What double standards piss off reddit? Sort by controversial to find out!

40  2017-03-20 by throw60659


Jews did this


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There already is a white counterpart to BLM. Its called the KKK

I think this one is my favorite.

wew lad

Especially because you can't tell which side of the kindergarten they're coming from.

They want men to pay for everything when dating, but having sex is their choice.


Is your argument that whoever pays for food gets to decide whether or not they have sex w/ the person they paid for? How do you handle split checks in that scenario?

Then they can only have sex when they both want to, you know like a normal couple

doesnt seem like having sex is usually their choice with that guy


Is there some kind of sliding scale? Like if I get the steak I'm required to do anal, but a hot dog just gets a hand job behind the bowling alley?

Well the hot dog would probably at least bump me up to a car.

Point is more that men typically offer economic status while women offer physical status. Obviously I don't think women should put out if I buy them shit. I don't expect women to do anything. So why should I be expected to buy them shit?

Point is more that men typically offer economic status while women offer physical status.

i assume the bitterness comes from your inability to offer either?




I'll grant you that I typically pay for the first date, but if I'm seeing a woman regularly, there is no fucking way I pay for every date.

I paid for everything with my wife. But she offered to pay every single time. That made me more than happy to cover the costs of spending time with her.

Point is more that men typically offer economic status while women offer physical status.

>treating women has a unthinking mass

>not understanding why you're single

Obviously I don't think women should put out if I buy them shit.

uh no that was not obvious in the slightest

So why should I be expected to buy them shit?

Who expects you to do that?


If I go on a date and expect to split the bill, I'm either a cheapskate or a broke ass. I'm fine to cover the bill in most occasions. I make enough money to be able to occasionally have fun. But I've literally heard girls advise their friends to not date a guy unless he covers the first three dates. I don't even want to cover at that point. Even if I did make great money, I couldn't bring myself to that point.

Maybe you're dating the wrong women. A lot of women are more than happy to split the bill.

The only time most women expect a guy to cover the bill is if it's a first date and he asked her out.

I'm happily married. This still exists, though.

I'm happily married as well. And to be honest, I don't even remember who paid on our first date. All I know is that I've never expected a guy to pay on a first date, and many of my friends feel the same.

Well you seem pleasant. I'm happy that pleasant people such as yourself have the patience for people like me. Unfortunately, people like me don't always get to interact with pleasant people, though.

Why are you going on dates if you're married?

There's the idiot.

Honestly? it sounds reasonable fam

Bitch please - if you fucking put cheese on your whopper you're givin' up the anal.

His closing bit was my favorite:

Literally I could be gay just from my hatred for women. Fuck all of them.

wow, what a loss the dating market will be suffering.

One less left swipe for the ladies

Funny how there's always a shitty original comment like this. Considering how handsome I am and since I won't be dating women I'll say its quite a loss indeed. But of course, the only men who dislikes women are ugly beta losers /s.

Something tells me you're not exactly the prettiest among the bunch.

post bussy

Does he realize that gay guys won't want to fuck a whiny NEET crybaby either?

Fuck these gay women

Lol, he has deleted everything in his account.

user reports:
1: Fuck you jewmods, there's some real drama in there.

we're not all jewish

But all your penises jave succumbed to the jewish meme


The fuck r u talkin about boi

the fuck r u talkin about boi

Cut dicks are hot. Sorry not sorry.

as if any man with taste cares what a ginger thinks

Yeah baby gimme that scarred calloused dickhead

Oh wow didn't see this response. Ur wrong.

no u.

As a woman, ginger, and non-upvoter you are thrice disqualified from having opinions.

You'd fit right in on /r/centuryclub.

Oh lawrd, the shitposting will hit new levels of ridonkulousness

>having a dick

What kind on degen do you think I am

/u/xNotch is the only mod rich enough to be a part of the tribe anyway.

I live in the states, so women.

They complain about the wage gap, but don't know a fucking thing about it.

Women get paid 3 times as much as models, but half as much as construction workers. This doesn't bother them at all. But then they'll throw a fucking fit about the wage gap, when it's not 23 cents if we throw out jobs like construction.

They want men to pay for everything when dating, but having sex is their choice.

They're equal, but they have their own special rules (because they're not equal) to get into the military.

Raping a woman is the worst crime that can possibly exist. But women can't rape people.

Having an abortion is a woman's right. So is lying about birth control, having the baby, and forcing child support out of the father.

A woman can beat the shit out of a man without receiving anything in return, call the cops, and have the man arrested.

They can be an abusive, crack addicted whore, but guess who's going to win the custody battle.

Caught in a relationship that you should not have been in? No problem. Just say he raped you. There's no consequences if he has proof anyways.

But boy oh fucking boy let me tell you about the patriarchy. It is so fucking hard to be a woman in this country. I mean the government doesn't even pay for their tampons. How do they even survive?

Literally I could be gay just from my hatred for women. Fuck all of them.

/u/Cheese_dick_please have you tried not being such a whiny cunt bag? If it gets to much you should probably just KYS tbh fam


You can tell how much someone ventures outside based on how many internet memes about women they spout.


Hmh, I guess that guy that sat in front of me in class with a black eye was lying when he said his wife went batshit, threw a lamp at him, and then got arrested when the neighbors heard shit going down. But nah, keep thinking the cops are all white knight retards.


Split custody is almost always awarded upon request.


It turns out that money earned in marriage belongs to the family, not just you. What a twist!


Well, that's one way to tell who doesn't go on dates.

It turns out that money earned in marriage belongs to the family, not just you. What a twist!

Mel Gibson

Yeah I'm really surprised not one person asked for a source. Everyone just took it as fact.

bruh. I can attest to the top two. I have a masters in criminology. this is literally my field of study. the police are hilariously biased towards women when it comes to domestic violence.

as for "WOMEN ALWAYS GET THE CHILD IN CUSTODY BATTLES" yeah, most of the time, they do. a good lawyer will even tell men that they are fighting a seriously uphill battle if they want custody of their kids. personally, I can count on one hand the number of women who have lost custody cases. and those women? I wouldn't trust them to raise a plant, let alone a child.

bruh. I can attest to the top two. I have a masters in criminology. this is literally my field of study.

well, you're tacky and i hate you

Lmfao. People like you make my fucking day.

Literally a professional in their field calls you out on horse shit.

And you respond with "nananananana I can't hear you you're stupid I hate you."

I'm so happy that you are the way that you are. Never change.

u wanna fite, bitch tits

Talk to me in 5 years. The real world looks a lot different when you actually live in it.

listen here, honey

i go onto /r/drama for some grade A organic, non-pasteurized drama and I get your motherfucking sour ass tryna bait me with "i am rubber, you are glue".

you could at least call me a nigger and ask for bussy, but i guess nobody has any manners around here anymore.

Oh yeah talking about reality, how horrible!

If that sounded like reality to you then you may live in an alternate universe

Uh sure. All experiences that aren't yours are fake

They want men to pay for everything when dating, but having sex is their choice.

How dare those heartless harpies not award you with the sex you are entitled to!

It is kind've amusing that the most upvoted center around relationships between men and kids, playing video games, and doing drugs. I dunno if that means anything, it just seemed like a trend.

Upvoted for flair-happy mod having a bitchfit

Only one mod in here at the moment, and boy oh boy is he rietarded.

I thought we're all rietarded here

We're all spergy mongoloids, but there's only one rietard.

Holy low effort, fatman!

613 deleted comments, why?

It was mostly people pointing out double standards relating to Muslims.

Ex. Random guy marries his underage cousin, horrible; Muslim does it, it's fine

And why delete it?

Remember Orlando, Ohio, San Bernardino, Nice, Cologne, etc.?

Reddit mods have a history of censoring anything criticizing Islam or pointing out that individual terrorists are Muslim.

Seems like a ridiculous statement made only to inflame others. I mean, really, who are these people who are saying it's fine for a Muslim to marry their underage cousins? Is this happening in the United States and police are turning a blind eye? Where exactly is that "observation" coming from?

Both Germany and Sweden have legalized child marriage/incest. Of course the US still considers it taboo (well, maybe not outside some southern states lol).

I believe the current law in Germany is that child marriages are valid if they were conducted outside the country.

Anything that involves a pussy-pass. edit: downvoted by feminazis


downvotes mean im right

Women demand equal treatment until you punch them

My sides.

It's like they took all of the obnoxiousness of Redditand purified it into one thread

SJW's work from a script. You might even be arguing with a bot.

yeah man, that sounds reasonable

/u/strich-9 nah, it sounds more like "objectively correct".