/r/opiates addict tells the story of how he fucked his dealer's gf, but the sub isn't so supportive.

33  2017-03-20 by snallygaster




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She's dope, she's super ripped and lifts weights and shy while her bf is a lazy fat POS I don't know why she stays with him


She was an honor roll student too.

I heard she's also a millionaire.

But has her license suspended. Wonder why.

TLDR: fucked dealer's girlfriend in parking lot because gyros took too long - didn't wear condom


I was surprised I had to scroll to find people calling bullshit.

Smack heads are disgusting creatures.


Don't have time for racists and gay bashers

You do have time and you will make time!

Hey /u/Recoveryjunkie69 good story my dude, but fitness models don't tend to fuck dirty smack junkies. Pretty sure the dragon's fuckin with your memory fam. The girl probably looked something more like this

More likely he's just trying to impress his degenerate friends.

This is tifu level bullshittery

No matter how shitty my life gets it's somewhat comforting to know it will never be as bad as the people in that sub. Cheers smackheads

I had no idea that sub existed until this post. What a treasure trove.

The only thing sadder than a smack junkie is a smack junkie who joined a sad little online club with other smack junkies.

/u/RecoveryJunkie69 do you always make up sex stories for junkie autists when you slam dope or was this a special occasion?

/u/recoveryjunkie69 has a Facebook timeline that is 80% inspirational jpgs.

I've never been more positive of anything in my life.

not even when your doctor said you got AIDS from a Thai tranny?

/u/snallygaster how do you find all this drama

this is probably the least obscure thing snally has dug up this week alone, tbh

Don't make excuses, snally is actually a junkie.

Snally was the ripped fitness model, duh.

Then who was dope?

TLDR: fucked dealer's girlfriend in parking lot because gyros took too long - didn't wear condom

checks out

She's dope, she's super ripped and lifts weights and shy while her bf is a lazy fat POS I don't know why she stays with him

i think i could hazard a guess

Hell, if I had a nickle for every rando slut who told me, "Cum inside me Daddy," I might be able to make my child support payments.

really stand-up community they got going over there

The more I see from them the more I think it's a drug themed version of writing prompts.

These junkies are damn funny I love it

/r/cripplingalcoholism unironically has the funniest userbase.

I love the crime subreddits, r/opiates and r/shoplifting and r/fakeids are always fun

None of those subreddits should exist. At the very least they should be quarantined


Serious question, why is /r/opiates allowed to exist on Reddit?

It's a sub for discussing illegal drug use. Should it not at least be quarantined?

The fuck are you? The subreddit police?

Why not? r/trees exists

It's highly doubtful that smoking pot is going to kill you. On the other hand if you use Heroin on a regular basis it's just a matter of time...

Yeah ofc but why should a subreddit for one be OK and the other not?

Good question. I personally would be OK with all drug-related subreddits disappearing

What about alcohol related subreddits?

Don't have time for racists and gay bashers

/u/Recoveryjunkie69 accidentally lets it slip he actually fucked some dude

I don't fuck with opiates no more but that sub is great for candy (esp sour/gummy stuff) recommendations those fuckin junkies know their shit

What is it with opiates and reddldit lately

she was crying because her boyfriend always shames her for eating clean and going to the gym

Who the hell would actually believe that