HWNDU Season 4:[Liver]pool's closed.

69  2017-03-23 by InsectThinker

So Shia moved his flag across the Atlantic ocean to keep it safe from the weaponized autism of 4chan, placing it on the rooftop of an art gallery. A day later it has been taken down on police advice due to constant trespass attempts:


Here is the flag in situ:


And here it is, some time later, gone:


Here's the owner of the HWNDU facebook page insisting the trolls didn't win shortly before he shuts it down:




Remember guys, liberals are the real winners™

I think some of these people have crossed the line from liberal to hippy.

Not gonna lie, that was less funnier that the first time. Hope flag's location change. Like somalia, mogadishu.

Put it in North Korea. Now THAT would be a challenge.

If I was Shia.

Would be a nice trip to take it down.

He should put it on top of Kaaba, or inside even. Nominative determinism!

That sounds like the premise of an intriguing reality show.

Shia should put it in his own house. That would be glorious

If only they had something productive to do during the day. Think of how their beautiful spirits could boost productivity by 2 or even 3 percent.

The power of the kek!


Since literally every fucking time this comes up it gets said, I'll say it.

Weaponized autism.

This one was a lot weaker on Shias part, though. He just stuck it in the middle of a major first world city, didn't even try and hide where it was. It could've been located and stolen with regular autism.

Come on, Shia, stick it in Khartoum or something.

I think the organization that owns the building had even tweeted an announcement that the HWNDU flag was flying there. It's almost as if they didn't realize that it would be a target even if it wasn't in the United States.

They did, /pol/ was way off still looking for it in the US. Clearly they expected the height and security would keep it safe. I'm really disappointed however no one tried a flamethrower drone...

It's actually like an international game of capture the flag or a scavenger hunt at this point. And we're all playing together.

Perhaps...he did not divide us?

I'm sure that will be the narrative when this is all over... he was playing d20 Candyland with us the whole time.

Like, assaulting motherfuckers and getting arrested is a bit over the top. So I kinda feel like the situation could be that Shia thinks it's a sincere anti-Trump art project - but recall the project is by "LaBeouf Ronkko & Turner" - Shia is Ronkko & Turner's art project, and they are the masterminds behind the game.

The only way this will be settled is if Shia and trump sit down to a live checkers match (chess is too complex for donny) cohosted by fox news and msnbc.

How about connect 4.

Perhaps he united us?


What part of the heist were you involved in?

And we're all playing


we give up but they totally didnt win guys we just didnt want it up anymore

Mirror's Edge expansion level when?