Man busted by feds allegedly detailed drug operation in Reddit 'fan fiction'

66  2017-03-23 by snallygaster


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I was going to make a post on this. This retard gave too much opsec information in the "story" threads, like using gloves to drop large number of packages and other super specific details. Here are the threads if they're not linked in the article:

Imagine if Osama did something like this

too bad he was arrested.. good writing

Another victim of the arts :(

Why the fuck would he post that on darknetmarkets??? Those people are looking how to buy drugs over the internet, not read shitty fanfic. Jeez

Wait, this wasn't in some other unrelated fanfic sub? What the everloving fuck?

that brings me back to when I used to browse totse and those idiots would always precede with "So I'm writing a story about making meth and I was just wondering..." or some shit as if it would give them immunity.

"Some one Who isn't Me would do this ...."

God I hate SWIM

Plus he doesnt think the DEA is watching that sub? Holy shit.

Federal investigators say that because Okparaeke didn't clear his search history, they found he had posted on Reddit

o i am laffin

how do you "pore over every meticulous detail" but forget to use a secure browser? smdh

Can't wait for his Oz fan fic.


"Just when you thought a butthole couldn't get any wider..."

"There was truly no way for the police to bust him"

o ok

No, really.

Oh wait

fentanyl analogues

If you have to write drug-selling fanfiction that closely mirrors your own experiences, make sure you're not dealing synthetic smack. That's about as high up on the feds' shitlist as you can get.

exactly. Any fent related bust is a win for them.....i mean its a win regardless because that shit is killing people every day but whatever.

Criminals talk. You just have to find the people they talked to.

Lol I love this state

As a black male

He's not really black is he?

His name sounds p Nigerian

I was thinking Pacific islander but you might be right. some africans are black af

I used to work with a guy from gabon and he was suuuuuuper black, like charcoal was kinda funny cause he would always talk shit about black people (african-americans) in his heavy french accent. he was a cool guy tho

some africans are black af

Big if true.

How do I get in on this "raped by a female probation officer" deal. Preferably without dealing drugs and doing time beforehand.

I'd post the publically available "official" links, but then I'll have /u/Velvet_Llama and /u/phedre whining about """doxing""" and how the admins would ban /r/drama for linking to websites anyone can access. The probation officer is just a few google searches away if you fancy that.

Hi, is this officer XYZ? Yeah, so I read a story online, how do you feel about some rape-play in uniform?

Don't drag me into your hemisphere of shit.

Their story is that they caught him because

several postal workers saw a "suspicious person" wearing latex-dipped gloves leave several packages in a bin outside the building. Authorities were able to determine Okparaeke was similarly shipping packages from other nearby locations and using a fake return address, the complaint states.

I kind of think that has to be a load of bullshit. They thought he was suspicious because he was dropping packages off? And how does that progress, they pull the packages out on a whim and start running the addresses? I wonder what actually happened. Maybe there's some new exploit and we're going to see a bunch of these guys arrested.

No they thought he was suspicious cause he's black.

Yah, that sounds about right...

And he didnt get shot? Shoddy policework

They thought he was suspicious because he was dropping packages off? And how does that progress, they pull the packages out on a whim and start running the addresses? I wonder what actually happened.

The key is the latex gloves, who wears latex gloves going to the post office? And of course they will be getting the packages out of the bin, that's their job as postal workers isn't it? I'd say it's totally plausible that's what happened

They describe them as "latex dipped gloves" which I assume means those work gloves that are dipped in latex. It's New Jersey. It's cold as balls and everyone wears gloves. I don't see how that's suspicious and even if it was, was it enough to pull his packages out and start tracking the addresses? I just don't see how you get from A to B. They probably were tipped off. Either from another law enforcement agency or from someone that knew him.

Fair enough, I was imagining more conspicuous gloves but yea they wouldn't necessarily be suspicious. I just imagine someone dumb enough to write fanfiction of his own illegal exploits could be dumb enough to botch simple dropping off packages and do it in a way that looks suspicious

There was truly no way for the police to bust him. He was too careful. Not a detail wasn't pondered. He drove over an hour from his apartment to drop packages. He always used stamps to do his mailing so there was no connection between him and the packages. He never did deals off the site. He always used gloves to handle packages so he never left prints. He didn't tie his darknet persona to his real persona in any way, shape or form. He had read countless criminal complaints to know all the screw-ups vendors made and he took every step to avoid them."

M'Drug Dealer.

While you were shitposting in /r/drama, I was studying the drug trade....

I ain't runnin' game on you. I would eat muh' gat before I snitched on you."


"There was something familiar about the hand writing. It clicked when I found an old letter you wrote to me when I was locked up in Bloomfield and the hand writing was as exact. Your writing is the same as well. You are always so uppity when you type. I had the suspicion for a while so I hired my boy Malik to tail you and he told me you were dropping packages all over the place when you had a post office literally on the same city block."


Jerome's dialog is all over the place.