Sweden+/r/unitedkingom+rape statistics = Meltdowns

29  2017-03-21 by Chewie10


No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


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The western censorship of rape by immigrants is sickening.

cucked by your gubmint.SAD!

Pretty much :(

The appropriation of outrage over rape by people who clearly don't give a fuck isn't great.

Meanwhile a ton of women say one white guy sexually assaulted them and obviously they are all lying.

I'm failing to see what you just wrote has to do with what I said.

The reddit censorship of rape by immigrant youtubers is sickening also https://www.reddit.com/r/Exurb1a/comments/5t0nyq/a_short_friendly_reminder/ddlamsi/

Statistics have a xenophobic bias

The crimes in question at the music festival were mere touching and the like.

Oh, /u/JournalistInSweden.

I always get baited on here :( Highly annoying, particularly when it gets mixed up in the other posts!

A mod of /r/TheCheetoMussolini and /r/JusticeForDonald is easily baited? Nope, I don't believe it.

"/r/TheCheetoMussolini" He didn't even do it right, it's "Cheeto Benito".

Hey buddy! Still waiting for you to post proof of your "receiving angry pms and one person sent me my address in sweden" that made you backtrack on your false statements.

None of my statements are false.

So backtracking the backtracking now?

Which of my statements is false, dear?

Sorry I don't talk with victim blamers.

Where did I blame victims?

Where did I blame victims?

Sorry I'm too lazy to bait you further. I've read none of your posts tho other than the ones ITT.

I always get baited on here

Not actual 'rapes'. The same type of thing that happens at every music festival.

You're trying to normalize groping at music festivals.

You should thank the man.

Well, there's a couple people in the linked thread that show you misread a couple of the articles. Something about the 1% increase in reported rapes? You never responded to that though, for some reason.

Could you post your sources for your statistics, the firm '20% reported in Sweden' and your highly variable '5-10% reported in UK'.

Not wanting kids to get groped is now bait

You really are a terrible person.

I want kids to get groped, am I not allowed to be bait?

Those migrants were just grabbin' em by the pussy, what's the big deal?

what's the big deal?

They're not famous enough. You have to have at least one ghostwritten book in order to treat the ladies like bowling balls. Them are the rules.

I mean if the POTUS can do it why not refugees?

/u/JournalistInSweden you're human filth.

you're not even filth, much less human

A lot of people in that thread about to banned for wrongthink.

Sick triple post my dude

gotta redpill somehow

They should reconsider their problematic opinions

Care to explain why you think sexual assault is okay /u/barry_scotts_cat?


Don't pretend you aren't one of many trying to downplay the constant incidents like this one.

What are you on about?

hes upset that you're not frothing at the mouth about brown people

Or maybe he thinks it's a problem that women are getting raped and it's being downplayed and outright ignored by many in the media.

And that's not a racist opinion to have, because I would say the same regardless of the race of the rapists.

feel like thats a big claim to make without any stats.

Or maybe he thinks it's a problem that women are getting raped and it's being downplayed and outright ignored by many in the media.

I never knew about rapes in Sweden before the immigrants came over. I highly doubt it was because the Swedes weren't raping, it's part of their Viking culture and all.

Why are you allowing yourself to be cucked by rapefugees?

Why do you keep white knighting rapefugees?

hes a far left loony you won't get reason from him

Right and you totally aren't a racist piece of shit, take your agenda posting elsewhere .

I think what is happening is that there are too many white males in Sweden, so the refugees feel like they have to rape to have sex because of the unfortunate, poverty stricken circumstances. The answer is, and always will be, mayocide.

seeing american and british /pol/yps discussing sweden is tragically funny

What we need to see is rape crimes by gender profile. Hell of a lot of anecdotal evidence out of Sweden laying the blame on newcomers from the male gender. Yet I don't think the authorities collect this sort of data.

Funny enough, u/Thyrotoxic, I think limiting refugees to women, young children and the elderly would be an amenable solution to the refugee crisis.

How are we going to mayocide without brown men though?

I was thinking the women could suffice, but that would take too long. Fuck, you're right.

it works for Canada.

No really, I think that's their policy.

Oh yay, more agenda posting.

There's a post in /r/bestof about this too.


It's pretty much exactly what you would expect.

The crimes in question at the music festival were mere touching and the like. Not actual 'rapes'. The same type of thing that happens at every music festival.

/u/JournalistInSweden Yes yes, just brush under the rug, groping is a completely normal occurrence in Swedish musical festivals. Whoever was groped needs to get over it, its not like you were actually raped!

The crimes in question at the music festival were mere touching and the like. Not actual 'rapes'. The same type of thing that happens at every music festival.

Jesus Christ the guy that wrote this is an actual piece of shit, "Groping totally isn't rape guyyyyyys!". /u/JournalistInSweden