t y p i n g l i k e t h i s m a k e s w h a t e v e r y o u a r e s a y i n g d i f f i c u l t t o r e a d d o n t y o u k n o w w h y w o u l d y o u e v e r d o i t f u c k
can i ask bisexuals if they would have a threesome without me while i masturbate and cry in the same room as they're having sex and talk about how im a piece of shit while having sex?
Thats the entire point of bisexuals though. I'm not even trying to be dramatic or ironic, its a supplemental sexuality by nature. The whole appeal of bisexual girls is that, if you can get two that you've hooked up with in the same room, you might have a threeway. And not a "Lets save our relationship/its our ten years anniversary/pleasepleaseplease this is my fantasy" threeway but just one that comes together without a weird relationship dynamic or planning. (Did you ever notice that people who can't shut up about how kinky and sexually adventurous they are always yammer on about planning even though its the least sexy activity known to man?)
n/a SnapshillBot 2017-03-23
Providing a Safe Space™ from SRD since 2009!
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n/a hoponthathighhorse 2017-03-23
t y p i n g l i k e t h i s m a k e s w h a t e v e r y o u a r e s a y i n g d i f f i c u l t t o r e a d d o n t y o u k n o w w h y w o u l d y o u e v e r d o i t f u c k
n/a LadyVetinari 2017-03-23
a e s t h e t i c s
n/a BrotherToaster 2017-03-23
s u c c
n/a mmzznnxx 2017-03-23
Report her for advocating rape.
n/a niggerpenis 2017-03-23
n/a thank_mr_skeltal_bot 2017-03-23
🎺 🎺*
n/a Nerdlinger 2017-03-23
Man… poor bisexuals wondering why they can't get in on any hot threesome action.
n/a shitsfuckedupalot 2017-03-23
Fuckin trunk people
n/a DuckHuntHotDog 2017-03-23
can i ask bisexuals if they would have a threesome without me while i masturbate and cry in the same room as they're having sex and talk about how im a piece of shit while having sex?
asking for a friend
n/a ieatpussy69 2017-03-23
Don't ask bisexuals if they would have a threesome with you unless you're actually down for it
n/a JumbledFun 2017-03-23
Why can't you ask bisexuals to have a threesome with you? They love that shit
n/a DoctorFahrenheit 2017-03-23
Thats the entire point of bisexuals though. I'm not even trying to be dramatic or ironic, its a supplemental sexuality by nature. The whole appeal of bisexual girls is that, if you can get two that you've hooked up with in the same room, you might have a threeway. And not a "Lets save our relationship/its our ten years anniversary/pleasepleaseplease this is my fantasy" threeway but just one that comes together without a weird relationship dynamic or planning. (Did you ever notice that people who can't shut up about how kinky and sexually adventurous they are always yammer on about planning even though its the least sexy activity known to man?)
n/a Works_of_memercy 2017-03-23
Speak for yourself ;-)
n/a ur_mom_IoI 2017-03-23
lmao two girls in a room and you think they'd be interested in you
n/a DoctorFahrenheit 2017-03-23
We're talking about two girls that have already slept with me. Once you hit bottom, you can't get any lower no matter what you do.