r/occult flips out when a shrine for Kek is x-posted from r/T_D

20  2017-03-22 by [deleted]



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People treating Kek like a real cult

That is fucking stupid. But I don't think it's too stupid for /r/Occult.

People take memes seriously. There was someone on /r/anarchism who wanted to discuss anti-chaos magick measures when Trump was elected.

Oh, Lord. Do you have a link to that?

Lol wasn't religion the opium of the masses? Or is magick some other power?

thats marxists not anarchists

Same autism just a different brand

Anarchists are worse.

Leftists are worried about 8chan sorcerers. Leftists are so stupid Jesus Christ.

I don't like Trump and I don't believe in magic but I'm subbed to r/occult and r/the_donald because some of the insanity that comes from those subs is hilarious. I can't even tell who's serious and who isn't...on either sub!!

Legit though some of these people might be mentally ill.

Nah the niggas who believe in a frog god who feeds on feeds on the power of memes are completely sane

I really can't tell if any of them are serious. I hope that they aren't, but who knows. Once you weaponize autism anything is possible.

Oh, Lord. You have a link to that?

/u/ultrashitpost going in deep undercover.

i blend in smoothly

thats it im quiting this retarded website.Cya

even when deleting you still need attention

Who was it? Was it anyone?


They'll be back

Look at them all, flipping out and everything.

/u/shredler how long have you been trolling the occult?

A couple months. Another user in this thread summed it up pretty well with their comment:

"I don't like Trump and I don't believe in magic but I'm subbed to r/occult and r/the_donald because some of the insanity that comes from those subs is hilarious. I can't even tell who's serious and who isn't...on either sub!! Legit though some of these people might be mentally ill." - /u/AmericaTheHero1337

People in r/occult are some of the most disconnected from reality I've ever come across. I like questioning them on the logic behind their insanity, and I wouldn't necessarily call everything I've done in there trolling. But the most recent conversation in the thread about the kek shrine was astoundingly stupid so I couldn't help but be a little mean.

I enjoyed you summoning Harry Potter. I'm sure it was great to see him cast his patronus in person.

Occultist (and regular poster on /r/occult myself) here but I would have to say I agree.