelihood highly contingent) emotions defined who you were as a person. That sort of thing is self-indulgent and at least as pathological as extreme I-have-no-feelings stoicism ever was.

Both extremes are equally retarded. Everyone should talk about their goddamn feelings because its fucking healthy, and everyone should goddamn accept their feelings dont make them special.

Valuing tough guise stoicism is as retarded as considering a rando college hispanic chicks gut feeling that white gurls shouldnt wear hoops as a valid concern.

I don't think it's so much about finding a middle ground between the two extremes as it is about knowing the proper context for each register.

There are plenty of situations where you need to value tough guy stoicism in order achieve a certain goal (say if you're a comedian, you shouldn't let it get to you every time a joke doesn't land), and there are other situations where you really should treat your feelings as if they were indicative of something real and consequential (say, your feelings towards your significant other).

And talking about your feelings isn't necessarily "healthy" (nor is bottling them up for that matter). If taking about your feelings is simply a way to indulge in them for the sake of sentimentality you're probably not doing yourself any favors.

I agree about proper context. The problem with "manly" stoicism is not that men arent confiding to intimately involved others, its actually more of an internal issue, I think, in which men feel shame for having normal emotions. E.g. it should not be seen as extraordinary or extra cute if a man cries for whatever reason. People have emotions, we're in an advanced society, no one should be ashamed or feel insecure about feeling normal things.

Of course, people shouldnt be going around screaming their internal monologues or bursting into tears, but masculine stoicism leads to more depression, anxiety, and ultimately violent behavior in men. Boys should be taught its ok to be a bitch sometimes (not that everyone needs to hear about it though)

If taking about your feelings is simply a way to indulge in them for the sake of sentimentality you're probably not doing yourself any favors.

then maybe say that.

the problem with "only share their feelings if they are valid" is that people who need to share their feelings are the ones who will assume they are invalid and should not be shareable

Every adult male on reddit seems to be hellbent on admitting to crying about everything at the drop of a hat. Celebrity/sports star says anything vaguely emotional? Comments are 85% "Who's cutting onions in here? I'm not crying, you're crying! Now I'm crying quietly at my desk because a football star rose from a bad family situation to win the super bowl!"