Can you help me define some of these online communities?

6  2017-03-18 by mtaibbi_rs


I am writing an article that explores some of the more fringe communities. I think there is reasonable knowledge about Trump's support online, especially on Reddit. I am interested in delving more into other similar communities - not just similar in terms of political alignment, but in terms of having a common political or social manifesto that some offline would consider extreme.

I was hoping this community can help me define the following communities, and what you think of them.

  • Tankies
  • Incels
  • Hapas
  • Normies
  • Antifa

Are there other groups you would recommend?

Thank you so much for your help!


There is one and only one Reddit movement worth mentioning, and that's the mayocide movement. But if you want to know the others I'll oblige.


Literally wish Stalin was preserved like Lenin so they could give him a blowy-joey. Stalin did nothing wrong and while he didn't kill millions, but he totally would have been justified if he did kill all those people, which he didn't, but if you find mass graves they totally deserved it.


Future school shooters. They believe all women that don't serve them chicken tenders are roasties and deserve death.


Asians who really really really with they were white. All they talk about is white men and how insecure they are in comparison.




People who want to bash anyone but actual fascists. They know where to find real Nazis but isn't beating up trash cans just as good right? Unless it's windy trash cans won't fight back so the AntiFa will still win.

Are there other groups you would recommend?

You should enlist the help of these folks since anyone who asks /r/Drama anything obviously needs their help.

Can you please explain mayocide? Can't find anything about it

it's an /r/drama meme they think is the spiciest

it's about how white supremacists get mad when other races date and marry white women and that after a while there won't be any white people left

so /r/drama encourages the end of all whites because they smell like cheese and their BO is bad and also they have no culture

I... I... feel like.. I should be triggered from that?

I'm white but live in a 98% Asian country. Honestly feel like everyone, especially white people in America, should move somewhere and be a minority for at least part of their lives.

Hapas aren't asians. Hapas are half-asian half something else.

The most outspoken are typically half-white, majority with white fathers.

I can tell you a bit about Fat people hate/voat if you want. I felt luke they're relevant to your topic.

I'll just do the incel/hapa and other similar communities.


Aka involuntary celibates, these consist of males in their 20s(or even 30s) who are virgins not by their choice. Lots of impotent rage towards women in general as well as other men who can get laid off their social skills/attractiveness. Tend to back up their rampant hatred with sketchy evo psych such as "20% of dudes get 80% of women." The more extreme types wish death, rape, and other horrible things upon women because these apparently are similar to the pain they feel being incel. These types usually either progress into TRP/PUA communities which are based in misogynistic ideas or try to "flip sides" and actively denounce the masculine ideals that they fail to live up to. Or give up, which kinda of represents the ideals of Wizardchan.


The joke is if you are a virgin by 30 you become a wizard. Wizardchan is an anonymous image board for said wizards. Tends to fall into 2 groups: the angry incels akin to what's seen on reddit and a group that claims to be beyond women or regular society entirely. Many are either jobless or are in 9-5 drudgery without any form of social support. A lot of them try to escape into entertainment media but suicide threads are a common sight.

hapas Mixed race between asians and white people. Many of them suffer from identity issues in both white and asian society, but specifically hate white men/society for out competing them in terms of masculine standards. Overlap with incels and other pure asians who feel the same way. Particular hatred focused on asian women who they claim to almost exclusively chase white men. Obviously a ton of self hatred is involved, which is compounded by the fact that they see many other hapas/asians in similar situations.

You could add TERFs ("trans-exclusionary radical feminists") and Nazifurs to the list. Local historian /u/snallygaster probably knows where to link for Nazifurs, and for other fringey havens of awful

lol hi, Rolling Stone!

Just following in the pioneering footsteps of Helena Horton of the Telegraph

If this is really a Rolling Stone reporter, I'm not surprised they're too lazy to do their own research. If it's a troll, it's not great but not terrible either.

hi matt




Militaristic communists/anarchists who think killing political opponents is OK, but only when they do it. They also believe that communist regimes haven't killed millions of people.


Involuntary celibates. These are guys whose personalities are so bad they can't get laid. IMO, the funniest thing from this in the community is that many of them believe the government should give them girlfriends or something similar. They also basically hate anyone who has ever had sex. This group seems to have a large number of people with autism.


Self-hating half-asian/half-white guys. Hate Asian women because they won't date them. Hate their white parents for some reason. Hate non-asian men for taking their women. Also they tend to think that westerners are evil or something.


Normal people. Some groups have their own terms with similar meanings. Incels tend to use the word "Chad" to denote guys who can get women, but it's also used for normal people.


Antifascists. These are leftists who believe in attacking fascists/Nazis. The big problem, besides political violence, is that they're definitions for fascist tend to be pretty broad. A MAGA hat can make you "literally Hitler" to these people. Most of the time these people just scream online, but sometimes they go out and harass people at Trump events. They tend to believe that they're on "the right side of history", which justifies their actions.