I just broke contact with my cousin, this time forever

0  2017-03-16 by ThatOtherPromise

Make me feel better r/drama 😔




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Wtf is this

Shut the fuck up you cunt I am having a hard time here 😢

Come here, I'll hold you, bb.

thanks 😌

Now open up your butthole.

👺 <- I will make this face and watch you. God bless.

go fuck yourself

Go fuck yourself too buddy

Let me guess. You nut deep inside of her while bare backing her and she reveals she's been skipping pills. Sound about right?

Oh god any spawn of his would just be a sentient teratoma


I'd tell you to do the same, but that would be a waste of a bullet.

m8 I am so good with everyone why are u mad with me? 😔😔😔

you're a garbage human being

But why

Please expand on that

you fuck your cousin and you smell bad

I dont smell bad :(

okay I still hate you tho


Broke eye contact with your cousin while your uncle was two knuckles deep in ya, maybe. Always. Maintain. Frame.

That sucks, I hope you feel better.

Thanks Leah you are too good for this sub 😚

Post bussy.

Is hairy u wont like it


That is my fetish.

Did she finally turn 18?

Nice meme

More like 12

Honestly, your cousin was an asshole, so I don't blame you.


Like cousins matter. Let me know when you cut out your siamese twin.

You a "keep it in the family" type eh?

Cousins are overrated. They're people you're forced to hang out with because you feel like you share some kind of special bond, when, in fact, they are just sub-par people you don't need in your life. Source: guy with a cousin who has, on more than one occasion, thought that texting me out of the blue after years of no contact would potentially score him some heroin.

Yeah but she was hot :)

but u have a point, the most useless family bound

oh, wait. you really were getting ass out of this arrangement? How does that happen? I mean, I have some hot cousins, but it never really occurred to me to hit on them. How does that work?

Is seriously not that complicated

If you start to hang out with them you are bound to end up in a intimate and drunk situation, and you can guess where it usually goes

That said, it was an absolute shitshow, so if you are going to do it has to be only one time, more than that and shit starts to go south

Is one of those things were the rational decision is to not do it

Why? You both liked the agreement, you just need to keep it secret

eh idk, it didnt work well for me1

/u/riemann1413 /u/zachums I need emotional support halp

If I know anything about brown families, it's that there's a lot of members. You'll find love again, I'm sure of it.

it's that there's a lot of members

Speaking of his cousin's vagina...

No I am done with that

I am going to be a healthy lad from now on, physically and mentally!

so i probably have to quit drama heh

How deep did you nut in her?

keep out of my inbox diddler

goddammit rie i am starting to believe that you actually think i am pedoish

please stop fucking children i beg of you

Did you get caught fucking?

Details pls. Please, details.