"You don't need to be a leftist to condemn a racist. It's not a brigade buddy. It's just a surge of reason. " says /r/FULLCOMMUNISM poster.

40  2017-03-20 by [deleted]


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This sub is being brigaded by a bunch of users with comment histories from extreme left subs like r/subredditdrama

liberals being extreme left

Wew and lad

According to the_donald, Bush is extreme left

How often are you on /r/the_donald? I don't think anyone, no matter how retarded, thinks that Bush is more left than Trump.

Posadism when

All I want is socialist aliens and a nuclear holocaust.

If you can think of it, someone somewhere believes in it

Someone finds /u/thhueros worthy of love

Not even an infinite universe and infinite branching timelines can do that.

Never underestimate a trump supporter

Wouldn't that be overestimating?

Since when?

There are many, many reasons for the right to hate Bush: with his pointless oil wars for his and his friends' own financial benefit and his closeness to the Saudis as the most prominent things.

many reasons for the right to hate Bush: with his pointless oil wars

since when is killing people for money a bad thing for the right, what fucking universe

Not just killing people for money, but killing brown people for oil money.

"liberal" SRD is literally SRS

That special brand of communism where structural oppression stems not from the bourgeois, but from the white working class in rural areas.

SRD is pretty extreme, though. They'd get laughed out of most normal conversations.

"Wait, you actually think if you disagree with something really strongly it should be illegal?"

Kind of how all things are deemed to be illegal tbh

Except we don't listen to idiot college kids.

Attention citizen

You are engaging with an edgy teenage leftist

Disperse immediately

tankies to the left of me

trumptards to the right

here I am

stuck in the mayo with (((you)))

SRD isn't extreme left


Blacks are the real racists, if this gets a single fucking downvote its a sure sign SRS is brigading.

Edit: yep I fucking knew it, you sjws are insufferable

You post in twox why don't you fuck off their you lolcow

I take it you're taking up the mantle of /u/FuckURedditor as the /r/drama's resident salty bitch?

Probably is a fuckUredditor alt. We'll just have to cyberbully this latest incarnation to death too so he stops rage spasming at perfectly innocent drama posters. Really obnoxious, after all this is a sub where all are welcomed except whites obviously

Uh.. It's a default and I've probably made one comment there in like the past year. You're kinda pathetic

No u

Uh.. It's a default and I've probably made one comment there in like the past year. You're kinda pathetic

sure thing you fuckin lolcow, now go look at your fat potbelly in the mirror and cry about rape

I mean, that's absolutely true.

I refuse to read/watch enough to learn about this whole JonTron thing.

good plan

Good choice

I just want him to actually upload on a somewhat regular basis

it's not complicated

-jontron was unprepared for a debate with some lefty, said a bunch of retarded shit in it

-sjws proceed to reeeee like mad, meanwhile the original posters of /r/jontron are like "ok but who gives a shit about politics"

-sjws also say that they're not the ones brigading when far-left opinions are the only ones getting massively upvoted

You believe in SJW'S? D D D Delusional.

SJWs did 9/11

t_d brigades everything with the rabid fury that comes with involuntary celibacy. I think it's understood to be brigading pretty much everything all the time.

how can someone unironically say this after just saying commie subs are not brigading

If both sides brigade doesn't it just even out tho

REEEEEEEE South Park Neutrality

If it was that simple you'd see both left and right opinions getting upvoted. But only left opinions are the one getting massively upvoted in the comments at least. I'm pretty sure there are a lot more lefties than trumptards on /r/JonTron right now.

Having looked at the state of things, you might actually be right. But I think that a good deal of JonTrons core audience aren't willing to swallow racism. I'm a lurker there and I haven't seen much if any of that crop up in the past year.

>accusing Iranian American of being racist towards jews

>the left isn't racist, the right is.

The ones who call racists racist are the real racists.

/u/baddoch why haven't you invested in a mouse that doesn't click like a spastic?

The problem is that I punch my mouse when I'm angry, so I just need to invent a mouse that can take a beating.

It's delusion to imagine a systematic brigade is in progress.

t_d brigades everything

u/ErdoganisTriumph lmao

If u/spez's little pet gets special treatment from up top, it deserves the same from the rest of this damn site.

Man I love that you think this even makes sense as an English sentence.

Btw, which is it? Bridgading no real or bridgading super reals?

Systematic on one side based on history, possibly true on the other

So basically when you said

It's delusion to imagine a systematic brigade is in progress.

you mean it's delusional for anyone else but you to imagine a systematic brigade?

I don't know. Maybe the Sanders folk are up to something. I know I've seen t_d do it again and again.

I know I've seen t_d do it again and again.

Have you? Have you considered if it's just your biases operating there? I mean, is it possible that the people you assume are brigading just disagree with you?

And aren't you inherently part of a brigade? Your history in that sub is all super recent. You're literally denying that brigades ever happen anywhere, as you brigade and say that people you don't like are brigading.

I'm a lurker over there and I regularly watched his vids a few years ago. When I heard about this meltdown I became interested.

I'm a lurker over there and I regularly watched his vids a few years ago.

Absolute obvious bullshit. You're an ideological brigader. You never cared much for JonTron or his subreddit, but you vaguely lerk the lefty side of gaming. I see your GamerGhazi comments, upvoted i will note.

When I heard about this meltdown I became interested.

Right. When the lefty side of the gaming community strated throwing a fit; you decided to brigade his subreddit. You aren't even a sub of r/JonTron right now, let alone in the past.

You're a brigader pretending that you aren't and accusing others of what you're doing. Which DOES elucidate why you think there are brigadiers everywhere. You are one, so you assume everyone else is one too.

And the thing is: I'm not even faulting you. I just don't like people who espouse bullshit, and that is exactly what you are doing.

Who's the real idiot; someone who goes around mindlessly brigading, or someone who tries to argue with that person

Or is it the guy that for whatever reasons has to characterize every casual attempt to pass time as some heartfelt stance of moral obligation?

your mother

I think you've answered your original question pretty convincingly:

Who's the real idiot

That you think a link you post will get clicked on is the funny part.


r/FULLCOMMUNISM is a joke sub, isn't it? I mean Tankies do exist, but I don't think the stuff over there is to be taken at face value.

A lot of it is like /pol/ with some of them kidding around, but others being honest-to-god communists/fascists.

tbh the only reason its users still call it a 'joke sub' is so that they can hide behind the shield of >merely pretending when they get called out on their bullshit.

I'm just there for the political compass shitposts at this point.