BREAKING NEWS: Research confirms that /r/drama is Southpark Neutral and SRD is literally SRS/circlebroke/ETS/bestofoutrageculture!

146  2017-03-23 by snallygaster




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I believe this because I agree but where did you get these scientific sources?

I believe this because I agree but where did you get these scientific sources?

that is where all thoughts should end, friend

Keeps me happy this way.

Here's the article. The best part is that the cluster that SRD, CB, ETS, etc. are in is the tightest of any other in the chart from what I saw, which means that there's hardly a difference between them.

Dope. Thanks!

oh! it's from this analysis. sweet!

there's currently an argument raging in the dickgirls modmail about it

pls screencap it for those of us without access

it's kinda just your standard insufferably smug v. intolerably dumb political slapfight

i'll do it when it dies down later

Hey riemann, can you add me back to dg?

/r/warhammer and /r/warhammer40k are almost exactly the same

Shills confirmed!

Yeah! /r/40klore forever, cunts!

i'd like to see /r/bitcoin v /r/btc because they hate each other.

I'm totally unsurprised to hear that. Frankly u guys should mod some contrarian user on the sub with oodles of High T Charisma to can the SRDines

Sounds neat, who do you have in mind?

oodles of High T Charisma

oodles of High T



I think it's clear what he had in mind.

arf arf

fuck that fag

in the ass

I AMA High T Charismatic Male AMAA


How's life buddy, glad to see you posting right now!

Life is so good it's unfair to other people that I get it to live it. Sadly I stay fairly busy so I post less now.

I was already a mod though.

I'd like to know how /r/badlegaladvice ended up so close to all the anarcho-commie subs like /r/anarchism, /r/socialism, /r/LateStageCapitalism, /r/FULLCOMMUNISM and /r/badlinguistics.

the badx subs tend to have lots of communist/anarchist people.

All except /r/badeconomics.

The irony!

/r/legaladvice is already a shitposting sub so the only people who hang out in /r/badlegaladvice are the smug college freshmen who flit around the other "bad" subs

i was amused to see /r/legaladvice pop up in the middle of /r/popping, /r/fatpeoplestories, and /r/BDSMcommunity. honestly that seems about right

None of those people have a job.

I for one am shocked, SHOCKED!

If our mods weren't giant mayo pussies this would be a lefty sub in no time.

Thank god the mods are giant mayo pussies

  • liberal

im a liberal but i disagree with them on some issues guys accept me

redpill me on k-means clustering

what are these axes even? is it saying /r/drama is right in the middle between /r/undelete and /r/subredditdrama?

yeah, it's a little unclear what this analysis is saying since i'm not sure what the observations are

but yes, without any details at all, i am prepared to say decisively that this means drama is directly in between those two dumpster fires

Does this mean we are the true South Park Neutrals sempai

no, kys you filthy liberal capitalist

Only when u starve to death first, red

can you imagine being an unironic capitalist and still being a povvo?

what a life

temporarily embarrassed millionaires and all that

Truly shameful. How does /u/zachums deal with it?

With lots of delicious IPAs.


Are they even hazy though?

I ain't no bitch.

drugs are bad mmkay

Rie is your sempai now?


You're my sensei Oxus-sensei

Honestly /r/drama's average user is probably pretty close to South Park Neutral but that's only because the distribution of opinions here is wildly spread out in all directions, and probably no one user in particular is actually South Park Neutral.

I am.

right, aren't you one of the people who constantly calls themselves a National Security Expert or some shit

It's called education and experience while dipshits like you argue about things you know nothing about. I find it amusing.

hahahahaha what a dork

"I have personally wiretapped presidents while you were still in diapers, maggot!"

hahahahaha what a dork.

"I have personally inseminated you while you were still in diapers, maggot!"

He has no political education to speak of and zero real world experience. But he argues about it as if he's not an adult anarchist. It's quite qt

lol. What have you done ever other than sperg out on this board?

I'm glad you just conceded you don't know about the shit you argue about. Was it as cathartic as it looked

This is reddit, education and experience in topics you're talking about aren't necessary, just strong anarchist feelings.

Honestly /r/drama's average user is probably pretty close to South Park Neutral

More like American Dad IMHO

A surprisingly hip-hop and 90s R&B loving show

One of the best use of hip-hop in cartoons has got to be the record-smashing scene out of Family Guy

I hate all commies, marxists, anarchists, socialists, authoritarians, nazis and fascists equally. What does that make me.

A good person

someone who loves pretending they are superior to others without having to actually think about stuff

So much irony here

It was a good method to prove similarity though

Which confirms what everyone already thought though

It was a good method to prove similarity though

i agree! /u/shorttails did a really good job. great stuff! very fun to read. i'd love to see similar analyses on reddit, or other social media!

Which confirms what everyone already thought though

yeah, it's interesting to see the degree of it, and some cool things came out of it!

like i saw one guy who subtracted /r/streetwear from /r/malefashionadvice and it yielded a bunch of more adult subs. literally filtered the kids, lol

The clustering in that image is from t-SNE clustering. Generally, points that are closer together are more similar and they are arranged to embed the maximum amount of information in the 2D space.

thanks dude!

i think it's really awesome how you've been all over reddit today, helping people engage with your analysis. super cool stuff!

any ideas of what you'll be looking into next?

No problem, next I think I'll be looking into doing some more network analysis type stuff with the data.

you reached out to T_D mods for comments, but didn't bother to reach out to anyone from r/4chan, which was also on the list at number 5?


It’s a chart, so all I know is that it’s an authoritative source of information.


There's an explanation of the methods in the article. They did a semantic analysis to determine how similar the content is between subs. The axes are there because the points are plotted spatially by how similar they are to each other.

Truly we are middle-of-the-road, or at least have a balance of two extremes.

Yea, i asked the author of the article in his ama about whether we can reasonably use this to describe whether subs are homogeneous, polar, or heterogeneous.

I don't see why not, though.

Semantic analysis? Sounds like Jewery to me.

I'm an anti-semantic

In its most general sense k-means clustering is just a way of grouping different sets of means into different clusters. The way to interpret that graph is that Drama is not really close to any of the other subs listed. It gets grouped into one cluster but arguably doesn't really fit in.

The real question here is what exactly the means are. I think that answer is substantially more complex.

You're not necessarily grouping means, although you could. The 'means' part of k Means refers to minimizing within cluster distance from cluster means as a criterion for cluster assignment. In this particular case I also believe that the axes are different latent dimensions onto which sets of variables were mapped.

Ahhh my bad, thanks for the clarification. So it's the cluster means you're working with, and minimizing the residuals just like you would in a regression. that I'm writing it makes sense since the individual items won't actually have a mean since they only have a single measurement.

Yep, you got it. You're minimizing within cluster variation and maximizing between cluster variation.

i'm really concerned that nothing in this post mentioned the eternal righteousness of our prophet muhammad or the inevitable and just destruction of the white race

are you feeling okay? have you been mixing pills and liquor again?

I think the problem is that I stopped mixing pills and liquor.

whatever it is, fix it

It's baby's first clustering algorithm.

I've never taken a machine learning class so I don't actually know what that means. Is it a way of grouping things based on a similarity score or something?


k-means clustering is a method of vector quantization, originally from signal processing, that is popular for cluster analysis in data mining. k-means clustering aims to partition n observations into k clusters in which each observation belongs to the cluster with the nearest mean, serving as a prototype of the cluster. This results in a partitioning of the data space into Voronoi cells.

No look, it's simple. Take a feature vector with d features. Each of those features gives you a way to project that feature onto a line, right, 2 features lets you project it onto a plane, etc. So if you take say, these 3 feature vectors:

x1 x2
a 1 1
b 0 1
c 1 0

Then project it onto x1, it looks like this


Then you have 2 clusters, (b) and (a, c).

Or onto x2:


Again 2 clusters, (c) and (a, b)

or onto (x1,x2):

1|b          a
  0           1

With 3 clusters, (a), (b), (c).

Imagine that, but in d dimensional space and continuous, and that's clustering.

Disclaimer, I'm pretty stoned.


GOOD post snally

but what are even the observations here tho

That we have a good balance of autism

No, we just have a diversity of autism.

It's just a semantic analysis

Ur a semantic analysis

wow rude!

Way to be anti-semantic

The science is sound: were just bad people

Is this from the 538 thing? People are getting salty about that article all over right now. I actually really like the result that Drama is fairly orthogonal, that seems correct to me.

That article, holy crap.

What happens when you break r/The_Donald up into subgroups using subreddit subtraction? What happens when you add unrelated subreddits to r/The_Donald?

Well in both cases you come up with 50,322 combinations you can cherrypick from to make them look however you want. I wonder what the rest of the article looks like?

What happens when you filter out commenters’ general interest in politics? To figure that out, we can subtract r/politics from r/The_Donald

Yes, subscribing to /r/politics is an indication of general interest in politics, not an indication of rabid left wing nutjobbery. Holy shit this is terrible. Oh noes they're gamergators!

Edit: Illuminati confirmed.

Lol is that last graph from that article? A lot of the graphs wouldn't load on my phone. I thought it was an interesting piece but that mixture graph is just silly.

Makes a bit more sense with actual data in it. If they have a proper model that works with the data in that kind of way then there's nothing wrong with using that kind of graph. That said I don't think you can do that kind of model with that data. Ternary graphs have, as a fundamental assumption, mutual exclusivity. If you add more of 1 then you have to take it from somewhere else. So like in a mixture of I add 5% more vodka I have to remove some cranberry juice and heroin to give space for that in the drink. I don't know if this kind of data works in that way.

Could be he's breaking down the vector components and saying that for a given vector some percentage of it is dominated by 1 of these three orthogonal(ish) vectors that defines the sample space, but the idea that the sample space can be determined by these three alone is a bit unlikely, and if there are other variables at play then a ternary graph won't work because they aren't summed to a set constant.

It's a shame though because the message he's trying to convey with that graph is very clear in the data he presents. The subs closest to The_Donald in that graph are clearly highly linked to The_Donald based on his linguistic vector analysis. Sometimes the desire to give the dum dums out there a visual cue can lead you into questionable graph choices.

I read that bottom to top and lost my shit when it listed the_Donald similar subs

subscribing to /r/politics is an indication of general interest in politics, not an indication of rabid left wing nutjobbery

If you think /r/politics is "rabid left wing nutjobbery", you don't know shit. They are mostly milquetoast liberals, and many are unironic smug clintonites.

Thanks for the laugh nutjob.

Hey, you're the one who thinks clintonites are literal communists, cretin.

How's those underground tunnels to a basement of a building that doesn't have a basement look like?

"At least they're not communists" is hardly a rebuttal seeing as many are.

Nah, don't try anything, I'm not letting you get away with that.

Then why the fuck do you mod the shithole that is /r/subredditdrama?

I like SRD, for all its faults. It's not bad if you avoid the surplus threads, and it's great for getting into high-effort arguments if you're in the mood.

Can you add the badX subs, the political ones, and the meta ones?

I already know where everything is going to fall but it will be fun!

The whole analysis is here. I'm not sure where the badx subs fall on the map, somewhere outside of the metasphere cluster and possibly spread around.

I like SRD, for all its faults.


you're not wrong about me, but defending srdines is basically a war crime

Only tryhard spastics fail to recognize that SRD is usually pretty good.

If I wasn't a tryhard spastic, I wouldn't be regularly posting in a sub that has a majority of commenters telling each other to kill themselves.

I like SRD, for all its faults.


Jesus, this isn't even wrong or hyperbole. We really are the South Park Neutrals.

Time to kill ourselves.

Do it first and we'll follow.

k i'll post image of my corpse with timestamp but you have to do it afterwards or i'll be mad and reeee at satan or something about it

That sounds fair.

While we're talking about important things, today is Kevin's 1st birthday. Here's a comparison shot from when we first got him.

Now this is the quality content I come to drama for. Thanks Zachums, don't let him eat too much cake.

This is why I come to r/drama for all my current affairs. I don't know how FAKE NEWS msm doesn't get called out for not reporting on Kevin's birthday tbqhwyf.

Of all the dogs you could have picked you choose a shit faced Pug. Put him to sleep and get a Huskie.

Looks like he came to you as a happy and innocent little puppy, but reading /r/drama modmail has left a permanent frown on his face.

There are many casualties when modding this subreddit, unfortunately.

Thanks gom!

That's cute as fuck.

Such a cute dog doesn't deserve such a terrible owner. The universe is too cruel sometimes.

I treat him better than I do myself, honestly.

I was talking about you personally tbqhwyf, not your treatment of Kevin. Btw when are you gonna kys

When you say "terrible owner" it implies that I'm treating him poorly. l2engrish

And I would never want to deprive the world of my greatness, so probably never.

Don't get snippy with me

4 / 10 pugs. Has he yet begun with the annoying pug breathing?

happy birthday kevin

I'll let him know, thanks snall pal.



tbh, super drunk and single me totally would

Is that a new care bear?

Your dog is cute and you should tell him he's cute.

I'll let him know, thanks Luke!


SRD mods were a mistake.

Drama mods are great though.

Mod both? You must be an enlightened Angel.

So, do you guys just make snally do everything over there too?

Also, modding me is the only way to fix SRD.

enlightened angel

Spastic retard.

Without Prince we would probably be stormfront tbh.

There's a decent amount of stealth reds in this sub.

We need helicopters?

what do you mean stealth you nondialectical shit?

Spreading class conscience one shitpost at a time

Nobody ever asked me my opinion.

Did you guys get a survey or something?

It was done using a semantic analysis of the comments in each subreddit, so nobody was asked but everyone took part. Well, everyone whose comments got sampled.

I'd like to sample your bussy.

do girls have bussy


Yes, feminine bussy is a thing.


But....... Sarcasm though.

Like, you're commenting here ironically, and wouldn't do that for real ever? The act of commenting? Because that's the only thing it uses, not the contents.

I believe that they were mapping based on user ID, not the content of comments.

Oh, you're probably right. I just skimmed the methods section.



Awwwww :(

No /r/menslib? Or are they actually on the smug end of the spectrum?

We're mostly smug, with a handful of miserable people and a smattering of everyone else.

I've argued with /u/Ciceros_Assassin and /u/Dewey_Darl several times about how the philosophy of MensLib is shit and this proves it.

That shouldn't be surprising at all, Menslib was created specifically as an alternative to the men's rights sub since they didn't like that sub

jesus christ that made me laugh

Where's this from? Link plz

Men go their own way down that dark path


Imagine being into trannies when you could be into this


Arent you cucking yourself in Jamaica? Or is that the other rightie mayo?

I think you got the wrong number, shawty.

Ah so this is what a circle jerk looks like on paper

and 4chan is literally a 50/50 split between fascists and libertarians.

funny how the non-pc areas of the internet are the most diverse.

pedos are diverse


it's why 4chan stopped that pizzagate investigation

libertards and fascists


Author of the article (and that visualization tool) here, happy to answer any questions!

How many people have accused you of being a cuck today?

This is some cool stuff! I have a couple of questions:

  • why did you choose the metric you used to gauge similarity? how accurate do you think it is in terms of representing the actual similarity between the subs in terms of content and culture?

  • were any of the results surprising to you?


  • It's been shown in the academic literature to be a good similarity metric for a lot of diverse applications.

  • Overall it's just surprising that the simple strategy we use works as well as it did.

To me it was especially amazing that such a simple strategy was able to key in on the true central role that the divine feminine plays in Christianity.

r/KotakuInAction is Reddit’s main home for the misogynistic Gamergate movement.

Are you really that brain damaged?

user reports:
1: Angry manchild detected


So he's not actually answering questions... he's just making snarky anonymous reports.

Good to know.

So he's not actually answering questions... he's just making snarky anonymous reports.

Good to know.

are you really that brain damaged?

That quote is completely accurate.

It looks like pandering to angry immature people to me.

Yes, r/KotakuInAction is that too.

Alright, you're just trolling.

Dead serious, chucklefuck.

Man it must hurt to lack that much self awareness

>tfw its not just about video games

Are you a cuck? I'm asking for some people I know.

Why wont you take sock accounts into account? Do you not realise how large of an effect it can have on literally your entire article?

Also why do you think /r/politics is neutral?

Which users do we most need to remove from r/drama? We all know it's the SRDines, but who else?

How old is the data? Will you make a new study a year or so from now and show how demographics have changed?


This is the interesting bit:

r/subredditdrama - r/drama:

  1. r/GamerGhazi 0.289669294031052
  2. r/ShitRedditSays 0.275584246972328
  3. r/badhistory 0.270454356771622
  4. r/circlebroke 0.262324489741099
  5. r/HateSubsInAction 0.25495807224974
  6. r/SRSDiscussion 0.246541813474176
  7. r/AFattyAteMyBaby 0.237132163850669
  8. r/GoldenRace 0.237132163850669
  9. r/redikop 0.237132163850669
  10. r/watchers13gathering 0.237132163850669

r/drama - r/subredditdrama

  1. r/sjwhate 0.400948832431915
  2. r/OffensiveSpeech 0.382629446227591
  3. r/SocialJusticeInAction 0.376534814746881
  4. r/PussyPass 0.356264558487742
  5. r/WhiteRights 0.349486505338641
  6. r/pussypassdenied 0.339752017093964
  7. r/whiteknighting 0.332408978114051
  8. r/subredditcancer 0.319208069983525
  9. r/CoonTown 0.318460874875004
  10. r/AntiPOZi 0.318298821804242

hahahaha my fucking god, lunatics on both sides

r/watchers13gathering 0.237132163850669

what is this?

Wait a second, you take out r/drama and you get more r/goldenrace? WTF you guys are slacking on that mayocide.

Also jesus christ that's just a list of pure cancer.

goddamn the south park neutrality. it's even worse than I thought. Everyone here needs to be summarily executed.

Man, who would have thought cancer minus cancer is cancer squared

Fix your fucking sub, /u/TakeItToRCircleJerk!

I wonder how this squares with that old data bit that said that srd was one of the most toxic places on reddit, surely drama can do better with the obnoxious user pinging and intense relationship with various amateur porn proprietors and alt lite darlings.

Oh my god label your damn axis' snally what the hell?!

horizontal one is Germany, vertical one is Japan

Drama - The_Donald... god dammit.

  1. SubredditDrama
  2. BestOfOutrageCulture
  3. TopMindsOfReddit
  4. circlebroke2
  5. circlebroke
  6. Negareddit
  7. worstof
  8. AgainstHateSubreddits
  9. PanicHistory
  10. SubredditDramaDrama


I decided to search three subs I like a lot from entirely different parts of reddit. Spookily accurate.

Reddit Horoscopes when?