Nerds fight over what a Trident is, http://aquaman.wikia is linked

9  2017-03-24 by Imgur_Lurker ( Open in new tab)

No it bloody isn't. a trident has 3 prongs, as the name suggests. Some nerd in his mother's basement isn't changing that.


At least they went for a bearded, masculine Aquaman instead of the clean-shaven, Aryan dandy look.

Too bad Iron fist is white imaright.

You ever try swimming with a beard? Tons of drag.


It's now a pendant

wow, good post. tons of drama

You know if Iron Fist is worth watching? I like the guy who plays... Ward in it but i'm not sure if it's worth watching.

Like you've seen that clip with 60jumpcuts in 60seconds in IF

I heard that other marvel mutant show is way better so maybe i'll just watch that.

idk, havent seen it yet but i hear its pretty bad.

i like daredevil and the flash, luke cage and jessica jones was ok

Yea that's how I feel, Daredevil 2 was great besides the retarded Ninja stuff, Luck Cage and JJ were ok

I really liked him in Banshee but he was playing a super complicated character that showed off a ton of emotional range and scenes to make him look cool.

I think i'm gonna watch that Marvel's Inhumans even though it's on ABC

Legion is supposedly very good, im waiting until i can binge season 1

It is. Aubrey Plaza pretty much steals every scene she's in. This most recent episode (7) was probably the best thing I've watched on TV in a long time.