sharpies cry about not yet having complete control of /r/metanarchism (unilateral bans? sure BUT ONLY IF WE'RE MAKING THEM!!!)

12  2017-03-23 by borcapopelliad


No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


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Not so fun when it's turned on you is it?

/u/KropotkinZombie have you thought of doing something with your life aside from weird power struggles on obscure web forums? Maybe join the military, they'd make a man out of you.

Well, Army or Marines, anyway. You strike me as an Air Force fellow.


I don't think /u/KropotkinZombie is dryer safe.

/u/KropotkinZombie you need to get some serious help. It's fucking disgusting that you continue your perverted crusade to groom wayward teenagers to have sex with you. You're supposedly in your 30's yet you spend your days striving to look cool to a bunch of idiot highschoolers. Everyone was so relieved when you first deleted your account as it was one less pedo scum on this site but alas you're back. So please for the good of the children stick your head under a truck tire

/u/kropotkinzombie, antagonising the army is not the way to spread the revolution, comrade

what the fuck is jacketing? snitchjacketing, copjacketing, whatever