Does this constitute hypocrisy?
4 2017-03-21 by IDontCheatPoints
This happened in Twitch, it's a stupid topic but it turned into drama with friends.
-In stream A, a moderator created an alternative account to get 20k points from following the stream and 1k points from joining one raffle, for himself.
-In stream B, a moderator makes raffles for 5 seconds to win 100k points for himself, changes the bot's roulette chance to 100% for 5 seconds to roulette his own points and win 200k points for himself and changes it to 0% (lose) for another user he dislikes to lose 18 roulettes in a row. Only moderators can access the bots and change the win percentage.
Moderator from B accused moderator of A for cheating (without moderator A previously knowing that mod B cheated). Does this constitute hypocrisy or not?
n/a AntiLuke 2017-03-21
The fuck does any of that mean?
n/a strathmeyer 2017-03-21
You can't call hypocrisy without at least three wiffle balls in the pitter patter pen.
n/a LovelyLeahMarried 2017-03-21
I don't really know what I just read, but accusing someone of cheating on a contest, when you yourself have cheated in the same contest, is hypocrisy.
n/a Nomadlads 2017-03-21
The only thing worse reddit mods are twitch mods.
n/a niggerpenis 2017-03-21
n/a SamInTheLoop 2017-03-21
Stop watching twitch and get a non minimum wage job.