/u/pizzashill really wants you to know about the DHS and FBI's Joint Analysis Report (JAR).

6  2017-03-25 by xjapxn


Promoting anarchofascism for 5 years and counting.


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No, I wanted the person trying to deny Russia hacked the DNC to know about it.

The fact anyone is trying to deny that at this point is just absurd, it's embarrassing. Like it isn't even about the fucking election anymore, why are these people so desperate to avoid admitting Russia hacked the DNC?

It's like the new southern strategy or something, they'll never fucking admit it happened. Putin could go on camera tomorrow and say 'Yes, we hacked the DNC" and they'd claim it was a psyop or Hillary Clinton without her make-up.

Manifort testified today but it wasn't open to the public therefore it didn't happen.

The only good post in there was /u/stoptalkingok . I should have listened to him, what an absolute dumbasses the new crop of /r/drama posters are.

what an absolute dumbasses the new crop of /r/drama posters are.



Pizzashill personally touched me and also asked me if I knew who "Skippy Podesta" was