Richard Spencer (known for getting punched in the face) Kurt Eichenwald (known for having a seizure from a gif) battle it out on Twitter

52  2017-03-19 by CaptainMemer


Haha Jesus Christ. It's all for the thrill of the kill for Spencer

Are you this retarded in real life?



I guess the question mark is for why are you asking numb nuts

I guess

Retardedness confirmed.

So hey, how are you doing? Got any cool new stickers lately?

If you chop a sentence like that then what you wrote would make sense. What are you on about?

You "guess" that a thing you wrote was a thing you think it is. Ok.

Look, I don't have all night. Take these shiny nickels and go get yourself some kind of gummy and/or bouncy thing from the toy dispenser.

You "guess" that a thing you wrote was a thing you think it is.

What the fuck are you even trying to explain. Learn sentence structure mongoloid

I think you might be arguing with Kurt Eichenwald himself.

If u and ur asshat nazi buddies think u bother me, think again. I LOVE ripping up dim witted momma's boys.

jfc, this guy was once a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize and he sounds like a drunk /r/Drama user.

That meme that almost killed him must have caused some permanent damage.

Death by dank

pls no seziure mr skeltal


being an asshole on the internet anonymously, whatever. tying it to your name and calling someone a snowflake for having an involuntary epileptic seizure? can someone end this dude already

at some point you should stop pretending to be retarded my dude.

he legit bought child porn and then tried to pass it off as "investigative research", that shit is 100% true


so hes a hack reporter that does myspace angles in photos and cries about trump constantly, and apparently likes child porn

not sure there was any other point tbh

um, yeah but


dunno man can go where you like from there i guess

the world is your oyster


He's a snowflake for lying about having a seizure so people would stop calling him put for being retarded

Has literally no evidence of falsified seizures

Tries to make fun of someone else for being retarded

The very first thing he did after the "incident" was talk about how he filed a police report. You can look up police reports where he is from and he filed none.

There was other shit but I couldn't give two shits about what you think. Look it up if you are so interested.

So then who filed the report that got the dude arrested?

Look it up if you are so interested.

Probably Hillary

The fact that a leftist calls somebody gay as an insult is hilarious.

He voted for Bush in 04. He's hardly a leftist, just a fucking idiot.

Supported Hillary. He is a leftist.

Look at people like Bloomberg. Just jump to whatever party they think will get them the most support.

Supported Hillary. He is a leftist.


George HW Bush and Mitt Romney are leftist now. Possibly even Dubya too, who has been saying some mean things about Drumpf lately.

National socialism is socialism.

DPRK is a democracy. Cause it has it in the name.

Not voting Trump doesn't mean you're a leftist, it just means you're not retarded.

inb4 /u/the_reason_trump_won

inb4 PK says Eichenwald is the god emperor of liberals because he still watches cable news like a dork.

The guy is just another band wagoner in the pundit cesspool. If you can't handle frog trolls on twitter, it's time to find another occupation.

PK is the Glenn Greenwald of this sub.

#PizzaGate is real.

Maybe I don't play close enough attention, but I had no idea who Eichenwald is.

Liberals have moved on to Louise Mensch now.

Get a job.

wow pretty anti-intellectual of you to complain about people getting higher education, hate to point out the obvious but maybe not everyone wants to be a lumberjack smelling of oil and sap like you, casper the unfriendly ghost

but maybe not everyone wants to be a lumberjack smelling of oil and sap like you


The respect for workers from communists on full display here.

Can't handle the bantz of fire, get out of the /r/drama kitchen

Tough guy right here.

I definitely wouldn't consider myself particularly tough. But I don't whine all the time when someone hurts my feelings...

More angry than usual today at the proletariat. It's not a good look for you.

Son I caught you popping up in rando subs like badecon the moment somebody said something negative about anarchism.

You are quite literally scouring reddit subs to find something that upsets you.

i hang around the metasphere and shitpost, someone people just cant' handle reading those they disagree with i guess

I didn't say he didn't support trump, I said he supported Hillary. Which is distinctly different.

Pragmatism isn't exclusive to leftists tbh. Supporting the only qualified candidate in the running doesn't say anything about a person but "I like my country to be run with dignity by professionals."

(((qualified candidate)))

How big is your jenkem stockpile

If he is so smart why can flashing lights kill him


Supporting anyone besides God-Emperor Trump

You're a fuccboi tbh



No u

Maybe I will?

Got em

Sorry to be bothering you but could you do without the profanities? This is a family-friendly subreddit. Every Monday evening me, my grandmother and my little brother browse this subreddit and whatnot. It's very awkward to encounter these bad words while sitting with my family.

I'll be honest, I disliked Romney. Supported socialized medicine, too economically liberal, but was socially conservative. Basically the opposite of what I think the GOP should be (fiscally conservative, socially who gives a fuck).

Sorry to be bothering you but could you do without the profanities? This is a family-friendly subreddit. Every Monday evening me, my grandmother and my little brother browse this subreddit and whatnot. It's very awkward to encounter these bad words while sitting with my family.

Supported Hillary. He is a leftist.

political literacy at its finest

You can't support Lenin and not be a commie; you can't support Hillary and not be a leftists.

political literacy at its finest

You believed this meme. You're obviously not too smart.

lol says the guy who doesnt know the difference between a democrat and a leftist

also i was drunk

A leftists is somebody who supports left wing politics. Democrats support left wing politics.



Can't deal with factual statements?



epic takedown you sure Pwn'd that guy xD


still don't see what this has to do with Clinton my man. All that tells me is that leftism=leftist politics. That may be a revelation to you but for someone whose mother didn't drink, I'm unimpressed.

This is making me rly sad :(

He was a hillary supporter and trashes Trump nonstop

It's gotta be physically painful to wake up and be this fucking stupid.

/u/Mercyneal this guy is a european, according to them everyone who isnt a socialist or a social democrat isnt a leftist, which would make Hillary a centrist or something. that may or may not be true, i dont really know enough about the political spectrum to say.

Kikes a kike

sniffs pushes glasses up nose its a medical issue you nazi

Wasn't it Eicehnwald's wife that had the seizure?



it seems the meme really got to Eichenwald, then. Poor guy, couldn't handle his memes.

The neckbeard who sent it to him has his life ruined (though it wasn't much of a life). LOL BASED EICHENWALD.

I'd love to see the charge for that, tbh.

"Charged with sending a flashy picture via twitter"

Trying to trigger an epileptic seizure is illegal. Just like throwing peanuts at someone you know has an allergy is. Though with your logic you'll probably share a cell with him soon enough.

Yeah, but as far as i know, he didn't send it with the intent of triggering a seizure. Then he still needs to prove that the .gif actually caused the seizure, which is pretty difficult.

Though with your logic you'll probably share a cell with him soon enough.

What, because i don't think this is worth someone going to jail? You seem awfully offended at flashy .gifs. Are you Eichenwald's wife, or have you just suffered brain damage due to a previous online terror attack.

When the journalist Kurt Eichenwald opened an animated image sent to him on Twitter in December, the message “You deserve a seizure for your posts” appeared in capital letters along with a blinding strobe light. Mr. Eichenwald, who has epilepsy, immediately suffered a seizure.

On Friday, the Federal Bureau of Investigation said it had arrested [Ari_Goldstein], 29, at his home in Salisbury, Md., and accused him of sending the electronic file. The agency charged [Ari_Goldstein] with criminal cyberstalking with the intent to kill or cause bodily harm.

The charge could carry a prison sentence of up to 10 years, according to the United States district attorney in Dallas, who is prosecuting the case.

Investigators found evidence of the plan to attack Mr. Eichenwald from a search of [Ari_Goldstein]'s Twitter account, the Justice Department said in a statement. After obtaining a search warrant for [Ari_Goldstein]'s social media account, investigators found direct messages to other Twitter users about Mr. Eichenwald, including one that read, “I hope this sends him into a seizure.” Other Twitter messages from [Ari_Goldstein] included one that read, “I know he has epilepsy.”

Per NY times

Perhaps you should try to "know" more before you speak to make edgy comments.

No, i'm just going to continue making edgy comments.

there's a difference between edgy and dumb

Thats not gonna fix your virginity

As far you know isn't very far though, is it? The gif was sent with the message "you deserve a seizure for your post" and there is supposedly a PM where he says "Just sent him a gif, lets see if he dies."

You're of course free to think that trying to murder an epileptic with a strobe light is perfectly normal behavior but, thankfully they don't let the mentally and emotionally handicapped be judges.

Hah, that does sound very funny.

Eichenwald probably didn't have a seizure either. Photosensitive epliespy is very rare, only 3 percent. Even less common in adults. Liebrals smdh

He's a liberal though, so he's probably hypersensitive.

Nor has a story from 2007 athat croutes Kurt's doctor saying that he doesn't have seizures with his kind of epilepsy

No, you are confusing what happened.

His Wife stepped over his twitching, seizuring body to post on twitter instead of you know.

Anything not fake.

oh right, he's married.

That's the real surprise.

where is the proof? that is fake jews

You're retarded

I don't know who either of these people are and didn't read the exchange because I don't care. But I did read this yesterday and it was rather interesting.

A man accused of sending a flashing image to a writer in order to trigger an epileptic seizure has been arrested, the US justice department says.

Tfw you're in prison for sending a tweet. God, what could be more pathetic.

God, what could be more pathetic.

Trying to buy cheese pizza on your NYT expense account?

Hmmm 🤔

They've got PMs of him telling his buddies he hopes the strobe kills him. How well do you think "I was only pretending to be retarded" will hold up against an attempted murder charge?

Getting someone sent to jail by lying about having a seizure

God, what could be more pathetic.

pretending to have a seizure because you lost an argument probably

and then tweeting "this is kurts wife im calling the police" like 5 seconds later

"this is kurts wife im calling the police"

That was the best part. The idea of his wife shoving her seizing frothing husband's body out of the way to update Twitter is just fucking hilarious.

Dude couldn't have made it any easier for the authorities. The image he sent actually had the words "you deserve a seizure" on it. Might as well have added "I want to make it clear I'm sending this to intentionally inflict harm with malicious intent and forethought".

Spencer is an alt-righter who may have advocated a little bit of genocide in the past.

Eichman is a journalist turned 17 year old clinton fangirl

Is this the same guy who went on Tucker and brought that lies folder? Fuck is the problem with him

He wears a bowtie so I think he’s just a douche.

I don't know what it is about bowties. The second Tucker dropped the bowtie he became 100x better.

Alvin Hall is pretty cool, and he wears them a lot.

You mean the greatest interview of 2016? Yes that is the guy.

That interview was hysterical.

twitter really is just a bullhorn for your id isn't it?

a murder attempt is considered an epic win by the alt-right

/pol/ is a board of peace.

Hahaha, did these two go to school together? What the fuck is wrong with that school? Lead in the drinking fountain?

You ever watch The Wire and think to yourself "holy shit, what the fuck is McNulty's obsession with Bell all about?"

Kinda like this but less sex-driven

lotta people are being rude in this thread

Is your claim that hillary does not hold left wing political positions?

Literally the special Olympics

When people ask me "why do you think Twitter is useless nowadays?" I just need to point this out.

People like Kurt make me wish the Holocaust actually happenedl