WWE wrestler Paige has nude pics and sex tapes leaked, including a threesome with other wrestlers Brad Maddox and Xavier Woods. The Internet Wrestling Community goes beserk.

104  2017-03-18 by lyla2398

As always, DO NOT POST ANY PICS, SCREENCAPS OR VIDS. In all seriousness, the leaking of the photos were a criminal act, and by sharing those photos you are helping commit a crime.

It's part of the Fappening sequel that also gave us Emma Watson in the bathtub and Amanda Seyfried giving Justin Long a blowie on a canoe.

For the record Brad and Paige were dating at the time, and the video in question shows Brad filming Xavier and Paige having sex. Other material leaked includes a video of Paige and Brad having sex in a locker room, and another video (I think) that shows her with a dildo in her bum. She confirmed it's her with a Twitter statement.

As well, Xavier is one third of the biggest stable in the WWE right now (The New Day), and has an esteemed Let's Play channel called UpUpDownDown. He's currently married with a baby on the way, and many people who saw the leaks were worried about his wife's wellbeing. However, he posted a now-deleted tweet which both confirms it's him in the vid and shows that he sees the leak in good humour.

Here's a few reactions from /r/squaredcircle:






And wrestling forum Freaking Awesome Network's take on it:


Edit: former WWE star JTG has his say: https://www.reddit.com/r/SquaredCircle/comments/603ane/jtg_who_do_i_talk_to_about_auditioning_for_the/?st=j0f3f02u&sh=5101d327


"the guy in the pic finished on Paige's face as well as the belt."


Does that make it a foursome ?

Damn bruh.

The best part is that Dwayne Johnson has a movie in the works about Paige's life growing up in the wrestling business and making it to the top of the WWE.

The picture of her letting a dude cum on her face and the Women's Title is surely gonna throw a wrench in that one...

How dare you suggest enjoying being dominated during sex removes a woman's sexual agency.

Domination aside (and of course you're right), having him cum on the belt is going to create a completely justified shitstorm. That brand has just taken a pounding.

That brand has just taken a pounding.

☜(゚ヮ゚☜) (

It's a fake belt do mandrama fans actually care?

Yes they do - and the company certainly does. Shit, it's kind of a youth-oriented organization anyway, children are a prime demographic. In that linked thread they talk about how she gives replicas to make-a-wish kids and shit.

It doesn't even have to be a belt. Take a video of yourself jacking off on your company's logo and upload that shit. See how long it takes for them to can your ass.

I don't mean the company but the fans. Are they outraged that the sanctity of the pro wrestling belt has been tarnished?

I'm sure that the more serious ones do, they're freakishly into their love of steroid ballet. And many fans have concerned parents, which is worse.

It's pretty funny thinking about parents concerned that steroid abusing dudes who simulate violence might be having sex with plastic surgery having divas.

There is a lot of shit about that "sport" that doesn't make any goddamn sense. Really high up there on the tard scale, it's no wonder every serious wrestling fan I knew growing up was an autistic tendie-huffing twerp.

I'm an mma fan so I'm not that much better.

In fact both "sports" have a lot of overlap in marketing and fanbase. Early UFC and Japanese mma had a lot of overlap with pro wrestling with martial arts kookery thrown in.

Combat sports are something I understand, at least it's an actual competition.

I'll grant you that the culture surrounding can be fucking weird. In many ways I wish things had taken a more Judo-like turn, without the pageantry.

The pageantry is what funds it, and while it's fun in doses but when it goes overboard whatever integrity the sport had goes away.

The UFC is currently doing fine, but it's future is definitely a question now with the pageantry being kicked up a notch with the company that bought them having to pay off an ill advised $4 billion loan.

It is natural that a sport that grew off underground cage fights and former pro wrestlers attract a certain type of fan but a lot of the fans and athletes really do take fighting seriously and appreciate respect in and out of the cage.

I know, I used to train a bit over a decade back - fairly seriously too, until an injury took me out of the game for good. I came into it sort of by accident - wanted to try some kickboxing to fix my die-hard-cyclist physique, stuck around for the next class, and got addicted from the first rolling session. Even when I was training and obsessed with the sport, I found the culture a tad embarrassing. But the people I trained with took it really seriously without any of the bullshit, and that was my MMA microcosm. UFC is the public face of the sport, but I'm sure that there are still thousands of small gyms out there focused purely on the sport, and not the image or the marketing.

I can still enjoy a fight for the athletic and technical aspects, much of everything else around it tends to weird me out. If I ever get my shoulder fixed up properly, I'll probably do Judo or BJJ, as that was he side of things I always enjoyed more anyhow - and still feels, well, pure.

I remember my 1st few advanced sparring sessions where I got kick blasted in the face. Apparently I was sprawled on the floor with a hilarious look of disbelief on my face. Sparring is really fucking humbling and imo everyone should get blasted in the face at least once. I wanna get back into it sometime as well, the people there are awesome and sparring is a great way to make friends.

everyone should get blasted in the face at least once.

Paige agrees.

according to someone on /b/ it's a fake using a screencap from something she did for the WWE network and sticking a dildo and cum on it.

Didn't hurt Paris Hilton or Kim Kardashian.

Degeneracy in action

As always, DO NOT POST ANY PICS, SCREENCAPS OR VIDS. In all seriousness, the leaking of the photos were a criminal act, and by sharing those photos you are helping commit a crime.

Again thinking /r/drama posters have anything but 2d on our hard drives

There's a lot of SRD degenerates here lately who might transgress that way.

Yeah and honestly, adults? Fuck off, no thanks!

Welp, both Xavier Woods and Brad Maddox are really good looking so I'm kind of jealous of Paige right now.

Right? I'd get in the middle of that sandwich.

Any part of that sandwich as long as it's really bisexual.


I got good news for you phed, rumors say there's more videos of that threeway to be released.

Meh. No interest in watching it TBH. Leaks like that are gross.

As enticing as that sounds I'll probably not watch it.

Baby, that's a MANwich.

My favourite!

same tbh

Waiting for the Punk/Aj Lee sex tape...

AJ's abs... yas...

Do NOT google "paige wwe nude"!

Didn't know they have a women's league these days, but then again I don't follow fake wrestling. Girl is seriously trashy-hot though, no doubt.

Still, this is cruel and shitty, I can't support humiliating people who want to lead a normal sexual existance just because they're famous.

She's not only trashy hot, she's British trashy hot.

tfw no qt 3.14 chav gf

why even live.

Why? Its hilarious and you can jerk off to it.

Eh, it rubs me the wrong way. And makes girls hesitant to take/send nudes. But really, it's just that my sex life is rather... extreme, and that's made me pretty big on consent and privacy. Being outed sucks, and the average person is a fucking prude.

Nudes aren't even fun if everyone can get them, so making girls hesitant isn't a problem. Its not like its hard to see pictures of naked women.

I don't care about seeing pictures of naked women in general. I want the ones I'm fucking sending me stuff without worrying - and letting me take photos and vids of our bedroom hijinks. The more shit like this leaks, the more hesitant someone is going to be when you're filming them sucking their ass off your cock. Dudes leaking shit directly impact my boudoir photo/videography habits.

It's not like there aren't tons of exhibitionists out there, the internet has no lack of consentual nudity and sexuality. Shit I have taken lots of photos for sharing too, with explicit agreement of my partners. But I want private shit to stay private, because it makes everything easier and more fun for me and people I fuck, and makes everyone a lot less worried about something escaping into the wild and subjecting them to society's outdated sexual mores.

Why film it in the first place? I don't get it tbh, hence why I have no sympathy here

Because it's fucking hot. And really what do you care? It's their business. Why do anything sexual or kinky at all? This shit isn't about procreation, people are enjoying themselves.

A lot of people - sexting and taping things has become so ubiquitous that it's more or less normal. If you don't get it, you don't get it, whatever. I don't get why people do lots of things that they do in the bedroom. But I don't judge them, violate their privacy, or peek through their personal shit - or into their windows.

I don't care what people do, hence why I have no sympathy. I have enough sense to not film the depraved shit I've done so that shit like this couldn't possibly happen. If you need to film your sex encounters so that you have something to fap to until the next decade you get laid that's your problem

Yes, that's exactly why people film shit and send each other pics, especially attractive celebrities. Clearly we simply can't get laid often enough and have to stock up.

You know, whether you film it or not, there's always a possibility that there is a dude hanging out in the bushes taping you through the blinds with night vision on. The only way to stay safe is to never fuck at all.

lmao you have terabytes of personal porn, wtf? Are you going to leave it to your grandkids in your will? Or do you use it to blackmail exes

You know, whether you film it or not, there's always a possibility that there is a dude hanging out in the bushes taping you through the blinds with night vision on

Yes, his name is /u/riemann1413. My only hope is that he's masturbating while filming

A terabyte just isn't what it used to be, when a single RAW image can weigh in at 50mb. Budoir photography is a hobby so much of it is actually pretty tasteful/artsy, though a lot is filthy as fuck. These days if you have a serious photo hobby, getting into terabytes is pretty easy regardless of what you're shooting. Same with video - information density tends to keep pace with storage capacity. My entire lifetime of output lives on a single external drive with room to spare, encrypted to the gills, of course.

In case you haven't figured out, I'm pretty big on privacy and consent so of course I'm not going to blackmail anyone. What else I do with it is really none of your business, is it?

And that /u/riemann1413 is a filthy fucker, but maybe he'll make you famous one of these days. Trim the bush.

I don't care about any of that, and celebrities exchange their privacy for fame.

Well, me and you have radically different view on privacy. That happens.

>implying there's anything hotter than a crying woman with a broken career and a broken life

get out of here with your sex negativity

Same bruh I couldn't imagine having naked pictures of me leaked, I never fap to this shit cuz it feels sketchy and mean

the average person is a fucking prude.

I was going to disagree, but then I thought of my wife.

As a matter of fact, there seem to be some average people in this very thread.

she slept with a married dude, brad, so somewhat karma

Apparently this was a couple of years before he got married so no she didn't. But in any case, even if that were true - the karma would be on the cheater, not her. They're the ones in a relationship who made promises of fidelity, etc.

I've been cheated on a couple of times. It fucking sucks. I don't blame the dudes, they owed me nothing, weren't my friends, etc. I dumped the whores and moved on, that shit's all on them.

Damn you're warped. I guess the cheating did some damage.

The guy driving the getaway car is still a shitty person even if he didn't point a gun at the bank teller.

Cheating isn't a crime. It's one person breaking a promise and another person fucking someone who wants to fuck them. Don't know about damage, this was always my view on that shit. There really isn't much need for deep ethical analysis or dwelling on anything, if it happens you just dump and forget.

"The problem" with robbing a bank is not that "it is a crime".

You can even tell I'm not alluding to legality because I say "shitty person" rather than "accomplice". It's probably not worth trying to lecture you on the finer points of morality at this point, but someone might read it who's more principled than you.

Knowingly helping someone break that promise because you're desperate to fuck is not some ethical home free. And there's obviously the implication of deception being ignored. "Getting to fuck" being that prized a goal to you says a lot about...like every aspect of your personality.

This is just what people who have trouble finding as much sex as they would like tell themselves so they can feel OK about themselves.

You seem so worked up over this all of a sudden, that I'm starting to think you're having trouble finding as much sex as you would like...

Blame can be spread all out, in all manner of proportions. It's not like a literal object someone holds like a fried chicken. It's like an infinite supply of butter you can spread in different amounts on more than one person.

Not everyone who correctly identifies one of your flaws is projecting, and there are sharper comebacks than "I'm rubber and you're glue..." Coincidentally, my day job involves me having sex with attractive people. If anything I currently have the opposite problem.

And I mean, it's not like I'm immune to having problems either, I'm basically a big pompous china doll. There were just so many legitimate insecurities I have that you could have tried to pick on instead.

[PS: I don't know if I was clear in that first paragraph, but I was implying that you're fat. That's why I was making all the references to delicious foods. So uh, I was. Calling you fat.]

Dude, this level of autism is a little much even for /r/drama. Maybe tone it down a notch?

Just an FYI, but there's rumors of more WWE girls being hacked and being released in the coming days.

hoping for Dana and AJ to confirm my bisexuality

One can only hope

Well I guess I'll have to look into this...for research.

Real or a personal purchased replica of the women's NXT championship belt is up for speculation at the moment. What is not is the visual evidence it was covered in jizz. I don't know if that is legal grounds for immediate termination or not from the WWE but they are well within their grounds to "bench" her until her current contract expires and not offer a renewal. Her privacy was violated and that is a higher legal issue at the moment. Also how or will this effect the movie "Fighting with My Family" Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson's production company Seven Bucks Productions is producing? WWE and the movie studio might have been planning a "push" for Paige to coincide with the release of the movie and now those plans may be in jeopardy or cancelled outright. Damage control is the best course of action right now. We will have to wait and see what the official responses are from all parties involved and affected by this.


The privacy thing is rough, and I'm all for people taking as many nudes as they want, but that photo with the belt was a fucking stupid idea, replica or not.

That is one thing many of us agree upon. Including the NXT championship tittle while she was still acting champion was indeed an extremely immature decision. What I do not know from a legal standpoint if it is grounds for immediate termination of her current WWE contract. It is a really safe bet that WWE will not place/award Paige with another women's tittle reign anytime soon.

You are such a faggot

I think it's good there are some guidelines here, and like Maddox and Woods we can be on the same Paige.


tbh that's the "it isn't the first time beyonce's carried two people" of this news story.

Is it just me or has there been a bunch of nude picture scandals lately? First the fappening, then those women in the military and now this. I mean, I know it's only three and the fappening was 2014, but it still seems like a lot to happen in a couple of years.

and don't forget big les

Actually, I do want to forget that.

I assumed it had a lot to do with cloud storage becoming a thing.

Idk about this case, but I know for the fappening the celebrities in it were phished, while those female soldiers had creepshots taken of them when they weren't looking. Different methods, same results.

And where do I find these? For science.