MyTheatre Survey
35 2017-03-22 by HanBearSolo
Hey Reddit. My friends and I are working on an app to help with your or other peeps (cringe xD) drama capabilities. It would really help if you did this survey and it will surely help us with our feature app development.
The link is here. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )
n/a SnapshillBot 2017-03-22
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n/a Fartkin 2017-03-22
You are adorable thank you
n/a Wordshark 2017-03-22
What a sweetheart
n/a satanismyhomeboy 2017-03-22
I'd gild this post if I didn't need every last penny I have to feed my crippling alcoholism
n/a Stuntman119 2017-03-22
I'd gild this post if I had a job
n/a Fat_Dumb_Americans 2017-03-22
I'd get a job if it wasn't for my crippling alcoholism
n/a Delicateplace 2017-03-22
I got a second job to fund my alcoholism
n/a Meterus 2017-03-22
I'd get crippling alcoholism if I needed every last penny to gild this post.
n/a TheFinalArgument1488 2017-03-22
i'd gild this post if i wasn't a jew
n/a subpoutine 2017-03-22
It'd really be a shame if people used your form to advocate #Mayocide2017
n/a Condi_Rice 2017-03-22
filling out a form ironically? you truly are a #madlad
n/a subpoutine 2017-03-22
no u
n/a tilmoph 2017-03-22
It would be a shame, since they should be using it to advocate for more bussy posting.
n/a Works_of_memercy 2017-03-22
Those goals are so compatible that they are almost interchangeable by now, though.
n/a neutralvoter 2017-03-22
lol main questions: do you have trouble? will an app help? Good questions, well done, I see you've put your marketing degree to real use.