I still hate myself for being white and I'm just as insane as ever! Ama

5  2017-03-24 by [deleted]



Why haven't you killed yourself yet? If the answer is "i'm scared" then i'm willing to help.

I've been doing better in college recently. Last semester was the first semester I passed all my classes. This semester I might get all A's. I got an A on my music theory exam.

The white thing really does make me want to kill myself though.

Yeah, i think it might be better to get it over with as soon as possible. Whiteness has no cure, except for death.

I actually feel the same way.

I read this article about Rachel Dolezal this morning and this bitch was talking about how white people just need to accept theyre white and can't become non-white. So, really the only solution is death.

I bet if you could ask people of color if they could press a button so whites no longer exist they'd say yes, so killing yourself is good.

So why not kill yourself? It's really easy to just jump from a building.

And don't try to "OD" on meds like some fucking woman.

Doesn't that line of reasoning really just serve to reify the concept of race itself?

I mean, I guess, but like race is real as a social construct.

Yeah it's not perfect but it applies to most white people in the US.

Lefties are generally not consistent when it comes to race.

The white thing really does make me want to kill myself though.

Why does being a member of the most successful race depress you?

White is right bitch!

Why do you hate being white?

Assuming this isn't a troll, which it probably is.

White people are responsible for basically all the problems in the world and all the horrible things done historically and if you're white you benefit from all those things and it's all your fault. And you should feel bad and hate yourself and nothing about being white is good and it's like a vile disease that can never be cured.

Now this is the kind of mayocide talk I can get behind

post more nudes pls

I mean if she breaks out a fake tan to become transraciall I'm sure you'd help her work out how much she needs to apply

Shaun Kang pls go

What are your thoughts on the mayocide, and will you be contributing?

/u/Zachums fite me in /r/drama not SRD where I'm banned.

There's nothing to fight about, you're just silly.

forget fiting in /r/drama, let's do this IRL baby

Do you have a lot of public hair? Quick follow up: have you ever engaged in sexual conduct while dressed in the manner of some animal, either real or imagined?

I have a lot of weird sexual kinks.

What is "public" hair?

My phone doesn't want me discussing this subject, it was supposed to say pubic not public. So you have?

Girl/male or trap ?