OP posts a pic to /r/psychonaut, the sub uses it as an opportunity to air their grievances about the 2deep4u content of the sub.

18  2017-03-20 by snallygaster


Jews did this


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Shut. It. Down.

Ray Mazarek (Of The Doors) said that once the doors of perception are cleansed that they stay that way; psychedelics and reading Huxley and Watts stay with you for life.

i, too, get my life philosophy from random dudes in rock bands and entry-level sci-fi

who doesnt

Duterte was right

PublicHealthWatch come back!

The idea that psychedelics open your mind or expand your consciousness is why the Native Americans were still in the stone age.

Needs more expanding brains

Just because you're part of society doesn't mean you're a barcode in my opinion. Being awake just means you're conscious of what's going on. Of course you need money. What's wrong with wanting to survive? Is it not enough to have lived a life feeling wonder at every age? I'm genuinely curious, even if you have to work most days of the week doing something you don't want to do, aren't you only doing so to be able to do the things that you actually want to do? Is time the problem? Does nirvana have to be achieved through non participation?

I ask you sincerely, do you not think you are on the path to enlightenment because you think life is pulling you away from it?

Is the truth of the universe only found in the corners of our curious, tripping minds?

I find that most things I learn about myself I learn when I'm sober, and the higher truths come out after I contemplate on them. Acid helps. It's not essential.

Sorry for the rant, I bet you were just trying to joke. It just makes me sad that so many of us here seem to be seeking refuge from non-experienced people. They're people too, you know. Even dictators are to a certain extent the victim of their surroundings.

Again, I'm getting all over the place. Rant over.

TL;DR: The world is an organism and we are its conscious mind. Instead of rejecting the society and isolating ourselves, we as those who have seen outside the box should be the better examples. People don't like being told what to do, but they love following what other people do. Just show them the better way. Maybe they'll show you something even better.

Man I remember my first joint