The RINOs in /r/The_Donald don't know which way to tug when Trump's AG brings them face to face with Republican ideals by comparing weed to heroin

40  2017-03-16 by ItsSugar



please just delete yourself


I know now I'll never have any flair again and I've come to terms with that.


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bring back prohibition

What we really need is a moslem, jew, media outlet, and ethics watchdog groups prohibition, but weed is a good start

Donald fan: "I cant afford to go to a doctor"




on the one hand I don't think marijuana is really that bad, but on the other hand I've never actually met a pothead who's even semi functional as an adult

Yes you have.

pls don't invalidate my lived experience

just wanna say that un squadron is fucking awesome. luv u


Oh shit, we activated his trap card

and now I will cast pot of greed, which allows me to draw two additional cards from my deck

That's because "pothead" has a negative connotation as someone who sits at home and smokes weed all day. Plenty of office workers go home and toke after work

god damned degenerates, why can't they just relax with a drink after laying into their family with a belt like my dad did

I know some people who manage to work hard all day and smoke weed all day but not me sadly.

true,but that's like saying "I've never met an alcoholic who is semi-functional".

Anyone doing anything often enough for it to define them is gonna be fucked up. Even if that thing is shitposting on reddit.

What's so great about weed anyway? I tried it once and it was awful - good for sleeping though (which is why I am OK with medical marijuana).

What's so great about steak anyway? I went to Sizzler once and it was awful.

Definitely had some shit tier ditch weed.

They prob were the kid that got oregano sold to them and acted stoned as fuck after smoking it

/u/OnlyFactsMatter has done the research, everyone. It's good for sleep and that's it. Case closed. Fact.

I vaped and smoked weed most days for like all of my second and third year of uni and honestly it's way less interesting than people make out. Most times you just end up feeling grumpy, introverted, and spiteful. At worst it can send you into a huge panic. While it helped a lot of the problems I had at the time eventually I realised it was just causing my anxiety and we just stopped. I don't regret it but I don't miss it at all. Alcohol is still king for me though, it's much more enjoyable.

Weed is definitely overrated, pretty much everyone I know it makes paranoid and anxious, and most it makes grumpy and lethargic

Weed is definitely overrated

But it cures cancer and will open your third eye.

Most times you just end up feeling grumpy, introverted, and spiteful.

See it makes me feel cheerful, outgoing, and friendly. Alcohol, on the other hand, just makes me want to go to bed.

I know that it effects different people differently, however I do not know a single person that it affects that way (as in cheers you up), so it's kind of surprising to me. I know a lot of people who've used it

I just remember being a kid and really wanting to try it because everyone said it was the wonder drug that made life amazing, but it makes everything grey, depressing for me.

Weed leaves you feeling grumpy, introverted, and spiteful. At worst it can send you into a huge panic.

I see why it appeals to posters on T_D

So you used it every day and you wonder why you had problems?

Good point but I used it very lightly, really only until I could feel the effects

Weed is definitely overrated Alcohol is still king

Have you considered deleting your account and ending your life?

If weed is any kind of defining characteristic in your life then I feel really sorry for you, you must have a really shitty life

Go read all the anecdotal shit you spewed in your first post, then come read this post again. You're fucking retarded

when you want to agree with the Trump administration, but you can't decide which one of his completely different stances on a particular issue to parrot..


Ever tried another drug like ecstasy or LSD?

/u/OnlyFactsMatter, yes, I have. What is your point?

MJ is a gateway drug.

Eh, I don't consider MDMA or LSD bad, as long as they are taken responsibly.

When you bring up things like heroin or meth, then you are speaking of the gateway drug of legal opiate prescriptions.

MDMA can erode your serotonin receptors and possible lead to behavioral issues with longer use but LSD is just nice all around.

True, I would only do MDMA sparingly and always load up on vitamins to help reduce harm. Once every few months would be enough for me.

Only if you're fucking stupid and take it too frequently and without proper aftercare.

No its not

Yes but you didn't do any gay stuff so it's still a wholesome Christian drug.

I'm a girl

Well then, Pence has just the thing for you.

Gateway to good times!

MJ is a gateway drug.

You might as well be a stoner because your brain function is on pay with a legitimate retard.

This is what retards actually believe.

Or its easily accessible and people predisposed to substance abuse usually have access to it before encountering harder drugs. Whatever fits your safe little narrative tho sweetie

i hope /r/the_Donald lives forever just so i can keep getting linked to the infighting

Let's go back to the good ol days when weed meant prison time and coke(dear Lord, not crack though) was a slap on the wrist. I'm sure Donny T wouldn't have a problem getting behind that one.

That entire sub should kill itself.


WOW so this is the real TOLERANT left right here

Heroin is better than weed. I don't see how this is a question.

Holy shit, actual drama in that sub that hasn't been nuked by their mods.